Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 305: Rest time

"Olim told me that her students might want to listen to Hogwarts' magical creature protection class. I think the French don't expect to appreciate those overly strong animals, so I prepared some pretty little guys for them. "Because there was no class next, at the invitation of Hagrid, Ryan and Hermione stayed in Hagrid's hut for tea. Of course, Ryan carefully checked the surroundings with magic to make sure that the pesky beetle wouldn't overhear.

"Thank you for your warning. I have heard from many people that Orim has been very stressed all these years. Some things are really wrong to say." Hagrid put the black tea in the teapot into the cup in front of Lane .

"Olim? Have you and Mrs. Maxim started calling each other by name yet? It seems that your relationship is progressing very quickly." Ryan said after taking a sip of tea.

"I think I need to change my teaching plan. Mrs. Maxim thinks my course content is at least not very popular with girls, Hermione, what do you think?" Hagrid was embarrassed in the face of Ryan's joke Has distracted the subject, if he is not full of beard, it is estimated that the entire face will be red now.

"Yes, I think you can add some animals that most people like to those animals that are more popular with you, so the teaching effect should be better." Hermione gave her advice at his discretion. The days when I saw fried snails in every class were terrible for most people.

"Okay, I think, I think you might be right." Hagrid after being in love is not as stubborn as in the past. In the following time, he and Ryan even discussed what they learned in the second half of the semester. Animals are more suitable.

"I really hope that Hagrid can maintain this state." Hermione said on the way back to the castle.

"Then it depends on how long this love can last this time?" Lane also silently prayed that Hagrid's love journey would go well. He also lacked interest in those lobsters that looked like molted lobsters but could not be wrapped in oil and fried to golden greedy crying neighbors' children.

The days after will be as usual until the arrival of Hogsmeade Day in mid-January.

"I think you should have a rest too." Hermione watched Ryan swinging his wand's wand in the request room. An electric shock knocked over the two wooden men in front of him, and then turned to the left. The wooden man said after finishing the practice. "Having been immersed in practice may not necessarily improve your level quickly."

"You are right." Ryan put away the sword and put it in the space bag. "Wait for me to tidy up and go shopping in Hogsmeade."

Ten minutes later, Ryan and Hermione were already on their way to Hogsmeade.

"What is the medicine you are brewing recently?" Ryan has been making some kind of potion in the toilet of Myrtle, who has been crying for a while, but even if Hermione has read so many books, it is not clear that this potion is what. Even she can only see that the potion is a silver-blue liquid, so this time she simply asked the question in her heart.

"This is a horseman's potion. Using unicorn's blood as a raw material can quickly save lives. Aunt Betty gave birth to a maternal unicorn who had a difficult birth a while ago, and was lucky enough to get a part of the unicorn gift. Of cursed blood. She gave me half of it and gave it to me. I happened to use these things to experiment with the prescription I just got from Witch Doctor Lenny. "Because there were some other people on the road, Ryan approached Hermione. Said in her ear.

"When will this medicine be done? How is the effect?" Hermione asked concerned.

"It must be finished before the second game." Ryan calculated the days and said, "This is actually a product that is easily absorbed by the body and contains a lot of light and vitality. It has a magical effect on expelling the darkness of the body. . Percy did n’t tell us at the ball that the top three are now discussing the application of the law, and I ’m worried that Demstrand ’s players might use some dark power magic. ”

"Don't you know that kind of magic too? It stands to reason that you should master enough anti-curses." Hermione asked. The magic that can control the mummy is definitely not a bright power. She firmly believes that Ryan also mastered the right. Equal strength.

"Yeah, the potion is just a backhand. The potion will be much faster than the anti-curse when fighting. This will allow you to fight for a little more time, maybe this time will determine the outcome of the battle." Ryan shrugged. Shrugged. "Of course, I just guessed the content of the next game based on the record of the game in history. It is a problem that this potion is not allowed to be brought on the court. But it is always good to prepare for such things in advance."

Wandering on the streets of Hogsmead, Lane kept watching everyone around him. Because Harry ’s competition and the Goblet of Fire were moved by hands and feet and directed at Voldemort ’s men and mixed with Hogwarts, after basically confirming that Moody was not transferred, Lane has been watching everyone in the school, trying to find Out of the spy who mixed into the school.

But today is still a fruitless day. After walking around the whole street, Hermione beside her started to rub her hands. Ryan immediately proposed to go to the three broom taverns to get some warmth.

British people like to socialize in taverns, and British wizards are no exception. The bistro was very crowded, and Ryan spent a lot of effort before squeezing to the bar and asked for two glasses of butter beer heated with **** powder and maple sugar.

Through the mirror behind the bar, Ryan saw Ludo Bagman's figure reflected in the mirror. He was sitting in a dark corner with a group of goblins. Bagman was lowering his voice and saying something to the goblins quickly. The goblins all crossed their arms in a menacing look. It seems that Ludo had a lot of gambling debt owed at the Quidditch World Cup last time.

After discovering Ryan, Bagman quickly left with the goblins. But when I left, I just met Harry shopping with Ginny ~ ~ Soon Harry was pulled to the side and said something, only Ginny looked a little angry standing Across the road. To make matters worse, Ryan saw Rita Skyt taking her photographer over there—

"What are you looking at?" Hermione asked after taking a sip of butter beer?

"It's nothing." Ryan also took a sip of butter beer, and it felt pretty good to drink this in winter.

The Three Brooms Bar is not only a good place to drink, but also a concentration of gossip in the British magic world. For example, Ryan heard someone say that some people circled the Black Lake several times before the Ministry of Magic. In addition to this, there are many parents who are short. For example, Ms. Rosmerta recruited a very capable young man and heard that it was her distant relative. The lady said she would pass the tavern to him in the future. For example, Zoko ’s magic joke shop has had poor income in recent years, and because of his age and lack of energy, he is ready to transfer. Therefore, many foreigners have visited the store recently. Another example is that a witch in the village was locked out by the jealous wife because he occasionally went home too late with colleagues of the opposite sex.

And the most popular news recently is related to the top three competitions, and the surrounding drinkers are impressed by Furong and Krum. Fortunately, as a town at the foot of Hogwarts Castle, they still support local students. For example, Ms. Rosmerta gave Ryan a free dish of French fries with a thick cheese sauce.

At the end of Hogsmeade's journey back to the castle road, Ryan felt that his body and mind were relaxed. It seems that it feels good to take a break and relax occasionally.

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