Mysterious Tribulation

Chapter 950: Slaying Demons (7600 Supplements)

"Besides that, there have been a few days in the magic way..."

"For example, Yuan Hongzhou of the True Demon Dao, Fairy Picking the Heart of the Su Nu Dao, and a few small inheritances of the magic Dao... Especially the Gorefiend, some ruthless characters have appeared, and even the authentic disciples of Xuanmen have been sacrificed in blood. of....."

Fang Xiaolong continued to state.

"Not bad....."

When Aaron heard the last, he finally looked more serious, took off a waist card, and threw it to Fang Xiaolong: "You hold my waist card, but you can go to the Gongfa Pavilion to choose another magic method, this time... don't forget Wrong choice again."

"Thank you brother."

Fang Xiaolong took the waist card and looked grateful.

In the dead of night, he did not know how many times he regretted his original choice.

This time, he must choose a cultivation technique that has the hope of breaking into the profound light. At least he must be like those overseas scattered immortals, and live a life span of hundreds of years.


After Fang Xiaolong left, Aaron sighed: "Sure enough... when the devil is fighting, the first thing is always to clear the side door first!"

"Loose cultivation is difficult, and the side door is even more difficult... After the Huashen Palace and the Spiritual Medicine Mountain are cleared, it will be the turn of the side door, right?"

Thinking of this, Aaron's expression suddenly changed slightly.

He walked into the secret room and took out Ding Xiadong's Blood God Gu.

Through this Gu worm's connection, scene after scene suddenly appeared in front of him, as if he were there.


Somewhere in Shenzhou, Chixian.

"Ding Xiadong, you have been enchanted!"

On the banks of the blood pool, countless faces floated, wailed, and screamed in the blood pool...

Ding Xiadong was wearing a dark robe with a pale face, looking at the woman with a flying sword in front of her, with deep hatred in her eyes.

This woman is Li Yingyun.

It's just that at this time, she has a clear circle of light around her body, and she doesn't touch anything, and she has not been impacted or corroded by these blood qi...  

Moreover, the flying sword in her hand has a simple and simple shape, and there is a purple and blue air flowing on the sword body. It is a famous flying sword in the world - Ziqing!

As high as Jiulian, it is the first of the nine best flying swords in Emei!

This Li Yingyun showed his peerless talent as soon as he entered Emei, and was favored by the real person Qi Miaoyi and accepted as a disciple.

Now, even this Ziqing sword has been passed down, which shows that he is paying attention!

It can be said that this move also caused an uproar among the other disciples of Emei. Yang Xumi won a great victory in the sword fight, and he never saw Ku Toutuo give him the invisible sword...

Li Yingyun has a stubborn energy in his bones. In order not to be said to be biased by the headmaster, he devoted himself to practicing asceticism. After only ten years, he entered the profound light, which shocked many people.

Afterwards, when he went down the mountain, he also hated evil and killed many old demons, and he was famous for his fierceness. ..

This time.

Li Yingyun also tracked down a blood demon descendant. When he arrived at his old nest, he discovered that the ancestor whom the other party worshipped was actually his childhood playmate and former fiancé - Ding Xiadong!

"Yes, Lao Tzu is enchanted!"

Ding Xiadong pinched to death the disciple who was leading the way, and threw the body into the blood pool.

The opponent's corpse dried up quickly, and strands of blood essence spilled into the blood pool, making the entire blood pool even more dense.

"Li Yingyun, after I killed the dead ghost master, I swore that in the future, I will practice lifelong cultivation and seek back my hatred from you and Emei!"

While roaring, Ding Xiadong secretly cast the "Blood Devil Secret Voice" in "The Eight Sounds of the Devil", trying to plant a devil in Li Yingyun's heart.

But this woman was surrounded by a clear light, and with just a flash, the invisible and qualityless devil head was twisted into pieces.

Li Yingyun's talent is extraordinary, and he practiced "Ziqing Secret Trap".

When he reached the realm of profound light, his body was so pure and profound that it was difficult for outsiders to invade.

As Emei's highest practice, "Purple Green Secret" is far more than that. In the later Jindan realm, a "Taiqing Jindan" was condensed, ranking the best among the first-grade Jindan.

When you reach the realm of Yuanshen, you can even become a "Taiqing Yuanshen", with the highest power, the most powerful, and the pure and pure... In the orthodox Xuanmen, only the "Tianhe Yuanshen" of the Nanhai School can be. A comparison.

Even the real body of the devil's life, the gods and devils, is one step behind.

As for the Bone Primordial Spirit, the Three Corpse Primordial Spirit, and the Seven Killing Primordial Spirit from the side door... I have to wait and see.

"Since you have been enchanted, I will kill you!"

Li Yingyun performed the Taiqing Demon Refining Sword Art, and the Ziqing Sword suddenly let out a roar, flying out like a horned dragon.

Even though she is still superficial and unable to exert the full power of this nine-level flying sword, just the fur is enough to kill the current Ding Xiadong!

"Blood Shadow Sword!"

Ding Xiadong howled, three wounds opened on his body, and blood flowed out, converging into three **** flying swords!

The blood shadow swordsmanship can refine blood into swords, and now he triggers the magic power, these three blood-colored flying swords, each of which is equivalent to the level of five refinements!

Moreover, even if you fail to slash with other flying swords and magic weapons, and the blood sword collapses, it will turn into blood poison, eroding the enemy's flying sword magic weapon!

It can be said that not only mighty, but also quite sinister.


Four flying swords fought fiercely in mid-air, and the Ziqing sword was worthy of nine refinements. One sword cut off a blood shadow sword. The blood poison that spilled over the flying sword could not shake the light of the Ziqing sword. , the purple and blue air on the sword body swirls around, washing away all the filth. UU reading

Even vaguely, there is thunder generated! Sword moving thunder!

Such a realm of swordsmanship was even proved by Li Yingyun!

In the blink of an eye, Ziqing Sword slashed three Blood Shadow Swords in a row, piercing Ding Xiadong's heart!

On flying swords!

On swordsmanship!

On qualifications!

He was originally not worthy of Li Yingyun's shoes.

But in the next instant, the figure of "Ding Xiadong" exploded and turned into an endless blood shadow.

The blood shadows are like **** human skins, floating in the air, and there are many secret texts of the demons engraved on them!

"But I also know that I can't compare to you in swordsmanship... This is the first supernatural power passed down by Lao Tzu's dead ghost master - the blood shadow magic! No matter how much you can hurt Lao Tzu, even if you slash and kill with your flying sword?"

puff puff!

As early as when Ding Xiadong was speaking, Li Yingyun pinched a magic trick, and the Ziqing sword turned into a sword thread, wandering around the field, strangling the bloodskin.

But after killing dozens of them, more bloodskins came out immediately.

Even, it became more like a shadow, somewhere between the illusory, it seemed that Ding Xiadong was using Li Yingyun, especially the hand of Zi Qingjian, to kill his own reality and cultivate this cruel and strange magic art!

Li Yingyun responded very quickly. After seeing this scene, he immediately took the Ziqing sword, and then flicked his finger, and a purple flame exploded in the void.

"Ah... what kind of fairy fire is this?"

"Can you burn my demon body?"

In the mid-air, countless blood shadows screamed again and again, and even had nowhere to escape, they were swallowed and burned by the little purple real fire... turned into ashes.

"This is the rare treasure of the Immortal Mansion - Tusita Fire!" Li Yingyun's expression was cold, and he stimulated the Tusita Fire from the adventure, burning the **** shadows to ashes: "Master said that I owe you cause and effect, but you Has been enchanted, can only kill..."