Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 303: Full moon ceremony

While spending a week or so on Christmas holidays, Ryan received an invitation from Aunt Betty in the Emerald Dream. The letter invited Ryan and Hermione to go to the village of Maren the next night as guests of her son's tree planting ceremony.

"The ceremony held at this time means that we are going out when we want a curfew." She exclaimed when Ryan told Hermione the news.

"Of course, as far as I know, this ceremony of the Ma Ren is to be held in the early hours of the day, which means that we will definitely not be able to come back before the curfew. If you don't want to go, I can go alone, it is no problem."

"Who said I didn't want to go? It is an honour to go to such a ceremony that is not even recorded in the book." Hermione said excitedly. "Furthermore, it's Christmas holiday now, and it's not too big to come back late-what are you looking at me for with this look?"

"This is the first time I saw our Miss Granger willing to violate certain school rules, so I was a little surprised." Lane replied seriously.

At nine o'clock the next night, the two of them quietly slipped out of the castle gate. Then, under Wolf's guidance, he went straight to the village of Maren. Under the moonlight, the snow in the forest reflected the silver-white light, clearly showing everything around it.

The village of Maren is no exception. The river on the edge of the village has been frozen and covered with a layer of snow. The houses in the village were also covered with snow. The tall wooden houses seemed to be piled with a thick layer of cream.

Follow Wolff through the quiet village to the left of the village Aunt Betty's home, where she has been waiting for Ryan. There is a frame with a lot of fur on the side of her horse, and the child is inside.

The horseman's child is much smaller than the foal, and it looks more like a horse-like human baby with a lower body. Aunt Betty ’s husband, Bain, was seriously teasing his son with a string of golden leaves and vines. At this time, Bain looked much cleaner than when he saw him in first grade, and his hair was neatly groomed. Because it was winter, he was still wearing a cape made of a whole bear skin.

"Welcome, welcome." After seeing Ryan and Hermione, Aunt Betty greeted them happily. "Welcome to come to participate in our son's full moon planting ceremony this time, you can first go to the fire in the village center to roast the fire."

Aunt Betty opened the gift that Ryan gave her, and then made a surprised voice: "These arrows are much better than most of our arrows. Only the top arrows that are usually stored in the altar can overcome them. This is really Thank you so much, we really like this gift. "

The arrows are not only made of Valeria steel, Ryan also consumes a lot of materials to give these arrows a variety of very practical magical attributes. As long as you pinch these arrows, you can feel the power contained above.

Bain next to him expressed his love for this gift more obviously after taking these arrows. He directly tied an arrow with rattan and pressed it under the pile of animal skins in the basket, and then put himself Child was put back in the basket.

"If the horse people have a male newborn, then his parents will put the weapon they think is the best under the rattan frame of the newborn, to wish him a good warrior in the future. "Wolf whispered on the side what Bain was doing now.

By this time, Ryan had already sat on the very warm stones roasted by the campfire. Everyone was holding a teacup with some specialty medicinal tea from the forest. Wolfe lay beside them, with a wide-mouthed cup containing the same herbal tea in front of him.

"You can try it, but this is a good thing that only exists on important days, and the horses are usually reluctant to take it out." After talking about Wolf, he put his long plush mouth into the cup and started. Drink it up.

Lian also took a sip when he saw it. The tea contained a clear bitter taste in his mouth, but when it reached the base of the tongue, it became a kind of sweet. Afterwards, it was like a warm warm stream flowing directly down the esophagus into the stomach, warming the whole person. It dispelled the cold that penetrated into the body after running for about an hour in the snow.

The horse people are worthy of nature's darling. After the elves leave the material world, it is estimated that only the horse people can have such a powerful talent in herbal medicine. After observing for a while, Ryan saw more details. For example, the old horseman sitting next to this bonfire occasionally adds branches and leaves to the bonfire, but it is these magical powers that contain very little even the human wizards are not considered as herbs at all. The bonfire was ordered to emit a slight white smoke.

The smoke is fragrant with plants and trees. Everyone who smells can feel that the fatigue on the body is slightly relieved. After discovering that Ryan looked at her, the old man smiled friendlyly at Ryan.

"Child, you are the friend of nature of mankind, thank you for your help this time, otherwise Betty will not fulfill her wish for many years."

"I just realized the part of nature is small by chance." Ryan said modestly, and then he asked; "What do you call it?"

"Lanny, our horsemen are not as complicated as humans, just call me Lanny. I am the witch doctor of this horseman tribe and the grandmother of Bain. I grew up watching them grow up. After Betty was cursed before I have been looking for a solution to the problem, but unfortunately it has not been successful. Fortunately, your help fulfilled their feelings. So, you can come to me after you enter the Emerald Dream, I am willing to share some knowledge about nature and potions with you . "

Ma people are very straightforward, UU reads so they do n’t say some polite words like humans do. For example, the witch doctor of the Maren tribe in front of him clearly told Ryan that she was willing to use her knowledge as a gift to thank Ryan before helping her descendants continue the blood.

"That's too grateful." Ryan gave a heartfelt thanks to this generous old man, but Lannie Witch Doctor didn't think it was important. After all, in the Maren tribe, knowledge is exchanged openly. It is not like a human wizard who cherishes himself and sets numerous barriers to the exchange of knowledge.

After, Ryan had been chatting with the elder for a long time. Her rich experience made Ryan and Hermione gain a lot. And Lannie is also very happy that her juniors are willing to listen to her story when she was young. After all, the Maren tribe is so big. After she explained her story many times, everyone in the tribe knew her well.

For example, as soon as she talked about Wolfe, she took her teacup and went to the other side of the campfire. After seeing it, Lanny Witch Doctor just shook her head, and then told Ryan Wolff in a chat that she would tell Wolfe a story when he was still a wolf. It is estimated that he now looks like the same story. Some are scared.

Time passed quickly in the chat, and suddenly a low horn sound echoed throughout the village. Lanny witch doctor stood up (the difference between the horseman and the horse is that the horseman often rests on his four-legged feet) and shakes his tail to sweep away the dust from the body and said to Ryan and Hermione: "Betty ’s full moon The tree planting ceremony is about to begin, and we need to hurry to the altar right now. "

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