Mysterious Tribulation

Chapter 144: Martial law (2,100 plus)

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Wee hours.

With the last gleam of darkness before the sun rose, Aaron turned into his room, took off his clothes, and slept beside Chanivet.

The Green Forest Power Ring, which was entrusted with the evil spirit, was stuffed into an iron box by him, and the surface was sealed with spirituality.

After reviewing everything tonight, he was quite satisfied.

Not only harvested a wave of leeks, obtained 2,300 pounds in cash and more spiritual materials, but also produced a good hole card.

‘As for the leader of the Bone Worship Society, ‘Barbarian Bone’ Specter... Let’s spare his life for now...’

The opponent is already on the verge of being promoted to the fourth elemental quality, and has also mastered an inhuman level magic item, which also has inhuman level combat power, similar to Aaron.

Aaron didn't want to collide with the opponent before he had obtained the detailed information of that inhuman level crook.

After all, he manipulated evil spirits to fight, and it was not without weakness.

His unconscious body is the biggest flaw!

‘Also, I got another mask...I can disguise an identity in the future-the unlucky person possessed by the ancient evil spirits of Sotos...’

Aaron was thinking, and found that Chanivet next to him woke up and looked at him with a blush on his cheeks: "My dear, you were so amazing last night..."


When the morning sun rose, Aaron walked down the stairs, saw Hank, the manager of the racecourse, raised his hand and said hello: "Good morning!"

"Good morning."

Hank looked at Aaron up and down, then approached, and said in a tone that a man understands: "That's great, Channifer called midnight last night. This is the first time I heard her like this..."

Aaron: "..."

It seems that the effect of the spell is a little too good?

"It's all technical..." He replied with a smile that he knew.

"Tell me the truth, did you secretly take medicine? Which brand?"

Hank unwillingly lowered his voice and asked, "Tell me...I heard that placenta is popular in the upper kingdom of the kingdom. It is said that it can regain men's youthful vitality...Is it true?"

Any material that is said to have aphrodisiac effect is often worth a hundred times.

Aaron murmured in his heart and began to change the subject: "Thank you for your hospitality, I think I should go back..."


After riding in the carriage and entering the city, Aaron clearly felt that the situation was not right.

There are few pedestrians on the streets, and soldiers in uniforms and rifles can be seen everywhere in the traffic arteries.

The patrolmen were no longer as laid back as they used to be, they looked serious, and even looked at everyone with a little guard.

"Last night... What happened in Green Forest City?"

Aaron had some guesses in his mind, but he was not afraid, leaving the police to check, then got out of the carriage and walked into the subway station.

After getting on the subway, he saw a gentleman in a gray coat and felt hat nearby, staring at the newspaper in front of him with solemn expression.

"Good morning, sir... the weather is nice today..."

Aaron leaned over, using a common opening remark: "What's the big deal?"

"Last night there was a gas explosion accident in the Green Forest Cathedral. It was really unfortunate..."

The gentleman drew a prayer gesture: "The newspaper said that the priests in the church had no survivors, including a large number of innocent people...May the Holy Spirit bless their souls!"

‘A gas explosion, what about a liar? ’

Aaron murmured in his heart, thinking of the information he had leaked, and suddenly understood: ‘Is the hidden danger of Green Forest Cathedral finally erupting? ’

The atmosphere in the subway was so gloomy, he even saw a woman wearing a black gauze hat, crying.

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