Mysterious Tribulation

Chapter 441: Intense (3200 plus)

In this world, power is out of balance.

In a world with supernatural powers, ordinary people are powerless to resist power.

Even Aaron can easily think of a hundred ways to prevent parades and riots - such as setting up large-scale ceremonies in the slums, constantly strengthening the residents' sense of order and obedience, so that even if they starve to death at home, they will not dare to violate the laws of the empire!

From a mystical point of view, this is completely possible.

But the parade happened. Although the suppression was effective, every time it appeared, it would stimulate the rest of the people and leave wounds in their hearts.

Even if the wound heals, there will still be scars left, gradually corroding the foundation of the empire's rule.

"I... I don't know, isn't this normal? If I can't live anymore, I have to change my way of life..."

Louis scratched his head, not knowing what Aaron was saying.

"Also... As a friend, I'll invite you to a bar. That's how it is anyway."

Aaron offers his own suggestion.

"Well... My boss's store is on this street, and it is absolutely impossible to open today."

When Louis heard the drink, his eyes began to light up: "I know a beer hall, where the bacon sausages are guaranteed to be unforgettable if you eat them..."

Rye Brewery.

Only the cheapest rye beer is served here, and the customers who come here seem to be from the lower classes of society, but the business is good.

Because it was daytime, Aaron and Louis occupied a round table against the wall, ordered bacon sausages and other specialties, and drank beer slowly.

"We can't go on like this... The failure of the Affirmative Action Act proposal last month means that the big capitalists who have turned from big aristocrats have completely abandoned us... They are even more hateful than the original landed aristocrats, who regarded serfs as serfs. For their own property, there is still a last trace of warmth, and their factories only know how to greedily devour the flesh and blood of the workers, as long as they get sick, they will drive them away without paying a penny!"

On the bar of the beer hall, a young man jumped on the bar and was shouting: "Unite, force the factory owners to bow their heads and let the parliament pass the bill... If we don't pass the bill, we will strike and march... The failure in the past is just not strong enough, we want our own power. , to expand the third-level parliament, we also have our own voting rights!"

"Who are those people?"

Aaron held a huge beer mug, blowing the hops on it, and pointed to the young man who was giving a speech.

"A group of middle-class and even the bottom class of self-proclaimed social activists... They have gone to school and know the knowledge, but they live in the slums, but they know very well what the people at the bottom want. Many people are persuaded by them, but the results are often not very good. good."

Louis took a swig of beer and explained with a sigh, "Oh...there is also an organization between them called the 'Hatless' League..."

"The poor people's alliance?" Aaron's expression was solemn. This kind of alliance is very scary. Because he can't even wear a hat, he has nothing to lose.

"Yes, most of them are poor people, as well as lawyers and doctors who sympathize with the poor... They also received some social donations and funding." Louis continued to drink and sigh...

Aaron saw a man overwhelmed by life and could only find a moment of comfort in alcohol.

It didn't take long before Louis fell drunk on the table.

'Who gave you the courage to come to the pub? Or... you just want to get drunk and escape reality? ’

Aaron glanced at him contemptuously, and looked at the man speaking to himself.

'If you can get social donations, is it a blind man to be the Imperial Repression Bureau? And today's parade...'

'Obviously, there is a powerful force that is implicitly supporting this group of people. ’

'There is no power that comes from nothing, is it the Church of the Sun? ’

There is nothing new under the sun, and there is only one force in the entire continent that can make the empire helpless!

"The conflict between royal power and divine power... Yes, power is a beast, and one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers. Since there are no rivals in the world, it can only be fought within..."

Aaron was keenly aware of the subtle state of the upper echelons of the empire. conflicts that are as intense as a powder keg.

"Damn it... With such a big empire, wouldn't the benefits of colonization and plunder be distributed to the poor?"

But Aaron thought about some countries in his previous life that were called empires, and suddenly understood: "I really don't know... Whether it is a big capitalist or a big noble, it is better to pour milk into the sea, exchange money for gold and lock it in the vault, rather than Will share a little bit with the mud legs, they will just sit and watch the poor people lose their jobs and starve to death, die of illness, at most do charity, shed a few crocodile tears... want to eat meat from their bowls, no blood, ruthless How can it be possible to fight a fierce battle?"

"Besides that, the church is fanning the flames and adding fuel to the flames... The contradictions in this world are even more intense and treacherous."

Aaron listened to the guy's impassioned speech while solving his own meal problem, and probably figured out the current superstructure of Inves.

Different from his own history, in Invis, the three-level parliament has all the rights.

Among them, the representatives of the first-level council are His Majesty the Emperor and the priests and monks of the Church of the Sun!

No way, who made the one worshipped by the Sun Church win a great victory in this heavy history...

The members of the second-level council are mainly hereditary nobles.

It was only at the third tier of parliament that it included factory owners, big merchants, bankers, and theoretically all citizens of the Empire.

Of course, since those poor people have to go to work every day to ensure that they will not starve to death, and have no time to participate in any parliamentary activities, the third-level parliament is mainly dominated by capitalists.

However, it should be noted that some landed aristocrats were attracted by capital and gradually turned into big capitalists. They were called "liberals" among the aristocracy.

In addition, some nobles who are in debt due to poor land income or extravagant living are often bought by capital... Therefore, those capitalists also have a lot of influence in the second-level parliament.

'If it continues like this... Sooner or later this empire will be controlled by capital, but in Invis where there is a true god, that's it... Among the three-level councils, the first-level council holds the most power! ’

'Sure enough, it's still a struggle between theocracy and kingship! ’

'In addition, capital is attached to the empire, exploiting workers more brutally, and even because of the oppressive policies of the empire, some newspapers that promote freedom and equality have been banned one after another... The contradiction has already intensified to a terrible level, but it is useless, there is an absolute Power, civilians who dare to resist will be immediately suppressed! ’

'Without the last scruples, the madness and greed of capital are vividly displayed! ’