Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 434: End of exam

After the exam started, they were called into the auditorium according to the college. At this time, the arrangement in the auditorium has changed, and it is filled with single tables and chairs for the exam, all facing the staff table at the end of the auditorium. The test room list looks random, probably to prevent cheating. When Ryan sat down in his place, he found that half of the seats in the auditorium were already occupied.

After everyone was seated, Professor McGonagall, standing on the desk of the staff, announced the start of the exam. Ryan immediately opened the test paper.

The first question, yes, the second question, the same-the last question, yes. Ryan found that the amount of knowledge he had accumulated unconsciously was already considerable. These test questions were much simpler than he thought. After repeatedly telling himself to be careful, don't be proud, Ryan began to whisper on the test paper with a quill.

After he finished writing, he didn't even finish half of the sand in the hourglass. This made Ryan doubt that he might have missed something. After all, he had heard of some people with insufficient IQ in his previous life who did not find that there was a problem on the other side of the paper.

After careful inspection twice, he confirmed that there was no problem at all, and the next time Ryan could only spend it in boredom. This exam is the same as the college entrance exam. There are no special circumstances that are not allowed to leave the exam room in advance.

"This question is simpler than we thought," After the exam, Hermione found Ryan at the table. Probably because of the two-day exam, lunch was obviously better than usual. When Hermione was talking, Ryan was stuffing a roasted and delicious lamb meat into her mouth. "I can feel that I got all the answers right, but I can't help but check them many times. There is also question 18, I may have answered too much--"

"It's okay, you've answered it well enough." Lane swallowed the lamb and interrupted Hermione's guts. "So you hurry to have something to eat, and there are practical exams in the afternoon."

At the entrance of the small room next to the auditorium in the afternoon, the member of the reading club, Hufflepuff female class leader Hannah Abbot, was the first to be called in to take the practical exam. Every time I press the name is my first one. "

Waiting is the most tormenting, Hermione and Greengrass went in a batch. However, none of the students who finished the exam returned, so Ryan did not know how Hermione did. While waiting, many people still muttered spells, practiced the movement of paralyzed staff, and sometimes accidentally poked others' backs or eyes.

Finally, Ryan heard Professor Flitwick yelling his name. The examiner he was assigned was a serious-looking old lady with grey hair, and her eyes were as sharp as falcons. Let Ryan think of Neville's grandmother.

"Please follow my instructions to release the spell on this cup. Of course, if you have any skills to show, you can get extra points." As soon as he stood at the table, Ryan heard the examiner announce the rules of the exam.

Lean uses the silent spell technique to release the floating spell, the color change spell, and the growth spell. When allowed to leave, the examiner nodded in satisfaction.

After a tense evening, Ryan passed the morphology exam the next day, whether it was a theory class or a practical operation. For a high-level alchemist, the exam questions are even too simple. However, this is not the case for others. Hannah was so nervous during the exam that she dropped her wand on the ground. As a result, several ostriches were inexplicably changed on the floor. People spent several minutes trying to get these guys out.

The following exams were smooth and smooth. Wednesday ’s herbal medicine passed easily with Ryan ’s natural magic ability, as did Thursday ’s black magic defense class. Ryan also received extra points for his crab patron saint. . But this is not too noticeable, because there are more wizards who can release the guardian deity of the flesh during the exam this year than in previous years.

But Umbridge, a professor of black magic defense, is not happy. After all, the patron saint is the nemesis of Dementors, and all Dementors in the United Kingdom are employees of the Ministry of Magic. In this way, the wizards' attitude towards the Ministry of Magic can be imagined.

Ended the ancient magic test on Friday and the busy weekend. In the new week, Ryan finished the potion test, counting for divination, magical animal protection and astronomy. What is different from the original is that because the Weasley twins have not left, there are not so many disturbances in the school, and Umbridge naturally does not want to have nothing to do at this important moment, and insists on expelling the professor.

"I can finally give up arithmetic divination, magical animal protection, and astronomy in the future." After returning to the common room after the astronomy operation, Lane said slightly tired. Even if the content of the exam is not difficult for him, it is inevitable that he will be tired after the two-week exam.

Their last exam is the history of magic, which will not take place until the afternoon. Because this exam is only written. So Ryan slept the next day and didn't get up until nine in the morning.

When he went downstairs, he found that many students were reading notes in the common room. Her three-and-a-half-thick copy of her notes appeared in front of many classmates, but Ryan felt it would be too late to see these things if he had n’t studied them well before.

"Here, I will bring you some food." After sitting down beside Hermione, she handed Ryan two sandwiches wrapped in handkerchief. "There is another exam that will end, I hope I can get good results for this exam."

"It must be." Lane gave Hermione a big smile.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the fifth grader walked into the auditorium and sat down in front of the reversed test paper. At this time, every student in the examination room was in a calm mood, because after a long period of preparation and continuous examinations, this period of suffering finally came to an end. As long as the exam is finished, they can take a good rest and then relax for a while.

Professor Ghost Bins also did not appear to accompany the proctor, everyone was exhausted, just want to end this long exam quickly.

"Turn your test papers out." Professor Macchiban said in front of the auditorium while immediately buckling up the huge hourglass, "You can start."

These exam questions are not simple recitations. For example, the fourth question is, according to your opinion, did the wand regulations facilitate or help to better control the 18th century goblin riot? This is much more difficult than the fifth question (How was the Confidentiality Act violated in 1749? ~ what bill was proposed later to prevent similar situations from recurring?). Because this is a divergent argument, there is no ready-made answer.

This kind of test questions are calculated by scoring points, and the examiner will also give points based on the completeness of the points answered. There are not many problems in this category. A large number of historical facts are needed to support each argument. Each question can be regarded as a small paper.

Answered less than half, and Ryan felt his head started to buzz. Fortunately, with perseverance, he finally finished writing the whole paper.

After finishing the paper, he raised his head from time to time to look at the hourglass placed at the front, and occasionally glanced at Harry sitting in front with the corners of his eyes. If he remembered correctly, in the original plot, it was during this exam that Harry saw Voldemort grabbing Sirius.

Now, Ryan is most concerned about whether Harry will see any pictures this time. Although according to Harry's previous dreams, Voldemort was still preparing for the prophecy ball in the Division of Mystery Affairs according to historical inertia.

But nothing happened. After Ryan finished the last question about the deportation of the giant, he waited until Professor Macchiban asked all the students to put down the pen and began to wind up. Nothing happened. Harry did n’t receive it as he did The signal from Voldemort did not fall to the ground like the original text.

What exactly is Voldemort planning? Ryan frowned as he walked out of the examination room, seeming to be out of tune with the others. He found himself in the mist, and this unknown was extremely disturbing.

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