Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 380: Good evening, Harry

At 8:30 in the evening, Ryan and Hermione's taxi arrived at Xiaohuijin District. They should have arrived half an hour ago, but unfortunately they encountered traffic jams that are common in big cities.

"We just need to go back before 10:30 in the evening. Fortunately, you tell Mrs. Weasley that there is a small night fair. Let her allow us to stay outside for a while." Hermione said to Lane on the sidewalk.

"Actually there is a fair, but I have already bought all the things I wanted before. The only difference is that it will be two to three gallons more expensive during the day than at night. But I will exchange for a few gallons. The opportunity to visit friends, I think it's worth it. "Lane said easily.

In view of the traces on the wand, Ryan and they put the wand together. However, the ring on their hands did not affect their spell-casting ability much, and Ryan also brought an additional wand that was seized from Knuckle Lane last time.

"Let me see where Harry is." Ryan sprinkled a handful of golden powder when she came to the street of Privet Drive, and then explained to Hermione next to it. "This is a tracing mantra I found in the library. It works very well." The traces showed that Harry didn't seem to be at home, so the two chased out in the direction of the magical instructions.

"Why is Harry here?" After seven or eight minutes, two people appeared outside a gated playground. As you can see from this street sign just now, this is Magnolia Crescent Street and Mulan Road. The magic indicates that Harry's position is in this playground. Hermione said something strange when she saw the locked door.

"I'm in a bad mood and want to be alone, just like you were hiding in the women's toilet after you got angry in the first grade, um--" Ryan hadn't finished speaking, and Hermione choked her arm to the next words Blocked back. The next two people cleanly overturned the fence and fell into the playground. The playground was not big, and soon they found their goal.

"He's there." Ryan saw Harry's position just a few steps away. After all, the playground is now closed and there are few people. Despite the dim light, the boy with messy hair and round-framed glasses could still be seen sitting on the swing. One of his arms was holding an iron chain, and he looked at the ground with sad eyes, shaking it slowly for a moment. .

"As I guess, this terrible life made his scars seem to hurt more often." Hermione watched Harry from time to time reaching out to rub the scar on his forehead.

"Let's go." Ryan took Hermione to the direction of the swing, and at the same time deliberately made a tapping sound on the sand and stone road. Hearing this sound, Harry quickly raised his head, and then showed a surprised expression.

"Ryan, Hermione, why are you here?" Harry was full of warm joy. He didn't expect a friend to come to see him after he had been separated from the world for a month. Now he sent him to lose his friend. The chocolate of the Duke of Honey as a biological birthday gift is a bit guilty.

"Good evening, Harry. We've been thinking about it before, but it was only after these two days that we found a chance. Ryan demonstrated his role as an alchemist, so members of the Phoenix Society lifted his access to minors. We Two of them secretly slipped out to see you under the pretext of purchasing alchemy materials. Ron and Ginny also wanted to come, but unfortunately they didn't have enough excuses, and now they can't get out. "

"What is the Phoenix Society you're talking about?" Harry's face was confused. "This is a secret society," Hermione said quickly. "Dumbledore is responsible for it and he created it. They were all made with the mysterious person last time." Some people who are fighting. Now the two of us live in the headquarters of the Phoenix Society, but because of the secret magic, we cannot tell you the specific situation of the headquarters. "

"Sounds like you are busy too." It may have been found that the friends did not forget themselves but tried to come to see him, so Harry felt that his breath had been dissipated for more than a month, and his tone seemed relatively calm. But he still wanted to ask one thing he had always cared about. "Then why am I stuck at Dursley's house for a month without receiving any news? Obviously I am an intimate person of those things, but I seem to be quarantined. Do you know, I picked it up from the trash bin for four weeks? Reading the newspaper, just to find out what the situation is like— "

Harry said more and more excited, and Hermione wanted to persuade, but she seemed at a loss. Ryan saw this situation and stepped forward to interrupt Harry's chatter. "I think Dumbledore isolated you for your own reasons."

"What?" Harry paused there and looked at Ryan with an incredible look. "Because of me? Is there something wrong with me?"

"Your biggest problem is that there is a soul connection with the mysterious person. Last semester you even said that you can see what the mysterious person is doing." Ryan said seriously.

"Is there anything wrong with this?" Harry looked puzzled. "At this time, President Dumbledore should need me more, maybe I can help him expose the mysterious man's conspiracy."

"But you need to know, Harry." Hermione added at this time. "In the magic world, the spiritual connection between the two is very mysterious. And the initiative of this connection is often in the hands of the stronger party. IMHO, I think your power is not as good as the mysterious person."

"I'm not arrogant to that point yet." Harry whispered softly. "So you mean, Principal Dumbledore blocked my source because he was worried that Voldemort could see what the Order of the Phoenix was doing through my eyes?"

Ryan and Hermione nodded at the same time, and Harry looked downcast. "Okay ~ ~ I can understand it." Then he looked up at Ryan and asked them angrily. "If I knew it, I would definitely ask for isolation. But why Dumbledore refused to tell me all this."

"We don't know much about this." Lane shrugged. "I guess Dumbledore might want to do all the things alone, so he does n’t want you to know too much of this kind of bad thing. Old people always look like this when facing their younger generations, regardless of the children ’s choice They arranged everything. We just did n’t think this was right, so we came to see you. "

"Well, it's very possible to do this according to Dumbledore's habits." Harry relieved a pimple in his heart. In the next ten minutes, he started to chat with Ryan and Hermione. The main question is what the two of them have been doing during the recent period, and they express their envy for this kind of life.

Until the voices of others interrupted their chats outside, Harry could see a group of figures walking through the playground through the light of the street lights, one of them hummed a vulgar song, and the others haha laugh. There was also a slight tinting sound, which was the sound of several expensive cars they pushed away.

Harry knew who those people were. The leading one is undoubtedly his cousin Dali Desi Li, who is being accompanied by his gang of fox friends to the house, which also means that time is almost nine o'clock.

"Okay, I think you should leave too." Harry looked at Ryan and Hermione and said, "Central London is a distance away from this. It will be less convenient for you to go back later. I should go back too Now. "

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