Mystery: Start with the Reader

v1 Chapter 126: Famous again

"Mystery: Start with the reader (!

When Abner walked out of the "Daily Observer" building, it was almost two o'clock in the morning.

Originally, there was nothing about him in the follow-up, but I don’t know what the “punishers” thought, and they added a “heroic” deed of “smartly investigating the tricks of the murderers, and exploding the bombs at a very short time”. Di expressed his gratitude to him in public... and then he was interviewed by the enthusiastic "Daily Observer" reporters...

"What's the use of verbal thanks...Why not give some benefits?" Abner shook his head and said to himself. He also understands that this is an excuse that the punisher is looking for to detain the guests and wait for the professionals of the Mother Earth Church-this is what he knew after seeing Father Utravsky with the "Deserts" before. , But still feel that it is unnecessary to promote him as a "hero".

Although he criticized the practice of the "substitute penalty", Abner informed Evan who had been responsible for "protecting" him of the dark eyeballs he had observed before leaving. As for the other party's belief or not, it doesn't matter. His business.

Not far from the building, Abner saw two familiar figures standing in and out of Luca, one near and one far away. It was Hugh and Forsi.

Hugh looked up and down Abner earnestly, realizing that there was no damage on his body, and then he was relieved and asked vaguely: "It's over?"

Abner glanced at other security guards from MI9 not far away, nodded slightly and said: "It's over, there is no danger for the time being." As a "hero" who has just eliminated the "bomb" threat, he revealed to this degree Still no problem.

Hugh also knew that this was not a place to talk. After thinking about it, he only asked in a low voice: "Yes... can you tell me something?"

Her tone was a little unstable, and she felt her weakness once again...If she had the strength of the mid-sequence, after Forsi told her that the prom might have an accident, she would definitely not just wait here for the result, but enter the building to help. !

It's a pity that she only has Sequence 8. Entering it rashly will not only help me, but it may also become a burden.

Abner saw that Hugh’s mood was a bit wrong, and roughly guessed what she was thinking, but this is not a good place to comfort people, so she said: "You should be busy waiting a while. We are in the Eastern District on Sunday night. We'll talk in detail when we meet."

He felt that apart from the possible "arrangements" involved in the king of angels and the suspected "God of Knowledge and Wisdom", it should be no problem to talk to Xie. This can increase Xie's knowledge and make her right. The witch was more vigilant.

After hearing this, Xiu nodded, and stopped talking to Abnado. After routinely checking his registration information, he let Luca go.

Forsi, who was standing outside Luca, saw him, relaxed in her heart, and jokingly joked: "The'hero' has returned triumphantly. It seems that my script is still very good."

"Hero? Have you heard any noise?" Abner asked subconsciously.

"What?" Forsi was a little at a loss when he heard the words, not understanding what the other party meant.

"Nothing... It's just that I've been somewhat allergic to this word recently." Abner smiled while rubbing his forehead.


After sending Forsi home, Abner finally returned to the teacher's house before four o'clock.

Dismissed the servant who got up and opened the door for him. As soon as he returned to his room, he sealed the entire room with a wall of spirituality, set up the ceremony, and began to pray to Mr. Fool.

Even when Judy and Karen had checked him at the headquarters building of the Daily Observer and confirmed that he was not contaminated, he still felt safer to let Mr. Fool take a look.


Tingen, in the townhouse at No. 2 Narcissus Street, Klein, who was sleeping soundly, was suddenly awakened by bursts of illusory prayers.

He rubbed his still dry eyes, lit the candle on the table, took out his pocket watch dullly, pressed it and looked at it repeatedly, confirming that it was three o'clock in the middle of the night.

who is this? Is there a problem with your head? What do you pray for in the middle of the night? Did you let people sleep? Although Klein was a little angry about getting up, he was worried that the members of his Tarot Society were really in a hurry, so he got up and arranged the spiritual wall, then walked four steps backwards, chanted the mantra, and came to the gray fog.

In the towering palace like the residence of a giant, his figure suddenly appeared at the top of the long bronze table, and a crimson star that was shrinking and expanding was reflected in his eyes.

That star belongs to the "tower".

Sure enough, it's him again... I don't know what's going on this time...

Klein raised his right hand, spread his spirituality, and touched the star symbolizing the "tower".

With a bang, he saw the distorted and blurry picture, and saw Mr. "Tower" wearing a dark blue dress that was well-cut, sitting on a chair in a dark corner, with his hands folded against the buried forehead.

At the same time, his calm voice is illusory superimposed, reverberating layer by layer:

"Fools who do not belong to this era;

"You are the mysterious master above the gray mist;

"You are the king of yellow and black who is in charge of good luck.

"I pray for your gaze;

"I pray for your hearing;


"I got a occult book "Blood Feast" written by the Duke of Blood. I beg you to tell me if there are curses or traps in this book."

Klein listened carefully, distinguished carefully, and finally figured out what Mr. Tower described:

This is an occult book so happy that I can't sleep, so come and let me be a "firewall" overnight?

But books with occult knowledge are exactly what I need now... Just what sort of Extraordinary is the Blood Duke? The name should be high-level...

Klein deliberated again and again, and decided to help "Tower" take a look, so that it would be easy for "Tower" to owe the "Fool" the accounts, and it would be easy to ask him something. Of course, the most important thing is that it is safe enough on the fog, even if there is a problem with the book, it is difficult to threaten him on the fog.

But even so, Klein first realized the pen and parchment and wrote:

"Bringing the "Blood Feast" mentioned by'Tower' into the gray mist will not bring me danger."

Holding the silver chain, so that the citrine pendant almost touched the words on the parchment, Klein half-closed his eyes and muttered the divination sentence silently:

"Bringing the "Blood Feast" mentioned by'Tower' into the gray mist will not bring me danger."

"Bringing the "Blood Feast" mentioned by'Tower' into the gray mist will not bring me danger."


After repeating it seven times, he opened his eyes, looked at the pendulum, and nodded slightly.

The citrine pendant is turning clockwise, which means there is no danger.

As a result, Klein no longer hesitated and began to respond to "Tower"'s request.


Inside the bedroom of Detective Isinger's house.

Abner prayed several times, and finally stopped, holding the "Blood Feast" in his hand, waiting for Mr. Fool's response.

He knew that Klein might be "visiting" the old city in his sleep at the moment, and he might even watch Captain Dunn "fearfully" eating the food he cooked, so 80% of them couldn't respond so quickly.

As time passed, Abner took a deep breath and continued to persuade himself not to worry about gains and losses. Since the "desolate" did not see the problem, there should be no major issues. Confirming to the fool is just for an extra layer of insurance.

At this moment, a flower suddenly appeared in front of him, and he noticed that there was an illusory mist around him.

In the middle of the thick gray mist is an old high-backed chair. Sitting on the high-backed chair is a mysterious existence that makes people unable to see the appearance and figure, and overlooks all the mysterious existence.

Finally responded, it seems to be all right! Abner almost blurted out in surprise.

Immediately afterwards, he heard a familiar low voice:

"I see. Give me that book'sacrifice'."

The voice was still echoing, the gray mist had disappeared, and Abner returned to his room.

The anxiety and anxiety in his heart suddenly disappeared, and he straightened his back subconsciously, then came to the already arranged altar, and put "Blood Feast" on it.


After the illusory door disappeared, the gale set off by the curse ceased, and the candlelight returned to its original state, Abner simply cleaned the room, put all the materials in place, and then lay down on the bed, tired. Back to sleep.

At about noon the next day, Abner yawned and got up from the bed. After a brief wash, he came to the living room on the first floor.

At this time, the footman Kenny greeted him with joy and congratulated him: "Mr. Bryan, you are truly famous this time! Even the newspapers under the control of the Storm Church praise your acumen and courage, and Earlier this morning, reporters from more than a dozen newspapers asked for an interview, but Detective Stanton blocked you from returning because you were too tired and you were still resting."

With that said, he unfolded several newspapers to the first page, and then handed them to Abner one by one.

Abner took the newspaper and glanced at it:

"The attacker is frantic, a true hero knows evil with his eyes."-This is a fairly serious title.

"The prince is in distress, the detective stepped forward to save the man, but Sivilas Field was unable to let go of the prisoner?"-This is pure hatred for In the face of crisis, the hero reappears, a few ladies Seeing in love-the author's dance party. "——I was afraid that I would not fall in love at first sight, but after I chopped off a certain lady's arm with a wind blade, she was unforgettable.


Putting down these tabloids, which were obviously chasing after the wind and the clouds, Abner picked up the "Daily Observer" which had just been published. The account was quite detailed, even he "found that a lady looked wrong, the ceremony The specious details of being hijacked and exploited are all written vividly.

It's just that Abner squinted his eyes when he saw these descriptions. Only then did he understand the "Punisher"'s intention to create momentum for him...

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