Mystery: Start with the Reader

v1 Chapter 245: Hugh and the Fool

Outside a house on Tucker Street, Baron "Kangwa" watched his target "teleport" away, but he could do nothing.

After all, with only his head left, he didn't have the ability to move. The "Austin" lady was still affected by Jane's orders and couldn't move.

Residents in nearby neighborhoods had long been evacuated by MI9 under various names, and he simply couldn't find a suitable person to reshape his body.

About a minute later, the "Austin" lady got rid of Jane's order. She immediately picked up the baron's head, carefully concealed her figure, and flew towards the east side.

Not long after they left, an ordinary-looking, gray-haired old man slowly walked out of the house that had been mostly destroyed as an exit from the forbidden space.

He stared at the direction where the Baron and Mrs. "Austin" were going away, and said thoughtfully to himself: "It didn't elicit any reaction...Is it really not him?"

As he said, he cast his gaze into the independent space created by "1-010", as if the ban on this "1" level sealed object was nothing but a virtual reality for him.

"The military got ‘1-025’...Whose plan was this? That tyrant actually acquiesced..."

Just as the old man was thinking about the problem, the MI9 elite team that rushed in after receiving a request for help walked out of the exit.

They shielded each other and moved forward alternately, appearing very alert... However, the strange thing was that the old man stood leisurely not far from them, but they turned a blind eye, as if he didn't exist at all.


In an unknowable space, a mummy wrapped in a yellow bandage, "it" was pierced by countless tan branches and hung in the air.

Its belly is bulging, sometimes bulging and deflated in a certain position, as if it is gestating new life.

The mummy's mouth was opened and closed, and she kept screaming, looking extremely painful.

However, when "1-025", which was contaminated with the "primitive moon" pollution, underground pollution, and the breath of the source castle at the same time, was sealed in a special puppet by the saint of the military,

Although the mummy continued to scream, it seemed that there was a little more feeling in the painful wailing.


In the bedroom of the Garden Villa on Kingster Street, Abner put her in her arms on the bed after discovering that she and others had "traveled" back to her bedroom.

At this time, Xio's condition was already very serious. The black spots spread rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, covering from the head along the neck, shoulders, arms, chest and other places.

"Ah!" Forsi yelled subconsciously when he saw this scene, and immediately remembered something, and hurriedly took out a bottle of healing potion from his carrying bag.

"That's no use..." Abner shook his head when she saw her movements, and then solemnly said directly to the two girls behind him, "I will immediately hold a ceremony for Xiu to purify those dark spots... Well, please. Avoid it."

Time is urgent, and he doesn't care how suspicious his statement is.

Jane guessed that Abner might have any secrets inconvenient to show them, so she glanced at him, didn't ask much, just nodded and said: "Okay, if you need help, just call me."

After speaking, she opened the bedroom door and walked out.

Forsi also reacted right now, looking at the black spots that were still spreading on Yanxiu's body, she couldn't figure out a way, her lips moved a few times, she bit her teeth, turned her body abruptly, and followed Jane away. Up the bedroom.

It's not that she doesn't trust Abner, but this situation reminds her of similar plots that she had written in the novel. All of them are tragic endings, the kind that you can't even see the last...

So she was very worried and scared.

"Believe Abner, he seems to treat me a lot." Jane looked at Fors, who was not in his mind, and patted her on the shoulder to comfort her.

After a short battle just now, the two can be considered to have some friendship.

"Thank you..." Forsi reluctantly settled, looked at the mysterious lady with a hood in front of her, and said politely, "My name is Forsi, Forsi Wall...Madam, what do you call it? ?"

"Just call me Jane." Jane introduced vaguely, then turned to the subject, "Miss Wall, are you the author of "Storm Mountain Villa"?"

Forsi didn't hide it either, and nodded generously and said, "Yes, have you read my book?"

"That's my favorite novel to read." Jane said with excitement, "Can you add a character to me?"

"Huh?" Forsi looked blank, wondering why the mysterious and powerful Miss Jian suddenly became so familiar.

While they were chatting lively, a questioning female voice suddenly came from the stairs: "Who are you? Why are you here?"

Forsi and Jane were taken aback, and walked around, only to see a beautiful girl in pajamas walking up with a lamp in one hand and a revolver in one hand.

It was Fanny who was awakened by the voice of the chat.


In the bedroom, after Abner sealed the entire room spiritually, he turned back and approached the bed, pressed Xio's shoulder, and said quickly:

"Remember what I said before?

"Quickly recite that honorable name in ancient Hermes!

"Fools who do not belong to this era..."

Xio struggled to flip the eyelids squeezed by the dark spots, and his thoughts turned hard. Only after two or three seconds did he react, and then chanted in a low voice without hesitation:

"Fools who do not belong to this era;

"The mysterious master above the gray mist;

"The king of yellow and black who is in charge of good luck..."

Before she finished her words, Xio was stunned to see a crimson starlight pouring out of nothingness, sweeping over herself.

Above the gray mist, inside the towering palace like the residence of giants.

Seeing that Miss Hugh finally recited the honorable name and started the "Secret Deed" ceremony that Mr. "Tower" secretly prepared, Klein suddenly felt the whole mysterious space vibrate slightly, and the static gray mist appeared obvious flowing. !

The golden crimson star that symbolizes Miss "Xiu" exudes a tidal wave of illusory light.

These countless rays of light condensed and turned into the fuzzy figure of Miss Hugh, this figure seems to be a little bit fit with the great existence, gaining a wonderful spiritual experience.

It's just that the illusory Miss Hugh is tightly surrounded by black spots, which looks very disturbing.

And as the "Secret Agreement" ceremony was about to be completed, Klein felt stimulated by the "dark spots", and the gray mist and the mysterious space above it clearly rippled with power!

Klein has no way to combine these powers with his own spirituality into an extraordinary effect that can drive away evil spirits, but based on the mystical knowledge recorded in "Blood Feast", he has already prepared another method.

With his gaze drooping, Klein's gaze stayed on the "Fallen Morning Star" necklace in his hand.

Then, using his spirituality as a whirlpool, he attracted the power that had been moved in the mysterious space, and directed it toward the necklace like a tide.

The slight trembling above the gray mist became obvious, and the pure brilliance intertwined, swept across, rushed to Klein, and merged with his spirituality.


"Summon the Holy Light!"

At the same time, Klein stimulated the two abilities contained in "Fallen Morning Star" and conveyed them to Miss Hugh's figure through the "Secret Deed".

With the blessings of the higher personality, the essence of these two abilities has been close to the "gift of God."

Seeing that the "dark spots" on Miss Hugh's body and spiritual body quickly faded and receded, but still left some ominous marks, Klein hesitated again and again, and decided to pull Miss Hugh's mental body into the gray mist. It is safer to do a thorough "antivirus".

However, before pulling her up, Klein did a divination carefully.


With the indescribable light surrounding her, Xio, who was about to lose consciousness, felt that her thoughts were much clearer, but before she could think about it, a roar suddenly sounded in her ear.

After a second or two, the terrible roar disappeared, and she immediately saw herself sitting in an ancient majestic palace, sitting at a long mottled green table, with boundless gray mist on the soles of her feet, and a trail in front of her. Looking down at himself, a figure that gives people a lofty feeling.

This scene was both strange and familiar to her. She had seen it once in "Dream", but it never appeared again after looking for Abner to exorcise evil spirits.

That purification actually didn't work... Abner, he probably knew... He has always believed in this mysterious existence? So when I heard that I chanted that honorable name, he didn't look much nervous...

Even...that might be the bureau he set up...I'm so stupid, how could Abner put such precious occult books casually in the study? I never doubted...

So, it's no wonder that he was just an ordinary public school student but suddenly knew so much, as if he knew everything!

However, the Church of the Mother Earth seems to value him very much... Could this mysterious existence called the "Fool" have anything to do with the Mother Earth God?

I wonder if there is a chance to find out the wrongdoing of my father?

Suddenly one thought after another came up in Xio's but it was obviously not a good time to think. She pursed her mouth, stood up, and saluted the gray mist-shrouded figure:

"You are stupid... the great king of yellow and black?"

"You can call me Mr. Fool directly, sit down." Klein smiled slightly and responded calmly.

Xiu saluted again and sat down to confirm that she had gotten rid of the state of being on the verge of losing control.

She secretly glanced upwards, then thought for a while and said:

"Dear Mr. Fool, who was that dark spot just now?"

How would I know what it is? You have such a good relationship with "Tower", shouldn't you ask him? Although there is no basis, I think he must know it.

Feeling grotesque, Klein said in a flat tone on the surface:

"Your spirit and body have been corroded by some kind of force.

"It's okay now."

After hearing this, Xiu got up and saluted again: "Thank you for your help, dear Mr. Fool."

"Don't thank me, I am a ‘Fool’ who likes exchanges of equal value, and the ‘Tower’ has already paid the corresponding price for this.” Klein said leisurely.

"'Tower'? Does it mean Abner?" When Xio asked, she was very moved. She couldn't imagine what Abner had done for it.

Is it really detective Abner Bryan? Finally confirmed!

The "Fool" shrouded in gray mist nodded gently and said:


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