Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 419: Encounter Lupin

The famous Pattifu Tea House has a small space, and the fire in the room is very hot. So after pushing the door open, Ryan found that there was some mist here. At the same time, the whole tea house is in a cute style, as far as the eye can see, all things are decorated with frills or bows.

And because today is Valentine's Day, there are special Valentine's Day decorations in the tea house: golden cherubs are flying above each small round table, and pink confetti is scattered to the people below from time to time.

"The style here, um, seems to be a bit different from what I thought." Hermione looked a little confused. Indeed, this place may not be suitable for her style. I wanted to come to those school sisters who only recommended a place for Hermione to go to Valentine's Day, but did not consider her hobbies.

"Then let's go to three brooms." Ryan suggested that after all, dating is best to go to a place where everyone can relax. So before Mrs. Patife, who was obese and dressed in a shiny black hair bun, squeezed out of the two tables, they quickly opened the door and exited the teahouse.

At the door, the rain was already heavy. The two of them rushed out with their robes on their heads and quickly rushed to the door of the three brooms. After asking for two hot buttered beers, Ryan took the glass and made a round table by the corner.

"Ah, it feels much better. Just that store really made me a little bit uncomfortable." Hermione said with satisfaction after drinking a large sip of warm butter beer, and suddenly she turned her head to look at the door. "Why are they here?"

"Who?" Ryan turned to look at the door. As a result, a young witch with pink bubble-like hair pulled another middle-aged witch into the room.

"Professor Lupin, Tonks, here." Lane and Hermione greeted at the same time. Lupin, who had just entered the door, came over when they saw Lane. After they approached, Lane discovered that Tonks took Lupin's hand actively. It seems that their feelings started earlier than expected.

"Nice to meet you." Tonks waved enthusiastically. As a rare young woman in the Phoenix Society during the summer vacation, she had a good relationship with Ginny and Hermione. "Why are the two of you here, not sitting at Madame Pattiff Tea House?"

"I just went, but the atmosphere there is not suitable for both of us." Ryan shrugged his shoulders with a helpless expression.

"Ah, it's the same as I was in those days. The atmosphere there made me feel embarrassed." Tonks laughed.

"Lu Ping, what are you doing recently?" Just as Hermione and Tonks got together and talked about some girls, Ryan asked Lu Ping quietly.

"I was contacting some werewolves recently." Lu Ping whispered after looking around and no one noticed. "Thank you and the Weasley twins for helping me. Some of the milder werewolves I met found a good job in your shop. They are now working and producing on the farm you bought in northern Norway a while ago. Some of the raw materials you need. That place is really good, far away from the crowd, we do n’t have to worry about harming innocent people. And it can also provide us with a very good opportunity to make a living. "

"This is what I should do." Lane said. "I think the most important way to prevent the werewolves from falling to the mysterious side is to provide them with a normal job so that they can support themselves. Otherwise, the hungry and cold werewolves will inevitably follow the mysterious people who can let them live normally. Not to mention that the laws of the magic world against werewolves are hardly just. "

"You are right." Lu Ping nodded sympathetically. "Seriously, not all werewolves are evil. It can even be said that most of the werewolves are like ordinary people. They just hope to live a calm and ordinary life. Unfortunately, the anti-worgen that Umbridge drafted two years ago. 'S laws forced them to take risks. "

"Understandable, after all, to survive." Ryan nodded a little solemnly. "So I would rather reduce profits and build that farm in northern Norway. As long as there are more employees on the farm, there will be one less terrorist who will invest in the mysterious man."

This topic lowered the atmosphere between the two, but soon Lu Ping thought of a more exciting news. "Did you know that I recently found that the werewolf work was easier than it was in the last war."

"Why is this?" Ryan asked curiously, because obviously Voldemort could get more chips, and most of the werewolves were darker because of the long-term discrimination. In this case, how could it be easier to draw together.

"You know the mysterious disappearance of the giant a while ago." Watching Ryan nodded his head to know that Lupin went on. "This incident, plus when you were kidnapped before, the case of the Zepesh family's door-breaking at the Cepesh castle had a great impact on the dark creatures."

Speaking of this, Lu Ping looked again and again alertly, and then continued. "Now whether it is a werewolf or a vampire, Dumbledore has changed his style in these decades. They have been rumored that Dumbledore will not be as kind as in the last war, but will wash away all the downsides. Dark creatures on Voldemort ’s side. So in this case, not many dark creatures are willing to risk huge lives and definitely fall back to Voldemort. ”

"Seriously, I would be scared if I did n’t know Dumbledore ’s character. The last time the European magic world killed dozens of people in one breath has been a matter of hundreds of years ago, not to mention an ancient The vampire clan directly destroyed the door and eliminated almost all European giants. Now Dumbledore has become a more terrible person in the mouth of those dark creatures than Voldemort. "

"How do they know it was Dumbledore?" Ryan knew that it was for his own sake, but for safety reasons he still asked the group of dark creatures why Dumbledore did it.

"First, the killed vampires and giants clearly offended Dumbledore. For example, the group of vampires kidnapped Hogwarts students and cooperated with Voldemort. And the giants were also driving away Dumbledore ’s The messenger later chose to reverse Voldemort. Second, ~ This world has the strength to accomplish this kind of thing in a very short time, and only Dumbledore is the one. "Lupin It also looks a little confused. "But the question is really not what Dumbledore did. At least when the vampire was wiped out, the principal Dumbledore was still looking for someone at Hogwarts."

"But anyway, at least this situation is good for us now." Ryan interrupted Luping. "No matter who did it, we still try to treat each other as friendly. Because when we face the mysterious person, we have At a disadvantage, it is really impossible to afford the risk of establishing another enemy. "

"You are right." Lupin drank the butter beer in front of him. "I think too much, not all things are better."

"Oh, what's the matter with Tonks?" Lane asked with a smile.

"Isn't I usually researching new products in the house behind your shop now? Tonks often visits me, and sometimes I will have afternoon tea with me, and then we will be cooked." Lu Ping said some here Sorry.

"It's just familiar." Ryan asked with a smile.

"You know that I am a werewolf, and some things are not something I should have extravagantly obtained." Lu Ping smiled bitterly. "She should marry a young and handsome Auror, not my old werewolf."

Just as Lupin complained, he suddenly heard Ryan say this sentence: "I said Professor Lupin, would you like me to do an experiment, I recently wanted to study the question about werewolves."

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