Mysterious Tribulation

Chapter 335: Dominator of the Deep

Dreaming of the port of Chardonnay, the quayside.

The terrain here is completely different from the reality.

As soon as he got off the wagon, Aaron saw that the original building was smoothed out. Only one huge black ship near the pier had been broken in half, and the remaining half was resting on the pier, forming the main body of the auction house of the shipwreck. .

Broken, weird...

At the location of the breach, there are two rows of handsome young men and women wearing white shirts and black attendants in an auction house.

Aaron sorted his clothes and found that the ‘evil spirit’ was like a living person here, and he didn’t care about it, so he walked over.

Behind him, the coachman bends down respectfully to send him off, Raya also waved his little hand.

Aaron came to the entrance of the auction house, saw a beautiful maid with her hands on her lower abdomen, and bowed softly: "Wreck the ship welcomes you, distinguished guest!"

She has dull eyes, but she has a nice face and is very polite in every move.

Aaron even felt that the other party was a little familiar. He seemed to have seen him in the local newspaper. He should be a nobleman and a socialite.

But now, after being drawn into a dream, he can only become a maid involuntarily.

He showed the invitation letter in his hand without any expression, and was invited to enter the auction house, which is the half of the ship.

Step on!

The decaying deck, the walls full of algae and shells, and the ominous and terrifying spirituality hidden in it...

‘The atmosphere of this auction house is very well done. ’

Aaron gave a thumbs-up in his heart, and followed the maid through the short corridor to a certain cabin.

This was originally supposed to be a cabin or meeting place for a certain crew member, and the area was not too small. At this time, it was arranged in the style of an auction stand.

There is a large hole in the wall plank behind the auction stand, and a scrapped rusty anchor hangs next to it.

Around the auction platform, there are a dozen chairs with lack of arms and legs that are sparsely placed, giving people the feeling of having a pirate sharing meeting.

Aaron was the first one. He chose a sideways position and sat down carefree.

The maid smiled and bowed backwards, and before long she brought a tray with seafood platter and thick soup on it.

Aaron picked up the rusty spoon and stirred it in the soup bowl, and suddenly picked up an eyeball with blood-red tentacles.

He put down the spoon and asked calmly, "What auctions does your auction house have today?"

"Dear guests, the auction house of Shipwreck is dedicated to salvaging treasures buried in the deep sea. Our auction today includes ancient spiritual relics, shipwreck documents, and the finale-the statue of ‘Da Mo’!”

"'Da Mo'?"

Aaron asked curiously.

"Yes,'Damo' is the ruler of the deep sea, the king of countless giant sea monsters... At the same time, he is also the most beloved son of the Rancher, and the most perfect work..." The maid said with an admiring expression on her face. One sentence, and then stopped talking.

‘It turned out that it was the ghost of the ‘rancher’. ’

Aaron has realized something.

Among the many years of age, the ‘rancher’ who is in charge of June is a more evil, depraved and chaotic existence than the ‘fallen crown’.

He likes to herd creatures. In some religious texts, the earth is the pasture of ‘ranchers’.

He put so many weird creatures into the world to raise, grow, multiply, and harvest...

In the past, the ‘alienated children’ he cast had created a disaster for the destruction of a city.

‘If Chardonnay’s anomaly is not controlled and it develops until will cause a terrible disaster, at least everyone in this city will not be able to run away? ’

Aaron sighed secretly: "Is the deep sea?"

For today's mainland countries, the depths of the dark sea are hard to reach.

The magical creatures on the land may be hunted and killed in various ways, prevented from reproducing, and controlled to a certain extent.

And what to do in the deep sea?

The ‘rancher’ should also have the authority to mutate and evolve. If the ocean is used as a testing ground, how many terrifying sea beasts will be bred for more than a thousand years?

"At first, Invis was very costly, and finally opened a route to South Indonesia, and then there was no news of other new routes... I originally thought that the navigators of this era were too wasteful, but now it seems that it is Something is wrong with them. ’

‘With Invis’s national strength, even if it maintains a new route, I’m afraid it will be very difficult, right? ’

While Aaron was thinking, two more groups entered the auction house.

One of the lines is headed by a tall woman. She is dressed in mechanical punk style clothes and painted with eye shadows, which is very unique.

More importantly, Aaron moved his throat unconsciously and smelled the sweet aroma of the food.

‘A ‘mechanical mentor’? Is it the Brotherhood of Craftsmen, or the Lantern Bearer of the Sunset School? ’

The other group of people wearing uniforms were not secret police officers of the Bureau of Investigation, but agents of the Military Intelligence Department. UU reading www.

Both parties seemed to know something about this place. After they came, they sat down and looked at each other with scrutiny at most, but didn't do anything.

After another ten minutes, more Extraordinary people arrived one after another.

Some of them made no secret of their identities, while others huddled up under the dark cloaks, filling up a small cabin.

Finally, with countless strange howls from the deep sea, Aaron suddenly felt a dark spiritual surge.

Guru! Guru!

In this cabin, countless seawater seemed to be poured into it at once, and the void seemed to turn into the bottom of the sea, the light twisted and twisted.

Strangely, none of the people present felt suffocated. It seemed that everyone could breathe freely underwater.


A man in black robes had already stood on the auction stage for unknown time. From under his robe stretched out a decadent octopus tentacle, rolled up the auction mallet, and issued a crisp knock.

Behind it, more than a dozen male and female servants stood in a row, holding different trays in their hands.

At this time, the maid who had led Aaron in stepped forward, lifted the silk cloth on the tray, and introduced in a sweet voice: "Auction No. 1, from the shipwreck of the Fabry period, looks like fragments!"

"We only accept spirituality here. Once the spirituality of the guests is exhausted, we will extract your'dream'!"

Aaron listened quietly to the introduction, and scanned the bow like fragments, and found that it was a dark heavy wood. After time has passed, it has long been unable to see the original appearance, but some of the historical atmosphere contained in it is absolutely'secret' extraordinary. Favorite.

The onlookers were silent for a moment, and finally someone made an offer.

A one-eyed man dressed as a pirate with a wooden leg as his right foot stood up, showing his mouth full of yellow teeth: "I'm out of 10 turners!"