Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 320: Blame

The grandeur and glory of the past no longer exist in the conference hall of the Cepes Family Castle, one of the major shareholders of the magic black market in Eastern Europe. The chandelier on the roof hit the table, breaking the gorgeous gold-inlaid table directly from the middle. And the vampire elders who usually sit on the beautiful Rococo style high-back chairs are also scattered in the red and black tone of the hall in the form of parts.

However, in the middle of a chaotic lobby, a seven- or eight-year-old girl stood side by side with a 90 cm tall doll, nervously looking at a blood cocoon in front of her.

Soon, Ryan disguised as a girl took out a handful of jade charms from her bag and spread it. When Yufu touched the blood cocoon, countless electric lights exploded to form an electric dragon tightly entangled the blood cocoon, and a screaming sound was made where the two touched.

In the piercing sound, the blood cocoon had to spray a lot of blood mist to neutralize the electric dragon that entangled it. This process also caused huge losses to the blood cocoon itself. Ryan saw the color of the blood cocoon faded to the naked eye, and finally even became as translucent as the blood cocoon. There was a black figure inside.

It seemed to work, and as soon as Ryan wanted to continue, he saw the blood cocoon swell violently. He subconsciously hid behind Rose Crystal behind a half-human bronze statue. Sure enough, the blood cocoon exploded with a slam, the slaps of glass-like fragments flying all over the room, and even fragments scoring several deep and shallow marks on the bronze statue.

Along with the debris in the sky, a red and black smoke flew over Ryan, and then slammed into the Vajra symbol he placed in front of him. The Vajra breaks in response, and Ryan relies on his armor to give up the defense and fights with his sword.

But when the sword was in the mist, he felt that his sword seemed to be stuck in a mass of cotton with no strength. Fortunately, the magic flame attached after the sword was out of the sheath had some damage to the mist. Those who tried to entangle the sword The power was burned in flames.

At the same time, the crystal sword of Rose Crystal cut off a mist. The mist turned into a blood-red bat after landing, and she was nailed to the ground with crystal spines just before flying away.

Naturally, it wasn't just Ryan who had hit the fog in this type of attack. At the moment it broke the magical barrier formed by the Vajra Rune, a claw stretched straight from the top to the bottom of Ryan ’s chest. Ryan was grabbed a sturdy hand just to avoid the beginning.

But Valeria steel is indeed a very good quality magic metal. The claw caught five Martians on the surface of the scale armor, but no traces were left. Ryan just took a few steps backwards with this powerful shock.

At the same time, a blood-red beam emerged from the mist and hit the rose crystal, but after the puppet checked himself, he found nothing wrong.

After the fog failed to hit, he immediately stood on the seat and became a middle-aged man with white hair and white hair. Although he tried hard to maintain his image, a scratch on his chest penetrated with a place on his abdomen The injury ruined his efforts.

"What the **** are you?" The middle-aged man stared at Ryan with blood-red eyes. "Now it's too late for you to give up. Although I don't know how that dwarf resisted my flesh and blood withering magic, but I know that if you fight, you will all die soon-"

Before he had finished speaking, he saw him rushing into the mist again. Sure enough, he just spoke to let Ryan relax their vigilance, but for Ryan also got a preparation time. The left hand behind him finally squeezed the casting gesture, and a golden wall of fire suddenly appeared in front of him. The mist formed by the middle-aged man hit the fire wall.

"Ah!" There was a scream of screaming in the fog, and the whole fog was violent. Ryan took the opportunity to wave his hands in the air to draw one mysterious rune after another. Under his guidance, the fire wall turned into a net of fire, and then wrapped up the mist.

The mist hung on the fire net and rushed left and right, but it could not escape the fire net anyway. Even because of the magic of light on the fire net, it is impossible to restore human form. Ryan also found that the magic of vampires is very special compared to the magic of human wizards, and even strange. If it is very difficult to deal with without preparation.

Of course, if you have the power of targeting. It is easier to deal with them than with wizards of the same level, because their power is too single, just like the flesh and blood of the rose crystal that was hit just now, it may cause fatal damage to any flesh and blood creatures. Alchemist puppets naturally do useless work.

This is also the case now. The vampire patriarch's combat power is stronger than Ryan because of the accumulation of time. However, he was very weak after being covered by the net of bright flames exhibited by Ryan to restrain the vampire in the atomized state, and he was very weak and could not even break free.

Feeling the misty struggle getting smaller and smaller, Ryan slammed his open right hand into a fist. The fire net also shrank immediately. Finally, the black and red mist trapped inside was compressed to the size of a ping pong ball, and then fell to the ground with a bang. At this time, the five remaining gems formed by the sunlight on the bracelet on Ryan's hand were all consumed, leaving only seven empty grooves.

Rose Crystal immediately flew over and picked up the burning ball with both hands and raised it to her chest and closed her eyes. A few seconds later, purple light appeared on her hand. When the light disappeared, a purple crystal cluster appeared in her hand, and the flaming ball was sealed in the purple crystal and burned quietly.

"Nice." Rose Crystal turned her head and gave a smile to Ryan after her seal was sealed. Then holding this crystal cluster and handing it to Ryan.

Ryan pulled out the portable silver obsidian altar from the bag, and then activated the altar to start reading the memory of the vampire patriarch ~ ~ Soon the mist in the crystal was quickly consumed, accompanied by a loud sound Thoroughly screamed from the soul. This method of reading memory is achieved by consuming the target soul, and after the vampire soul is exhausted, Ryan also gets what he wants.

With the help of the rose crystal that shared his soul, he found the most important memory: the memory of the black wizard who sold himself as an ingredient to the vampire, in addition to a large number of materials that the black wizard ordered .

Because the black wizard's business is the largest business of the family in the past two decades, the vampire as the patriarch personally completed the business and was impressed by the matter.

"The southern tip of the island of Öster on the Faroe Islands?" Ryan observed the contents of his memory and finally found the delivery address of the shipment. A brief look at the contents of the medicine, he was surprised to find that some of these materials are special, which are the raw materials for the medicine used by early wizards to make up for the lack of limbs.

The early spells and potions were not as developed as they are now. Once people lost their limbs, they used their own blood to mix the potions to make the missing limbs and stitch them together. However, after the invention of a more convenient method, this complex medicine was slowly lost.

"Fat reborn?" Ryan suddenly remembered the scene where Voldemort came out of the movie he watched that year, and then combined with Harry's disappearance. He finally clarified what happened.

"Damn, this change is a bit too big." Ryan felt he had to save Harry. At least for him, Harry is now the best shield. If there is no Harry, the next war may be more troublesome. And he also wanted to find out exactly what level of Voldemort was through close contact with Voldemort.