Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 324: Report 1 paragraph

After roughly confessing to Hermione, Ryan used life magic to appease Hermione's spirit. Hermione, who watched her sleep fall asleep under the magic, stretched her eyebrows, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and began to arrange the scene as planned.

Ryan first poured out the wreckage he had prepared from the space door, and then put the wreckage together as before. Finally, the vampire corpse in front of me was burned into ash with a simple sunlight.

Looking at the two piles of human-shaped ash and the two strange blood puppets that turned into nothing weird ash, Ryan nodded in satisfaction. This was almost the same as the arrangement. It wasn't until Ryan thought that everything had changed, and then he changed the clothes to the one he wore when he came.

"Be sure to prepare your hair next time." Ryan warned himself while walking next to Hermione and sitting down next to her. Finally, he lifted the seal on the fireplace when he first came over and restored the function of the fireplace.

Five or six hours later, when Hermione woke up from a deep sleep, there was another spark in the fireplace. Ryan raised his wand and stood up, pointing it in the direction of the fireplace, and Hermione did the same.

"Who?" While asking, Ryan also threw a crystal of sunlight, and the intense light instantly enveloped the entire space. Fortunately, this time it was indeed a rescuer, and it was just immune to this strong light attack.

"Boy, it's great." Ryan's hoarse voice made him recognize Moody, a professor of black magic defense. But Ryan still pointed at him with his wand. "Please prove that you are indeed Professor Moody."

Moody was not angry, but said with a smile. "As I said in your first lesson, we need to be vigilant at all times. It's nice to see you listen to me."

After he finished looking at the piles of ashes on the ground, he nodded. "Don't you really think about going to Auror after graduation? At least two adult vampires and two blood puppets are not something that average minor wizards can handle."

"It's just luck, some of the alchemy products on my body can restrain these dark creatures." After Ryan said they were brought to the table by Moody's followers.

After a strong squeeze, Ryan and Hermione were taken by Moody in front of Hogwarts' cast iron gate. Within a few minutes, they had appeared in the principal's office with hot black tea.

Because Moody had talked about something before, Dumbledore asked the two people directly what happened to them before they were kidnapped. Ryan told Dumbledore according to the agreed content that the two used the underground cell after they were caught. Some special magic weapons escaped, and then used the power of the sun to kill the vampires who tried to kidnap them.

Later, a monster was rushed out of the fireplace, and then a combination of a monster and a vampire was rushed out, but they were all destroyed by Lane with the help of alchemy props and magic. The strange thing is that after solving these monsters, there are no other enemies coming out. After discovering that the fireplace was leading to a fixed location, the two decided to take turns to rest and stand by, and Moody came to pick them up.

"So, Mr. Liang, how do you know that the box is defective?" Dumbledore asked, crossing his hands on the table after they had finished telling the story.

"Because the registration of Harry this year is full of problems, it makes me feel that something bad is going to happen. So this year I have kept the highest vigilance. When I was on Hogsmeade Street The girl ’s eyes were a bit dull, and after I discovered it, I thought of the soul-draining curse taught by Professor Moody. So I was worried that the curse would release defensive magic on both of us, but I did n’t expect it to be a door key. Lane said with regret.

"You are doing very well in this matter. No wonder Professor Moody just praised you just now." Dumbledore nodded and said, "The magic item you just said is the bracelet you have in your hand?"

"Yes." Ryan nodded. "It's a pity that all the sunstones above have been completely consumed this time, which is equivalent to losing hundreds of gallons at a time. I don't want to think that this consumption is worth a life."

"It's already nice for young people to have such a mentality as you." Professor Dumbledore suddenly smiled and asked seriously, "Can you tell me what the ingredients in the potion you gave Harry before?" Of course, I do n’t mean to spy on your secrets, you just need to tell me what the ingredients of the potion are. "

"Remove cursed unicorn blood, frozen sunlight, dragon blood—" Ryan burst out a dozen medicinal materials in one breath. "That's it. Principal Dumbledore. This was told to me by a horseman witch doctor I knew before, and she gave me the unicorn blood."

"Yeah, all intelligent creatures have their advantages, but unfortunately many wizards pretend to be invisible. When I was young--" Dumbledore shook his head here. "Forget it, all the past is gone."

Ryan looked at Dumbledore and estimated that he thought of being with Grindelwald when he was young. But Dumbledore quickly awakened from the memories, and then looked at Ryan and Hermione and asked seriously: "If I tell you that Voldemort is back, do you believe it?"

"I think the mysterious man--" Ryan thought it might be that old Deng was preparing to pull the head, and was preparing to answer seriously. As soon as he opened his head, Dumbledore interrupted him.

"Ryan, Hermione, just call him Voldemort. Always use the correct name for things. Fear of a name reinforces the fear of the thing itself."

"But professor, there is magic in the name of that person and it will detect the person who calls his name directly. As the most powerful white wizard you are naturally not afraid, UU reads the book but we are not as powerful as you, And loved ones are people who ca n’t protect themselves by magic. If he really comes back, I think in this case, neither Hermione nor I can bear the consequences of calling that person ’s name directly. ”Ryan directly stood upright on this issue. After Deng Deng, he always felt that Deng Deng asked Harry to call them Voldemort's name in the original book. Especially for people like Hermione whose families are Muggles, it is equivalent to putting their families in a deadly danger.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think about it." Dumbledore apologized proactively, "I can understand your efforts to protect your family."

"Thank you, following your topic just now. I believe that person has come back because I know that Harry is not that kind of nonsense. But I also believe that most people in the magic world will not believe this, even they will Take the initiative to deny this. "

"Isn't it just like the signing of the Munich Agreement?" Hermione also responded and asked at this time.

"Yes, British wizards are as reluctant to admit the imminent danger as the British Muggle before the war, from top to bottom," Lane replied.

"Oh? You talk about your thoughts." Dumbledore asked with great interest. Originally, when Harry came back today, he planned to go directly to Fudge to inform him of the return of Voldemort, and use the power of the Ministry of Magic to limit it to the maximum. Voldemort's recovery.

In his inference, Fudge and the Ministry of Magic should start preparing for war immediately after receiving this information and alert some wizards, so as to restrain the development of Voldemort's forces. However, the two students who did not want to be affected by Chiyu in this incident put forward another point of view. He now wants to hear what these two Muggle-born students want to use the case of the Muggle world to illustrate.