Mysterious Young Master, Super Cool

v1000 Chapter 3561: Ready to have a warm hug with her


Xiaoru, I'm sorry for you.

You must come back in peace!

If Ming could escape this time, she would definitely not let her leave her half a step in the future.

Looking at Gu Wenfeng's two-headed white hair, Ming Yu was extremely guilty, not taking care of him as little as his biggest fault.


As the plane landed, Peng Xixi stood again in the country of country Y which she did not like most!

In the past, Peng Xixi had a good impression of country Y, but because of Andre's relationship, she really doesn't like it here.

This time Peng Xixi came alone, without any luggage, and just exited the airport door. Andrei in a white suit had appeared in front of her.

"Peng, long time no see."

With open arms, Andre was ready to have a warm hug with her.

The ghost knows how much he misses Peng Xixi in those days when he doesn't see the sun?

Peng Yuexi, who passed him by, just said coldly, "I want to see Mingru right away."

The day before, under the lens of the news media, Andre, who was in a sad black suit, had changed his favorite wink. His exaggerated arms were still there, and his face was obviously unpleasant. Any action.

Walking to the side of Andre's car, the bodyguards accompanying him did not make any movements, and did not intend to help Peng Xixi to open the door.

Despite being unhappy in his heart, Peng Xixi could only walk up to Andre.

This time, Andrei finally hugged her with a full satisfaction and kissed her face. Andrei said very tenderly in her ear: "Welcome you to my side, starting today, you are mine. "

Peng Yuexi still faced as ice, and didn't even look at Andre with his straight eyes, and looked coldly in front of him and asked, "Can I go see Mingru now?"

"Of course you can." Andre happily held her hand and took her into his car with her.

Along the way, Andrei did not speak, but watched Peng Xixi very carefully.

It's been almost a year since I saw her. This little girl seems to have opened up a little longer, and it's getting more and more flavorful.

Andre is very happy now, after receiving Peng Xixi, he is finally successful!

Not only did he get the throne he always wanted, but now Peng Xixi is his. He will be the happiest person in the world in the future.

Royal castle of country Y.

No wonder everyone dreams of becoming an emperor. Look at the exaggerated and extravagant building in front of you. If the grandeur of Peng's Manor is amazing, then the castle of the royal family of country Y can be regarded as a wonder in the world.

Towering castles, the distance between each one can only be reached by transportation!

Plants like dreams and inexplicable plants are everywhere, and the fragrant fragrance continues until Andre's car stops in front of a cabin!

Compared to the castles that passed by, the cabin in front of them couldn't even match the toilet inside.

However, it was the whole row of bodyguards that stood at the door of such a cabin!

"This is it?" Peng Xixi got out of the car and asked.

Andre, who was standing beside her, shrugged, and signaled to the person who was here to open the door.

As soon as the door of the cabin opened, Peng Xixi rushed in like lightning, "Little as!"

In the corner, Dirty Mingru raised the delicate little face, "Xiaoxi?"

Desperate Mingru couldn't believe his eyes, Peng Xixi really came to her rescue.

(End of this chapter)