Mystery: Start with the Reader

v1 Chapter 270: Follow-up

In the North District, in a cafe on Berklund Street.

As soon as Jane and Ludwell, who was controlled by her, pushed the door and walked in, they saw Captain Cattleya sitting alone in the corner with the hood pulled up. She was still wearing the mysterious classical black robe. But there was unspeakable confusion in the expression.

Jane was a little surprised to see the captain showing this look for the first time, and felt a little sad inexplicably.

But before she had time to think about it, she walked two or three steps to Cattleya and said in a low voice: "Madam, let us leave Backlund as soon as possible."

Cattleya came back to her senses after hearing the words. She didn't wear those heavy glasses at the moment, and looked at Jane with dark purple eyes, and asked: "The action is over?"

"It's over, that baron has been'purified', but he has not left extraordinary characteristics..." Jane also regrets here, although most of the reasons for insisting on killing the baron are to help Abner cut off the threat, but It would be even more perfect if you could get the characteristics of the opponent.

Although she can temporarily control the battle of "Admiral of Hell", strictly speaking, Ludwell is a public property belonging to the "Future" and cannot be killed at will.

Cattleya nodded, then pursed her lips, and asked hesitantly: "She...did she say anything else?"

"Madam said, your fate is not with her..." Jane thought for a while, and relayed to Cattleya a sentence that "Queen Mystic" had said before leaving...Although she didn't know what it meant.

"This is the sentence again...Is my destiny not with her? Where will it be?" Cattleya muttered to herself a little absent-mindedly.

...This, isn't this what a heroic pirate general should say? ! It's like a confused little girl abandoned by her family...Captain, your image in my heart has completely collapsed...Wait, I will not be silenced when I see the captain's demeanor?

Jane was taken aback, almost suspecting that she had heard it wrong, and immediately complained in her heart. She didn't know the relationship between the captain and the lady, so she didn't rush to comfort her.

Cattleya closed her eyes, then put a pair of heavy glasses on the bridge of her nose, which restored her usual demeanor, then stood up and said: "Let's go, her words are always correct, since let us as soon as possible If you leave Backlund, if you don’t do it, I’m afraid you will be in danger..."

"Yes, Captain." Jane had no objection. Before coming to Cattleya, he had greeted Hugh and Sharon and paid them the reward. Of course, Hugh didn't want it.

"Are you not going to say goodbye to him?" Cattleya suddenly asked with a smile.

"I have said goodbye before... and this time I kept it secret..." At this point, Jane immediately woke up and said in surprise, "Captain, how do you know?"

"My crew insists on doing something unreasonable. I always have to know the reason... so I asked someone in private." Cattleya pushed her heavy glasses and added, "His reputation is not very good. it is good."

"That's a rumor made by others jealous of him." Jane retorted.

Cattleya nodded noncommitantly and did not continue the topic. Instead, she took out a scroll with a starry pattern from her pocket and unfolded it on the table.

Seeing this, Jane immediately understood and took off the exquisite lady's glove she was wearing on her left hand.

Almost at the same time, the connection between the gloves and the many dense illusory black threads that spread over Ludwell's head that was invisible to the naked eye was suddenly disconnected.

The out-of-control "Admiral of Hell" Ludwell saw that he was about to fall to the ground, but at this moment, Cattleya recited a word in ancient Hermes:


Immediately afterwards, Ludwell's body became illusory, and he flew into the scroll, was rolled up by Cattleya waved, and put it into his pocket.

Faced with such a magical scene, the other people in the cafe did not respond, as if they hadn't seen it.


About half a day after Jane and Cattleya left the cafe, a middle-aged man with a slender face and a cold temperament wearing a silk top hat came in. He looked around and frowned and muttered to himself. Said: "Ludwell seems to have suddenly disappeared when he got here..."


Near the "Yefana" library, Abner, who was brought back here by Mr. Azik, easily found Xiu who had just come out of "The Source of Peach Blossoms".

As for Mr. Azik, he went to the library to find suitable books for Baron "Kangva".

When Hugh saw Abner, he felt frustrated, but quickly straightened back and said: "The action was very successful. That big man has already eliminated the Baron'Kangwa'."

Abner glanced at the lady whose eyes were a little wandering, and sighed inwardly.

I thought that she had gone through a lot more experience than the original track, and has grown a lot... But now it seems that she is still the "Judgement" lady who bravely climbed up as long as she had a chance... at most because of her More experience and knowledge have been adjusted in the "reckless" "posture"...

This is probably the influence of the existence at the top of the two ways of order. Although I don’t remember what his name is and what his origin is, intuitively, this kind of bet on the chips as long as there is a certain degree of confidence should be It comes from him...

This is the case of George III, who intends to switch to forcibly ascending to the gods, and Roselle, who hopes to get rid of the pollution... As for Solomon and the Night Emperor, they are about the same. Otherwise, how can they fall so easily as true gods?

It seems that I insisted on not telling her the truth about the death of Xio's father. It was a wise decision...otherwise, God knows what trouble this lady will cause...

Abner took out a completely asymmetrical gold coin from his pocket and handed it in front of Xio.

Facing a strange and dangerous enemy like the Baron, how could he not use "lucky" before going out?

Seeing this, Hugh pierced her finger consciously and dripped a drop of blood...

After doing this, Abner said to her: "Don't worry, I know what you and Jane think...but, before there is something similar next time, I still hope you can tell me..."

At least I know a lot of inside information, and I can judge how dangerous it is.

Hugh quietly breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this, and then said in a relaxed tone: "Okay."

"Don't be too happy... Forsi is still waiting for you to go back and explain!" Abner glanced at her and said with a "sneer".

"Forsi? It turned out to be her...that's why you guessed me and Jane's plan?" Although Xio used a question, her tone was quite certain, but she immediately became anxious. After all, the last time After the urgent mission at night, she promised Forsi that she would never do dangerous things behind her back...

Abner looked at Hugh in "panic", and didn't remind her that she could collude with herself to hide Forsi from each other, saying that it was just a "misunderstanding" operation.

She should also accept Forsi's lesson, lest she dare to be "reckless" in everything.

While thinking about this, Abner silently recited the honorable name of Mr. Fool in his heart.

Based on his knowledge of Klein, when encountering such dangers as members of the Tarot Society may encounter, he must guard the "Source Fort" and be ready to rescue him at any time. So now that the matter is over, I have to report to him and let him rest assured...

After all, this time there was no "live broadcast", and the mysterious and powerful "Mr. Fool" could not actually see anything.


Above the gray fog, in the ancient and majestic palace, Klein listened to the report of "Tower" before putting down the "Fallen Morning Star" in his hand, simulating the feeling of falling rapidly and returning to reality.

He has borrowed the bathroom of this "Oldville Restaurant" for more than half an hour, and he will not go out again, afraid that someone will knock on the door to ask.

Although this restaurant has a lunch agreement with the Blackthorn Security Company, Klein and the shop assistants and bosses here are not unfamiliar, but it is precisely because of familiarity that he does not want some strange rumors to spread to the company.

After leaving the restaurant, Klein ignored the expressions of the clerk at the front desk who wanted to say something but stopped, and while walking towards the company, he thought to himself:

The ancient baron who seemed to be looking for the breath of "The Fool" was wiped out by the demigod behind Miss Jane in the mouth of "Tower"...

But "Tower" also said that the baron did not completely die, and he pursued it to the place of resurrection and sealed it...

The ancient man who pursued the "Fool"...resurrected from the dead...Does he really know the origin of the space on the gray fog?

Well, when I have enough strength, let "Tower" open the seal and ask the baron.

When he thought of this, Klein had already walked to the door of the Blackthorn Security Company. He pushed in. He just wanted to say hello to Roshan, but saw two ladies sitting on the sofa, one of whom was young and thin. A plump body, fair skin, all wearing a black soft hat, wearing a black dress, there is no extra color.

The captain was sitting opposite them, talking to them.

After taking a close look at the two ladies, Klein was suddenly a little familiar, and he felt that he had seen him somewhere.

As he was thinking about it, he heard the thinner girl say:

"The task we want to entrust is to track and monitor Mrs. Sharon and find evidence of her Sharon... Klein suddenly remembered where the familiarity came from.

The lady who didn’t speak was the wife of Congressman Maynard and the daughter of a New Party boss; the one who was talking was the sister of Congressman Maynard, a student of women’s public school, and her teacher was a very good teacher. The beautiful and popular Ms. Lina...

It's just that the lady doesn't seem to be here? Yes, this kind of investigation of "family ugliness" is not suitable for outsiders to participate.

Hey, I found us directly...I don't know where I got the news. Klein shook his head and smiled.

Captain Dunn was obviously puzzled by the same question and asked it too.

The thin girl recalled her teacher's words and replied:

"It was the tobacco businessman Vikrol who introduced us. You rescued his kidnapped son so easily, so he praised you for being the top elites in this industry, capable of accomplishing tasks that others could not."

Dunn nodded slightly and said, "I understand."

But when the contract was signed, the deposit was collected, and the task was transferred to Klein, who was watching the excitement, Dunn hesitated and said:

"Do you remember that tobacco merchant? What happened to the kidnapping case?"

...It turns out that you didn't remember anything, Captain, and didn't understand anything...Why can you pretend to be so calm and confident! Klein stretched out his hand and covered his face.


In the evening, Mr. Azik, who had transcribed the book of Roselle’s academic works, finally completed the seal and returned to his villa at 28 Kingster Street.

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