Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 442: The other side of the curtain

"What about Ryan and Hermione?" Harry shouted while struggling while being pulled away by Lupin, "They are still on the table."

As Harry yelled, the tentacles composed of countless human bodies slapped against the misty barrier again with the breath of death. Harry saw Ryan and Hermione spit out blood at the same time.

"I'm going to save—" Before he finished speaking, Harry was stunned by a spell by Lupin, and then quickly walked out. As they have experienced a brutal war, they know that this time is not the time for their children to love. At this time, if they return to remove more dead people, let Ryan have no purpose other than in vain.

When the members of the Order of the Phoenix left, everyone passing by Ryan and Hermione nodded quickly, even if they were like Professor McGonagall.

"It feels like the body is farewell, all face-to-face." As all the members of the Order of the Phoenix climbed up the stairs, Ryan turned his head and said to Hermione beside him, while a smile appeared on his face, but in him The blood on his face made me feel inexplicably crying.

"I think it may be because they felt they forgot to bring another bunch of white lilies." Hermione replied in a whisper and pursed her lips when she finished. Although Ryan greeted most of the impacts just now, those aftermaths still caused considerable damage to Hermione. Now her face was pale and she didn't look any better than Ryan.

After everyone's safety has disappeared at the entrance to the top of the steps, Lane is ready to use the emergency exit function of the Wanjie grocery store to take Hermione to run. As a person who likes to prepare in advance, Lane will not fight unprepared battles Now is the time to use prepared methods to escape danger.

But just as Ryan was about to launch, the waves of death that had beaten on the barrier like waves before disappeared, as if they had never appeared. At the same time, the power imprisoning his wand also disappeared, allowing Ryan to easily withdraw his wand.

"This is--" Ryan hadn't reacted yet, and suddenly a huge suction came from the stone arch to directly **** Ryan and Hermione outside the door.

As soon as he was pulled into the arch by this suction, his heart sank, and a strong unwillingness came out of his heart. Although Ryan died once, this kind of thing will not get used to it anyway. What made him even more frustrated was that this time he was not only dead, but also involved the people who were very important to him to die together.

"There is nothing terrible about death. I may be able to return to the original world with luck." Ryan cheered himself up. "It was so dangerous to Hermione that she didn't have to come--"

But he soon realized that he shouldn't have these thoughts if he hung up. Ryan, who had closed her eyes and was about to wait for death, opened her eyes violently, and saw two rings of white flames emanating from her and Hermione's hands, which spread from their hands to their entire body, Protect two people strictly. Just when he turned his gaze to Hermione, he found Hermione's eyes closed now, and he still muttered something in his mouth.

Ryan thought of what this was, and the arch should represent the dead side of the world. The death rule can indeed kill all people who enter in an instant. But Ryan's ring was hidden by the power of the indestructible fire. Although the power is not very strong, the person is not low.

The power of these deaths around ca n’t penetrate the protection of the basic power of the creation of another world, even if they face the death power of the entire world here, but this little fire is enough for both Lion and Hermione. Individuals provide perfect protection.

Is surrounded by gray mist, and the two can only feel their continuous falling. Although the escape system can still be activated at this time, unless you will always live in another world in the future, otherwise you will return to this place once you return.

"Just after the pressure in the arch was reduced, you should choose to run the road decisively." Ryan thought with regret, but who would have thought that the arch would not only release the power of death outward, but also **** the outside in.

"Ryan, where is this? Are we dead?" Just as Ryan was entangled, the voice of Hermione whispered into his ear. "It should be dead, but it's not painful at all. Fortunately, it's not too bad to have Ryan around, and we have saved so many people. The only bad thing is that we all have only one child. If we die What should parents do? "

"The good news is that we are not dead yet. The bad news is that we are now trapped behind that arch, that is, the world of death is temporarily unable to get out." Listening to Hermione's incoherent nagging there, Ryan immediately said. Interrupted her.

"Well, it's better to live now than anything else." Hermione opened her eyes and looked around. She was very optimistic. "Is there any way for us to change this state now, for example, let us stop falling."

"I think I have a way." Under the calming tone of Hermione's calm tone, Ryan also calmed down. Initially, he wields his wand to release several magics, but these magics are distorted or even completely ineffective in this environment full of death and rules. After thinking for a while, he bit through his left hand and drew one after another **** runes in the air, and then used these runes to mobilize the unending fire in the ring and began to check the surrounding environment.

Hermione first saw Ryan waving his wand, but only the head of the wand was simply lit a few times. But soon Ryan gave up his wand and directed some blood-red runes around him, and then the runes wrapped a layer of white flames on them and flew in all directions.

But soon these runes flew back to form a gray flame full of death in the hands of the two clenched, and then Ryan kept chanting a certain spell at the gray flame. And every time he talked about it, the flame in his hand would shake violently once, and an invisible wave would spread suddenly. Hermione was surprised to find that as the energy fluctuated again and again, the surrounding mist seemed to be slowly solidifying.

But Ryan didn't notice this at this time. As the fluctuations spread, he also received feedback from the surrounding fog and fell into a trance. Some voices that had never been heard before began to sound in his heart.

"No, I don't want to die--" "It's just a few small muds, uh—" "What--"


"Kill-kill-" "Head, Gu Ge, knock, shattered—"


"Master ~ ~ I'm sorry I tried my best." "I want to live, I have to live anyway."

"This is the Zepesh family, how could someone break in." "Huh? Strange puppet, ah--" "For the glory of the Zepesh family, rush up—"

Countless noisy voices passed into Ryan's soul, making him feel that his soul is getting stronger and stronger, as if he can master everything and know everything.

"Ryan, Ryan--" Just as Ryan's perception expanded rapidly outward, as if holding everything around him in his hand. He felt somebody vaguely calling his name, while shaking his body.

Thoughts returned to the body like a tide, and Ryan burst into a cold sweat from the back. Just now I used life magic to try to communicate with the world around me. I did n’t expect this world to be too powerful. Even if I had the protection of the indestructible fire, I was almost lost in the surrounding world of death. Fortunately, I had a soul contract with myself. Hermione's call from the bottom of her heart called Ryan's soul back.

"Is this?" Opening his eyes, Ryan was shocked to find that he was lying on a floor covered with gray tiles, Hermione sat down on her knees, put her head on her knees, and stroked her face again. Calling his name again and again.

"You are awake!" Hermione cheered happily when she saw Ryan open her eyes.

"What the **** happened?" With the help of Hermione, Ryan asked after sitting against her.

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