Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 382: Harry is here

"Thank you for your evidence, I think Harry will be able to wash his charges." When Ryan came to the kitchen for breakfast the next day, he saw Sirius running as soon as he spread the jam on the bread. thank him. Sirius has been very busy for a while, and has been contacting those pure-blood families in the hope that they can get closer in the next war, or at least remain neutral. After hearing about Harry's attack this morning, he rushed back from Marseille, France, and didn't even have breakfast to eat.

"No thanks, since Harry is my friend. I will definitely help him after this situation. For me, this is just a handy effort." Lane thought it was nothing.

After eating a piece of bread filled with cranberry jam, Ryan asked Sirius who was sitting opposite and was eating a piece of bacon. "By the way, after this kind of thing happened, I think Harry put it in his aunt ’s house is not very safe. After all, that group of people can release dementors to prove that they have completely abandoned their bottom line. Something worse has happened. "

"Dumbledore thought too." Sirius swallowed bacon in his mouth. "These two days of Harry's security work are all double posts. We will take Harry directly after the manpower can be drawn in the past few days."

"That's good, I hope everything goes well in these two days." Ryan finished with milk. "Mrs. Weasley's craftsmanship always makes people feel at home."

After breakfast, Ryan returned to the small meeting room and study on the third floor, and saw Hermione there telling Ron and Ginny about her going to Harry last night.

"Oh, you should take me with this kind of thing. Will Harry feel that I don't think of him as a friend now?" Ron said angrily after listening to the adventures of Hermione and Ryan yesterday.

"Hermione has explained it to you. I don't think Harry will blame us for this." Ginny said next to him. "Besides, Ryan's taking one out is already the limit. Then take us both. Any one of them will arouse my mother's suspicion, so that no one can get out in the end. "

"It seems that without Hermione, Ginny is now the intellectual of the trio! In this way, you don't have to worry about Harry and Ron's brainless death." Thinking about this Ryan pushed the door and went in.

After seeing Ryan walking into the room, everyone's attention soon shifted to how Ryan caught the dementor. When he heard that the cost was high, Ron made a regretful voice. For someone like him who doesn't use the guardian curse for a while, he will definitely try it if there are other ways to fight the dementors.

After three days, Moody and they struggled with a team ready to pick up Harry, who could have used Ryan's strength as an escort, but unfortunately his broom flying ability dragged his hind legs. So it can only be ambushed as the last follow-up guards near Grimmauld Place.

"Do you think the mysterious man and his running dogs will suddenly rush out to attack Harry?" Hermione passed an armed belt with a dagger on her and said, a little nervous in her tone.

Ryan took the arm belt and hung it on his shoulder, then said in a relaxed tone: "The probability is not, but this operation was arranged by Moody. He asked everyone to prepare for the worst. I think That ’s fine, everyone can get acquainted with how to fully mobilize. If you really encounter a problem, you wo n’t be in a hurry. ”

Farewell to Hermione, Ryan and Sirius wearing a black trench coat went out together to alert the surrounding neighborhoods. When the two walked to a hidden place on the street next to Grimo Square, Sirius took a closer look at Ryan ’s wand through the light of the nearby street lamp and said, "You also have a spare wand without a trace? I When I was young, I also had one, which was sold from Knuckle Lane. "

"I didn't spend any money, I got it from a guy who tried to rob me when I went to Knock Lane to buy materials."

"Good boy, good job. When I was as big as you, I didn't dare to deal with the scumbags in Upside Down Lane." Sirius laughed heartily, and then began to tell Ryan that he was young and Death Eaters even in his youth. Voldemort battle story and share his battle experience.

"Why haven't you come yet? It only took me an hour to get to Harry by car. They all flew for almost an hour and a half. Why haven't they arrived yet?" After a long wait, Ryan pulled out a pocket watch from his arms. After looking at it, he was worried and said that he didn't think it was because of his own reasons that the butterfly effect caused Harry to attack them.

"Strange, they should have arrived 40 minutes ago." Sirius was also a little worried. Fortunately, at this time several shadows fell from the sky, and the street lights of Grimaud Plaza went out one by one. Seeing this scene Sirius finally put his heart down.

"Moody's they have arrived, Dumbledore lent his light extinguisher to Moody's. We have to stare at the square now and make sure they are not followed before they can go back." Naturally, everything went smoothly this time when Harry moved. Ten minutes later Ryan and Sirius also returned to the room.

"The meeting is still going on, Sirius, hurry up and go to the meeting with me. Ryan, Harry. They are in the big room on the right side of the second floor. You can go up and find them. I'll call you when it's over." Come and open the door. Mrs. Weasley hurriedly told the two that Sirius immediately followed Mrs. Weasley to the kitchen, and Ryan went upstairs to find Harry and them.

When Ryan walked into the big room, Hermione, Ginny, Ron and Harry were all inside. The house is now occupied by twins because they prefer to live together rather than in separate rooms.

"Ryan, you are back." Hermione said after seeing Ryan walking into the house, the others also looked at him.

"I'm back, and today everything is really going well." Lane said, looking at Harry. "I'm really sorry, I was obviously near you that day. But I didn't help you find those two dementors in advance."

"No, you have helped me a lot." Probably because of the fact that Ryan had visited him before, Harry looked good. "It's enough to grab those two guys in the end. After all, who would have thought that Dementors will appear in the Muggle community. You and Hermione really don't need to apologize for this, at least because of your Help, I do n’t need to worry too much about the Ministry ’s interrogation. ”

Snap, Snap, with two harsh bursts, Ron's two twin brothers Fred and George suddenly appeared in the center of the room, holding a small bunch of retractable ears in his hand.

"Harry, nice to meet you." They greeted Harry first. "Mum is too careful. We tried to eavesdrop once with telescopic ears unsuccessfully. We always wanted to figure out what Snape was going to do."

"Isn't Ryan now almost the official member of the Order of the Phoenix? How can he not know?" Harry asked puzzled ~ ~ but after all, he was not a formal member. Ryan replied somewhat depressedly. "I have the same authority in this house as many members of the Order of the Phoenix, and I don't need to be restrained in this house." But apart from making something for them, I was not allowed to participate in their meetings. As Dumbledore said, the situation is not so good that we children are on the top. The only news I know is to judge from their needs that they may be more dangerous recently and need to do something to fight. "

Afterwards, the conversations of several people became easy. Although Harry also knew that the Prophet Daily had been arranging him since the summer vacation, but now he is not in a bad mood. He does not feel that these slanders can be used against him. What are the undesirable consequences. He feels that these articles can prove that the Ministry of Magic is already poor, and he can only attack him with such a tricky method.

Lean learned from the chat that Bill is now back in London with Furong. Although Percy was not a member of the Order of the Phoenix, he helped everyone a lot.

"Dad thinks Percy is not brave enough to join the Phoenix directly, but neither our mother nor Professor Dumbledore thinks that it is most appropriate for him not to come over for the time being. Because this father is still a little angry, you do n’t need to wait Talk about Percy in front of our father. "Finally Ginny said. "Of course, we think my father is a little stubborn."

Her words just fell, and Mrs. Weasley appeared at the door of the bedroom. "The meeting is over, now you can go downstairs for dinner. Harry, everyone is eager to see you."

So everyone cleaned up and went downstairs to dinner.