Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 431: Employment consulting

The story about Dumbledore was loud and noisy in the school. But fifth- and seventh-graders do n’t have much time to struggle with this matter, because they are only six weeks away from the exam.

Both Harry and Ron are in a state of extreme frustration. Harry felt a little depressed after seeing some of the bad things his father did in his school days, because it was not the same as his father Wei An's figure in his impressions. . Ron was worried about his exams and Quidditch. In both respects, he felt that he had not prepared enough.

But their bad mental state appeared normal in Gryffindor's tower, and no one noticed their separate thoughts. Because the exam is driving everyone who is going to take the exam crazy.

"Oh my God." Hermione dropped her pen in the common room and wiped her face with both hands. "I can't really remember all the knowledge of the ancient magic texts, what if I fail the exam?"

"You are overly worried." Ryan sitting opposite also put down the pen. "We have more self-taught rune literature than there is in the classroom, and not so much in the exam. The knowledge you have now is enough to get O in the exam. So try to relax a little to be more conducive to getting good grades in the exam. . "

After finishing, Ryan took out an Easter egg and peeled off the packaging, then broke a piece and handed it to Hermione. The egg was beautifully made, and a golden cauldron was painted with frosting on it. "Take some chocolate and take a break. This was given to me by Mrs. Weasley. Her craftsmanship is really good."

"Thank you." Hermione took the chocolate and ate it, probably as a candy, her spirit looked better. After taking out her handkerchief and wiping her hands, Hermione asked Ryan: "Well, have you read those brochures about careers recently?"

It seems to emphasize the importance of the upcoming exams. During the Easter holiday, a large number of brochures about various wizarding professions appeared in Hogwarts. For example, Hermione now has a book on the table in front of them. again and again.

"No, you know my situation." Ryan whispered after glancing around to make sure no one had eavesdropped. "I plan to become a professional alchemist in the future, so that I have enough time to do something else. Too busy life is not what I pursue. Naturally, the things in these brochures are not useful to me."

"Just you can help me think about it, I was planning to go to the Ministry of Magic, but now I found that the Ministry of Magic can't fulfill my dream." Hermione said with her hair falling in front of her eyes.

"Well, you can try to go back to Hogwarts as a professor." Ryan said after thinking for a while: "Later change the world by changing the minds of young people. And now every professor in the school is not young. At this time, they should hope to find some young people who can succeed them. "

"Sounds like a good idea, and, thank you for your comfort today." Hermione's mouth curled up. Then he stood up with his hands on the table and leaned over his upper body to kiss Ryan like a dragonfly.

Ryan was a little confused by the sudden attack. After he reacted, he only saw Hermione standing upright, looking at him with his hands behind his back with a smile on his back.

Under such emotional infection, Ryan also laughed, as if all the difficulties and problems have been solved. When they finished practicing to go to dinner this afternoon, they found a notice about employment counseling posted on the bulletin board of Hogwarts, which required all fifth grade students to participate in a short one in the first week of the summer semester Talks and discuss future employment issues with the dean of their college.

At the end of the notice, a timetable was attached, and Ryan found that he was going to Professor McGonagall ’s office at 4 pm on Monday. This means that he needs to run to Professor McGonagall's office as quickly as possible after finishing his divination.

On the first day after the end of the Halloween holiday, Ryan came to Professor McGonagall's office on time after finishing his divination. Perhaps because his previous performance has been good, Professor McGonagall believes that as long as Ryan can do it step by step. In the future, he will definitely become a powerful alchemist, and he is likely to become an alchemist like Nicole May.

"Okay, relax. As long as you can level it out." Professor McGonagall raised her hand to reveal a copper bracelet on her wrist. These are the reliable and high-level wizards of the Phoenix Society. Prepare something. Originally, Ryan planned to give Professor McGonagall a silver bracelet, but Professor McGonagall thought he would not be in danger in school, so he gave the silver bracelet to the field staff, and he only took a copper bracelet with the lowest grade. "I believe that you who can make this kind of thing will never be stumped by a small O.W.Ls exam."

During dinner in the evening, he learned that Hermione also got good news in employment counseling: Professor McGonagall told her that as Professor Dumbledore ’s age increased, as a vice-chancellor, she needed more time to be busy with the school. On official business, she felt a little bit powerless in the course of morphology. She very much welcomes young people who can help her share these tasks.

"So as long as I can maintain excellent results and pass the final N.E.W.Ts test, Hogwarts is very willing to provide me with a post like a teaching assistant." Finally Hermione concluded with a smile.

"Sounds great." Lane said with a smile: "Yes, the grilled salmon tastes good tonight, you can eat more."

When Ryan handed the plate with grilled salmon to Hermione, Ryan felt that someone was sitting next to him. He turned his head to find out that the person he found was Neville, and he could see that he was in a good mood by humming Xiaoqu and pulling potato salad on his plate.

"What good thing makes you so happy?" Lane swallowed the lamb in his mouth and turned to ask Neville.

"Ryan." Only then did Neville discover that Ryan was sitting next to him. He said to Ryan happily: "The reading club really helped me a lot. Professor McGonagall feels that my current level is not excellent but It also far exceeded her expectations, and now I have several good career directions to choose from. In this way, my grandma will be satisfied. "

"Oh, what occupation?" Hermione asked curiously.

"A herbalist or a planter of magic plantations, or even a professional researcher of magic plants ~ ~ Many years ago, Newt Scamander wrote" Where is the magical animal ", let The wizards' knowledge of magical animals has taken a big step forward. But so far no wizard has done the same research on magical plants as he did, so that we know many magical plants in addition to medicinal magical plants. It ’s almost blank, which is definitely inappropriate. ”

"Great dream." Ryan said seriously in Neville's eyes. "This kind of thing always needs to be done by someone. A person like you who can withstand loneliness I think is the best at this job." Hermione also smiled. 'S nodded support to Neville.

"You guys-believe me?" Neville looked excited. "Don't you think I'm bragging?"

"Of course not." Lane patted Neville's shoulder. "When I think about it, maybe I still have a chance to travel the world with you."

"Thank you! Thank you very much." Neville seemed a little excited. In the past few years, he has been receiving everyone's help in the book club. It is because of everyone's help that he can do this step today. In his impressions, both Ryan who organized the book club and Hermione who helped him most are worthy of his thanks.

"Aren't our book clubs established to help like-minded people?" Hermione said in a kind tone. "So this is what we should do."

"Thank you all in any case." Finally Neville wiped tears from the corners of his eyes. "I'm going back to write to my grandmother to let her know that I finally don't embarrass my family."

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