Mystery: Start with the Reader

v1 Chapter 247: Aftermath

When the three ladies walked into the bedroom, Abner discovered that Fanny was there. After a little thought, she guessed that she might have noticed the noise on the third floor, so she came up to check.

But Abner did not ask her to evade at this moment. After all, the monster who attacked Hugh was probably the Baron "Kangwa" 700 years ago, and Miss Fanny, who went with her to dig the other's mausoleum, can barely be considered. People involved in the matter, there is no need to deliberately conceal from her.

What's more, if this young lady hadn't come to talk about what happened at the "Longya" bar before, she might not have paid so much attention to this emergency mission.

On the other side, Forsi came to Xio's side in a few steps and took her to look up and down several times, and he was relieved to see that she was indeed okay. She couldn't help but hugged Xio, then pressed her hands on each other's shoulders and said with a stern face:

"Hugh, how can you just perform such a dangerous task without telling me anything!"

"Obviously tell me that if you let me be together, there will be a relatively safe retreat."

Xio blinked his eyes and said, "Isn't it okay... But Forsi, you are very cold!"

After talking about this, Hugh seemed to have found something, turned his head to Abner, and changed the subject: "Abner, can you help us find some clean clothes?"

Abner was taken aback when he heard the words, and then reacted.

I didn’t notice it when the situation was urgent just now. At this moment, things calmed down, but I saw that except for Fanny, the other three of the four ladies present were quite embarrassed...especially Hugh, not only was the clothes drenched by the rain again. , Also because he frequently rolled on the ground when avoiding attacks before, causing his body to be stained with a lot of dirt...

They do need to change their clothes. It would be bad if they catch a cold and get sick... But this time... How can I talk to Mrs. Scarder...

At this moment, Abner was deeply aware that his ability to "learn" was not enough. It would be much easier if he had the ability to "hypnosis" or "weave memory" or "steal memory" at this moment.

After struggling for two seconds, Abner nodded in resignation, then went downstairs and bit the scalp and knocked on the door of the Skaders.

After that, under the incredible gaze of the couple, they said their intentions.


In the Eastern District, in a detached house of a slave merchant, Baron "Kangva" shook his neck and adjusted to his new body.

Behind him, the illusory Mrs. Austin floated in the air, flying around the Baron a few times, seeming to express something.

"Austin, I know what you mean. Although this body is weak, it does not prevent me from exerting my abilities..."

Mrs. "Austin" lifted her body up, then fell down suddenly.

"You mean why I didn't fortune telling the whereabouts of the little girl? Haha, I didn't have no fortune telling, but I used the connection of the'black spots' to spy on her location a quarter of an hour ago...Unfortunately, the'blackness' on her body Madara has been completely expelled! That should be the power of Source Fort!"

Having said this, the baron's eyes once again showed enthusiasm, but he quickly suppressed it again and returned to calm.

Mrs. "Austin" looked straight at the Baron, shaking her upper body from side to side.

"What are we doing now? Oh, I'm going to the library first after dawn...I have to figure out what is a'super-electromagnetic gun' and who is that so-called Roselle!" said the baron rather gritted his teeth.

Mrs. "Austin" tilted her head, but made no other movements.


Bridge area, Tucker Street, "Longya" bar.

As the military put away the sealed item "1-010", this block was completely restored to normal. The houses that were destroyed by various monsters and evil spirits in the ban were instantly restored to their original condition. It is completely invisible that it seemed to have been fired by gunfire before. The terrible state of plowing.

The saint of the military was in a good mood and put a sealed puppet into a metal box, and then put it in a suitcase.

At this moment, a stream of light flashed, and Archbishop Holramick of the Steam Church descended from the sky on a bright flame.

"You look ‘new’ a lot than before..." The saint of the military looked at each other a few times, then smiled and joked.

He obviously knew the details of the head of the Steam Church Backlund diocese.

"The damage rate of the previous body has exceeded 60%. It is very difficult to repair... I can only use the spare... This body was made when I was an'alchemist' more than 20 years ago, and the appearance is that same. At that time, I naturally looked younger." Holamick didn't care when he heard the words, and even explained a few words.

"The robot doll made by the'alchemist' is really amazing..." The saint of the military praised, and then the style of painting changed, and he was curious and authentic, "I just didn't know that it was made with the "Ancient Alchemist" of the Mother God Church. Which of your dolls is more practical."

"Oh, it can only be said that each has its own characteristics. The'ancient alchemist' puts more emphasis on the cultivation of life and likes to make creations such as golems, and we..."

Horramick just said this, suddenly stopped, raised his head and looked at the sky to the west.

The saint of the military also noticed something at almost the same time and turned his head to look there.

Soon, a gust of wind blew towards the "Dragon Tooth" bar from far and near. The Cardinal of the Storm Church, the Archbishop of Backlund, and the "Song of God" Eis Sneck "carried" several "generations". Punisher", rushed over by flying.

The sage of the "Lord Snake" military nodded to the visitor without panic, said hello, and then he heard the magnetic voice of the "Song of God":

"Admiral, why didn't you inform me about the tripartite action that you said?"

When the military saint heard the question, he replied calmly: "Because our military and the'Mechanical Heart' discovered the whereabouts of '1-025' accidentally through '3-111' at the previous meeting... …And your'punisher' was absent from that meeting."

"We were caught by something..." Ace Sneek was speechless for a while, his momentum suddenly declined a bit, and it took a long time to explain.

But he immediately turned away from the question and asked again: "Then have you got ‘1-025’?"

Speaking of this, the "Song of God" felt that his tone was a bit blunt, and added a few more words, saying: "If it has been sealed, I hope you can return it as soon as possible...The Storm Church will remember this friendship, It must be rewarded."

As soon as the voice fell, his eyes swept back and forth between the archbishop of the Steam Church and the saint of the military, and finally stayed on the suitcase that seemed a little obtrusive.

Archbishop Holamick laughed and replied gently: "I'm sorry, Lord Snake, I couldn't stop '1-025'... As for the admiral, I don't know, after all, I am too Just returned."

The saint of the military carried the box, and firmly denied it: "I haven't seen that'possessed puppet' either."

Ace Snake stared at him for a long time, then nodded and said: "I hope you don't regret today's After saying that, he took the "punishers" behind him. I walked out of the bar to help the "Mechanical Heart" team and the MI9 team to guide the residents who had been evacuated in emergency back to carry out the aftermath.

If you are angry, you still have to do business.

At this time, Stewart, who deliberately left a bruise on his face and did not go for treatment, approached him and asked suspiciously:

"Your Excellency, we haven't been able to attend the meeting before. Obviously, the military was doing something secretly. I even found some evidence...Why didn't we show it just now?"

The "Song of God" glanced at the talking elite deacon, but didn't say anything, just thought in his heart:

"Boy, I also know that I am suspicious, but...that's an'oracle'!"

Seeing that the cardinal avoided discussing the matter, Stewart gradually frowned and decided to write a letter to report the matter to the Council of Cardinals.


In the bedroom of the Garden House on Kingster Street, Abner took the desserts and drinks from Mrs. Skard under Mrs. Skard's seemingly contemptuous gaze, and put them on the coffee table.

Several ladies who had just taken a hot bath and put on their pajamas thanked them, and happily picked up cakes and muffins and ate them while chatting about what happened before.

Of course, it was Hugh and Abner who were speaking, and the others were listening.

Fanny was surprised when she listened, and suddenly said, "Ebner, the monster with only the head left is the Baron'Conva', right?

"You cracked the'Baron' diary? Why didn't you tell me and Emma?"

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