Mystery: Start with the Reader

v1 Chapter 172: ready

"Of course all the invitations." Abner didn't think so much, and after exhorting Mrs. Skard, he went straight to the study in the villa.

The scale of this study is not very large, only a row of bookshelves are placed in front of the west wall, and the rest of the layout is more like a living room.

When I came to the bookshelf, I included books such as "Heraldry of the Nobility", "History of the Kingdom of Intis", "History of the Nobility of the Kingdom of Roen" and other books that Abner had previously bought by the Skards. The type of preference.

These books are not cheap, and the full bookshelves are even more expensive...Fortunately, the Mother Earth Church reimburses them.

While thinking in his heart, Abner started to sort out the order of the books, and put the "Blood Feast" that he brought with him and made his hands and feet in a position where he could easily get it.

After doing this, he thought about it again, and decided to use the "Solomon's Gold Coin" again at the banquet tomorrow night, to make his decoration a little more lucky, and secondly, he can ensure that nothing happens during the banquet.


In the garden at 16 Williams Street, the **** scene that Abner saw yesterday has long been cleaned up, and even the lion-like beast that was hollowed out was also contained in a large box.

A handsome man in a neat tuxedo is standing in the bedroom on the second floor of the villa. He is in his forties, mature and elegant.

He swept a little with his golden eyes and locked an empty cabinet in the bedroom.

At this time, a man wearing a golden mask knocked on the door, walked into the bedroom after getting permission, and reported to the British men in a standard posture:

"Your Excellency, this villa has been cleaned up. We pieced together the complete bones of two women and a monster body transformed by a werewolf.

"This is consistent with the information reported by one of our agents. It seems that this place is likely to be a stronghold of the'Rose School'."

The handsome man in a neat tuxedo was noncommittal about this. After thinking a little bit, he turned to ask: "Did the owner of this property make an investigation?"

"Yes, sir. The owner's name is ‘Queen Side’. He is a tobacco merchant who returned from the southern mainland and owns many tobacco plantations overseas.

"No one knows his specific experience overseas. I only heard that the methods were not very clean... In addition, in order to compete for a business, he deliberately instigated Bakus, a desperado in Tingen, to kidnap another local. Elliott, the youngest son of the big tobacco merchant Vekrol...This matter was finally resolved by the local Night Watcher team in Tingen.

"However, Quinn’s people only deliberately disclosed some information about the tobacco merchant to Bakus, and did not actually participate, and a big-name lawyer defended him. This incident was not resolved in the end, and the police department did not continue. Hold it down."

The handsome man heard this sneer and said, "How many of the businessmen who have made a lot of money overseas are clean? Especially in the tobacco business...Is there any other information about this person?"

The MI9 member wearing the golden mask hesitated, but still replied: “According to the information compiled by our intelligence department, there are rumors that Mr. Quinn Side is actually working for the Sauron family. Or simply an offshoot of the Sauron family...but there is no evidence."

"The Sauron family of Intis?" the handsome man asked in surprise.

"Yes, sir. It is said that someone has witnessed Quinn's appearance when he first went overseas. At that time, he was not black hair now, but red hair." The masked MI9 man replied.

"Why do people from the Sauron family pretend to come and settle in Backlund... and they are suspected of having a connection with the "Rose School"..." The handsome man pondered for a moment, then said again, "What else do you want to add?"

"Yes, sir. This property was originally the property of Lieutenant Bernard, who was transformed into a monster by Rey, the Witch of Pain... We suspect that Quinn had other motives for buying this place." The man wearing the golden mask Report.

"The merchants who returned from the Southern Continent... are they also believers in the'Primitive Moon'?" The handsome man whispered to himself, acknowledged and then ordered, "I will find out Quinn's whereabouts immediately, and report to the Night Watcher if necessary. This matter, borrow their manpower."

The member of the MI9 first responded, and then asked uncertainly: "Don't you need to inform the ‘Punishers’? They have been searching for news about the ‘Rose School’ recently."

"This is the Western District. The extraordinary incident is under the jurisdiction of the ‘night watcher’, isn’t it? Moreover, the ‘punisher’ is short of manpower and can’t help us much.” The handsome man said with a chuckle.

After the golden masked MI9 man retreated, he once again turned his eyes to the cabinet he had paid attention to before and muttered to himself:

"Will it be ‘1-025’?"


After Abner left his villa in the Jorwood District, he took a public carriage to the Church of Saint-Semuel in the North District.

After all, yesterday’s dinner has not been reimbursed...In addition, the invitation to Ms. Dai Li, because there is no specific address, has to be handed over by him.

Sitting on the public carriage heading to Pestfield Street in the North District, Abner leisurely looked at the "Daily Observer" he bought before getting on the bus, and saw the headline on the front page:

"A kind lady was brutally murdered! After investigation, it was a serial case, and it is the sixth known case!"

The following is a detailed description of the life of the murdered Ms. Harja, from her early and miserable childhood to finally owning a small restaurant of her own through struggle and achieving class promotion. This contrast reflects the hatefulness of the murderer who cruelly took her new life.

Abner didn't take it seriously. From the police files he read before, he knew that Backlund didn't know how many people disappeared or even died inexplicably every day... In contrast, the deaths and injuries caused by the devil dog were limited.

The reason why it is taken so seriously is only because its methods are too cruel, and it does not shy away from ordinary people, and the impact it causes is relatively bad.

The East District, the Factory District, and the Wharf District are full of legal “devil” who “cannibalize” people, and this demon dog is no different...

However, Abner is not the protagonist of the original book, and he does not have much feeling about the situation of ordinary people in this era. He may pity and lament the other party’s experience, but he does not have the "big love" like Klein, and he does not have his "guardian." "The determination, he only cares about himself and the friends and elders around him...

As for the others? Unless it's the characters he likes in the original book, he will only take care of it if he encounters it and if he has the ability, but he won't take the initiative to do something.

After reading the newspaper several times, the stagecoach finally stopped on Pestfield Street.

There is a pure black church with a bell tower on each side, presenting a symmetrical beauty. It is the headquarters of the Backlund parish of the Church of the Night Goddess, St. Samuel’s Church.

Abner walked to the vicinity of the church, and even if he did not enter the prayer hall of the church, he still felt a kind of peace and tranquility.

He wanted to go in and ask about Ms. Dai Li's location through the pastor, but luckily, before entering the door, he saw Ms. Dai Li's assistant—Ms. Cherie came out of a nearby building with a food box.

Abner hurriedly chased after him, and after saying hello, he knew what he was coming for.

After hearing his request, Cherie nodded after a little thought: "Come with me. I happen to be bringing lunch to Ms. Dai Li."

Then Abner followed Cherie, bypassing the Cathedral of Saint Samuel, and came to a not-so-wide street behind it. Finally, they stopped at the door of a security company called "Heihe".

The little girl at the front desk of the company was obviously a little surprised at Cherie's move to bring someone back. After whispering to Cherie, she looked at Abner with surprise.

Abner pretended not to hear the gossip between the two girls, and sat in the reception room of the company for a while, and then saw Ms. Dai Li with blue eye shadow and blush coming out of it.

Before Abner took the initiative to greet her, she heard Ms. Dai Li jokingly saying:

“I’m sorry I didn’t see the headlines of today’s newspaper headlines like'Eating a luxurious meal without paying the Detective Malicious Escape'.”

Madam, it turns out that you also knew you pitted me yesterday.

Abner sneered, and then handed her an attachment to the bill last night. He didn't have any embarrassing thoughts.

Dai Li took a look and smiled: "You really don't pretend to be outspoken... You must know that handing the bill to a lady is not a gentleman's behavior."

Abner ignored her joke, she didn't pay the bill back, and she acquiesced that she would be reimbursed.

"Also, this is the information required by the Lord'Sword of the Goddess' yesterday. I compiled it into a written document." Abner gave Dai Li the information he had prepared this morning on part of the demon pathway. .

Dai Li put away her smile this time, and took it over with a solemn expression, but after turning a few pages, she smiled again, playfully:

"Why are the'Devils' invitations for girls? Huh? There are also for me..."