Mystery: Start with the Reader

v1 Chapter 217: Request and aggregation

Abner had a plan in his heart for what he needed to help the two ladies, Emma and Fanny, and said with a slight smile:

"There are two main things that I need your help...well, don't worry, it's not too much trouble, and it's not too much."

"What's the specific thing?" Emma asked, and then a joking flashed in her eyes, her face stretched, pretending to be serious, "Even if I propose to Fanny, I will try my best to help you."

What's this all about... Abner's face was dull and almost fell from the tree, and it took a long time before she said helplessly, "Miss Emma, ​​don't be kidding."

This young lady not only has a lot of thieves, she also seems to have a black belly, and she likes to tease people.

"Isn't it? Some of Backlund's tabloids have focused on describing the romantic affair of the ‘Hero Detective’!" Emma fiddled with a mechanism in her ear, and then smiled with her mouth covered.

If I were so romantic as it was written in the tabloid, you and Miss Fanny wanted to return to the hotel intact last night?

Abner fought back in his heart, but on the surface he stopped accepting Emma's words, forcibly turned back to the previous topic and said:

"The first thing, I need a 6-level Guardian Extraordinary Item, which can be used for at least two years, the less negative effect the better... Of course, I will pay for it, as long as you can provide suitable items. Just fine."

Emma suppressed her smile when she heard this request, and said thoughtfully: "It was the'mechanical doll' from last night that made you guess that there is a'craftsman' behind Fanny?"

More than that, she sold too many extraordinary weapons at the teacher's party, and she has long been called the "craftsman agent", otherwise I would not take the opportunity to make this request.

I want to return to thinking like this, but Abner will not be so stupid to say what is in his heart, and only nodded: "Not only the'mechanical doll', but also her backpack... I even think that behind her may be an archbishop of the Steam Church. ."

"Abner, your reasoning ability is really great, this is very close to the truth..."

Emma sighed first, then pressed her finger on the mechanical device next to her ear, as if she was listening to something, then smiled and continued, "Fanny has already agreed, and she said she will help you find someone who meets the requirements as soon as possible. The items... and you don’t need to pay, this is to repay her life-saving kindness."

How embarrassed? Even though Abner thought so in her heart, she was kind on the surface, nodded relentlessly, and smiled: "Then I'll wait for her good news."

Emma was stunned, and then smiled dumbly: "Ebner, you are really different...well, at least different from most gentlemen. If you change someone, even if you are willing, you will hypocritically decline a few times, right? "

However, she was not disgusted with Abner's ungentleman's behavior... To be precise, she was also such a person, who was incompatible with the noble ladies like her.

That’s because you don’t know Mr. Fool...

Abner murmured in his heart, and then talked about his second request:

"The second thing is to trouble Miss Emma, ​​you help me go to the royal library to look up some materials..."

Emma frowned upon hearing this, and asked, "Abner, why are you so sure that I am qualified to enter the royal library? Do you know who I am?"

"Know something... I and Miss Harouer are friends." Abner said in a slightly vague language.

"The friend who chopped off her arm?" Miss Emma couldn't help but complain, and then said in an unbelievable way, "Hayrou mentioned me in front of you? I guess there must be nothing good."

Miss, your news is very good...Although it is not a secret that I cut Harou's arm, there are probably not many people who know the inside story...

Where did your information come from? Psychological Alchemy? Or the Hermit of Destiny?

But looking at her personality and habits, she doesn't look like a member of the "Psychological Alchemy Society"... and most importantly, she is not an "audience."

Just when Abner was guessing, Miss Emma saw that he was not answering, so she asked:

"What do you want me to look up in the royal library?"

"Help me check the historical documents of the Ramud family and related secrets sealed by the royal family...Well, this family was awarded the title due to military exploits at the end of the Quaternary Period, and it completely declined in the'Battle of Oath'." Ai As Buena said, he briefly mentioned some of the information he had found before to Emma, ​​and only concealed the part of Mr. Azik.

Emma heard her eyes brighter and brighter, and when Abner finished speaking, she was a little excited and said: "Just listening to you, I think this family may have some secrets hidden, and I can't wait to find out immediately...In short, I agreed to your request, and I am very interested in it now!"

After talking about repaying the kindness, the topic naturally shifted to their unfinished transaction last night.

Abner thought for a while, and felt that it would not be a big problem to tell Emma the purpose of the baron’s construction of the tomb. After all, the so-called "awakening" ceremony requires a specific building and time, and the most critical factor is the blood descendant. Even if the lady tried to imitate, it would not be effective.

After listening to Abner’s account, Miss Emma suddenly said: “So, it’s no wonder that someone will continue to imitate the architectural style according to a drawing for thousands of years... They should all be descendants of some existence... This is Who is behind the resurrection?"

resurrection? It doesn’t feel like it, after all, the ritual is just a “gate” to the underworld, and it doesn’t have the function of resurrection...

And Jane has a high probability of entering the real tomb...No, Roselle may have entered earlier, but he has not heard of any high-level existence of the "Reaper" pathway that has resurrected...

Abner naturally wouldn’t say this to Emma, ​​but just evasively added: “The baron should have encountered something unexpected during the construction of the underground tomb, so he sealed himself up...”

Emma nodded thoughtfully, and guessed: "It is possible that there was a problem with the ritual itself, which caused him to hear or see the message of the high position, and then he was on the verge of losing control, so he had to seal herself."

The facts are more serious than you think!

Abner just sighed secretly, and suddenly felt that the digestion of the potion of the "Knowledge Keeper" had advanced a lot.

Is this the knowledge I provided for Emma to help her a lot? So the feedback received will accelerate the progress of "digestion"?

He thought of looking at Miss Emma on the opposite branch, only to find that her face was obviously surprised.

Surprise? What I just said brought her a surprise? Could it be that her "decryptor" potion has also digested part of it?

According to my previous analysis, “keeping knowledge” should mean telling people who need appropriate knowledge, while keeping those “inappropriate” knowledge.

Emma apparently "decrypted" through my untrue and untruthful words, and came up with part of the truth, so she had "digested"...

And because of this knowledge was fully utilized by her, I got feedback?

Although it cannot be confirmed, the possibility is very high...In this way, "Knowledge Keeper" and "Decryptor" are not only similar in ability, but may also cooperate with each other in the matter of digesting potions...

After thinking about it, Abner looked at the time and found that it was not too early, so he ended the conversation with Miss Emma and jumped off the tree.

Why would he have to spare some time to get some prey to go back in order to deal with each other...


In a factory in the wharf area, Stewart, the "Secret Skill Instructor", is describing to an old man with a black soft hat and an unusually serious silver eye how he felt when he "retrospected" the scene.

This old man wore a robe embroidered with the storm symbol It was the cardinal of the Church of the Storm, the archbishop of Backlund, and the "song of the gods" Ice Sneek.

"Fallen... full of malice..." Sneek chewed on the words Stewart described and frowned.

"1-025" is normal when there is malice, but the breath of "depraved"? Does that curse thing believe in a certain evil god? Or was it polluted by a certain evil god?

At this moment, an illusory door was suddenly torn in the midair outside the factory workshop, covered with complicated symbols.

The door opened silently, and came out a handsome man in a neat tuxedo. He was in his forties, mature and elegant.

With golden eyes, he swept through the hole in the top floor of the workshop, then landed on the ground, and asked: "'1-025' appeared here before? Or did Mahams still not roll back to the southern continent?" "

"Why are you here?" Snake asked in a deep voice.

"This is Backlund. A '1'-level sealed artifact may even destroy most of the city. How could I not come? Besides, I think you also need our military's help." The handsome man smiled slightly.

Ace Snake didn't say a word, and turned his gaze to the outside of the workshop again.

Because at this time, he walked into an old man wearing a white priest's robe and a clergyman's cap. He had an unusually kind face and a calm and gentle expression.

Behind the old man, followed by several members of the "Mechanical Heart", one of the men with a sturdy face was holding an ancient silver mirror with patterns in his hands.

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