Mystery: Start with the Reader

v1 Chapter 258: Send

"Wait... Isn't it some vampire who got lost and sent him to the door?"

Abner murmured a word in his heart, but didn't ask much. Anyway, Emlyn joined the Mother Earth Church to truly worship the right God, and he didn't need to intervene.

However, when the bishop Utravsky on the side saw him with a strange face, he explained with a smile: "It is a special sealed artifact. It is in... Well, in the words of Emperor Roselle, it is regularly The power of faith is maintained."

Sealed artifacts that are regularly maintained with the power of faith? Isn't it something like the Goddess of the Earth? Is there such a scary thing in Harvest Church?

No wonder the bishop never worried that her demigod teacher would come to the door after receiving Hajol...

However, if there is such a powerful sealed artifact, how did Rey successfully steal the magical item from the Harvest Church in the first place? Was it that the sealed artifact hadn't arrived yet, or did it deliberately release water?

When his thoughts turned around, Abner wittily skipped the topic. After wiping all the tables, chairs, armrests and other places in the prayer hall, he bid farewell to Bishop Utravsky and Miss Harou.

The latter hesitated for a while and took the initiative to say: "Tomorrow at around four o'clock in the afternoon, my carriage will pass by near Kingster Street in the Jowood District. You can wait there then."

Abner was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect to be able to ride the carriage, and then smiled and said: "Okay...Hayrou, please express my gratitude to Congressman Macht for me."

Harou nodded slightly, then stopped talking, and silently began her routine prayer.


Outside of an abandoned manor on the outskirts of Enmat Port, the first mate of "Future", Frank Lee, carefully followed the captain's account, knocking on the door of the manor with different intensity and interval.

The chief mate was dressed in overalls and a white shirt. He was in his 30s. He had a strong physique and thick hair, so that his bare forearms seemed to be covered in brown sweaters.

But the place he was in was so strange that his spirituality had already issued a "warning" frantically. Frank only felt that the "sweater" on his body could not give him a sense of warmth and security at this time. If he had not trusted the captain very much, he would have turned around. Ran away.

After finally knocking on the door in the way the captain described, Frank waited quietly, even if he didn't see any abnormalities, he still felt that this manor was like a monster with an open mouth, and he might swallow himself at any time.

Suddenly, green-green pea vines fell from the sky and intertwined into a dense forest.

The top of this "forest" cannot be seen upwards. The vines form different roads, interspersed or circled, extending to high altitude.

Frank was stunned for a second before he understood it, and then he randomly found a pea vine that came around and hung on the path in the air, and walked forward step by step.

The appearance of these peculiar plants relieved Frank's fearful mood a lot. As he walked, he used the ability of a "biologist" to instinctively analyze them.

If it weren't for these plants that seemed to be dreamy, and his intuition would have undesirable consequences if they were deliberately destroyed, Frank would want to pick up those peas and pretend to be away.

"These beans grow so fast. If they are grafted with cows so that every vine can produce milk, wouldn't it be better than just planting'cows'?"

After a few words silently, Frank quickly saw the green plants connecting into hammock-like seats, swaying gently from a high place.

He couldn't see what was on the seat. He could only see a pair of feet in black leather boots hanging down from there. At the same time, a soft but emotionless voice came into Frank's ears:

"What did she ask you to do?"

It seems to be a the captain's acquaintance? I don't know if, in the face of the captain, can you give me some of those peas... Frank took out a letter and a small box from his arms and gave them to the other side while thinking.

He didn't know who he was coming to see, he just followed the captain's orders.

A slender palm stretched out from the seat to receive the letter, but the owner of the palm did not intend to read it immediately. Instead, he was silent for a moment and said to herself: "She didn't choose to use a messenger... because she thought the spiritual world was not safe... Still feel that the message is not urgent?"

After finishing speaking, she first opened the letter and read it, and then pondered for a moment, and said to Frank: "You go back...Tell her, I know what she said. Also, stay away from the former abandoned manor as soon as possible."

Frank nodded bewildered, and then didn't dare to neglect, so he went back the same way.

But at this time, the pea vines suddenly shrank up and gradually faded, and the turquoise forest quickly disappeared.

Frank landed at the entrance of the abandoned manor, and there was no one around, except for the manor that looked like a "monster", nothing different from before.

The fairy tale scene just now seemed to be an illusion.

Frank remembered the instructions of the rather mysterious lady before, and he stunned, and ran towards the port.

At the same time, on the top floor of the abandoned manor, a lady wearing a white Intis-style shirt and a dark black jacket with a thin thorn sword slung on her waist, dressed as a standard sea captain, is waving shining stars. Mang descended on a "monster" composed entirely of shadows.

Immediately afterwards, the stars condensed in an instant, creating a huge transparent amber, which firmly wrapped the shadow "monster" in it.

After doing this, the lady opened the box with complicated patterns sent by Frank and took a card out of it.

"Sure enough it is the'Card of Blasphemy'... This one should be a'Reaper' and has been'activated'... No wonder Cattleya dare not give it to the'Courier'...

"But what is special about the man named Frank? He can bring this card to me safely...Until it was handed over to me, this card attracted the'monster' of the spirit world... …

"How does Cattleya know that he is special?"

Whispering to herself, the lady picked up the letter again and read it carefully, and then frowned. Then, her blue eyes, like the sea, became extremely deep, resembling the sea before the storm.

Under such circumstances, she obviously lost her focus and her eyes were vast.

She was peering into the river of destiny, making predictions about what to do next.

The next second, the lady raised her right hand.

Her skin suddenly became as white as snow, her lips became as red as blood, and her hair became as black as ebony.

There was an illusory, ancient mirror in her hand.

In silence, she "saw" a scene:

A stream of black sticky markings poured out from the body of a man who had been invaded by evil spirits.


The transparent "eyes of the secret" suddenly shattered.

The lady rubbed her forehead, relieved the pain caused by the backlash, and said to herself in doubt:

"What exactly did Cattleya and Brief deal with?"


On Wednesday afternoon, Abner boarded Senator Maht’s carriage at his door and drove towards the residence of Duke Negan in Queens borough of Beckland.

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