Mystery: Start with the Reader

v1 Chapter 273: Lina

Friday night, Tingen, Olsna Street.

After receiving information from the gang and knowing that Mrs. Sharon was going to attend the Conservative Party banquet and would come back very late, Klein felt that there was no white flower at 5 pounds, and with the help of the balance and agility of the "clown", he flipped through The wall, followed the drain into the bedroom on the second floor of Mrs. Sharon’s house.

As soon as he entered the room, he suddenly smelled a faint fragrance, which reminded people of the delicate fragrance of women.

Klein was in a daze for a moment, and he even felt a little reaction in his body.

He immediately calmed down with a meditation method, and said to himself: "Is this using love potion as incense?"


Not long after Klein entered Mrs. Sharon's bedroom, a slim figure suddenly appeared from scratch under a tree in the garden downstairs.

This figure belongs to Lina the ‘witch’. She has been hiding nearby since she secretly urged Senator Maynard’s wife and sister to hire the official team to investigate Sharon, so she kept Klein’s actions in her eyes.

But she didn't dare to continue to approach, because she had tried before and was almost noticed by the other person's spirituality.

Staring at Klein's back, Lina whispered helplessly: "This is the quality that a'clown' should have...Why are the two I cultivated so ineffective?"


At the same time, Abner, who was in Backlund, finally fulfilled his previous promise and took Miss Harou to the "Brave Bar" on Iron Gate Street to participate in the teacher's upcoming extraordinary party.

Already, Abner of Sequence 6 was not interested in gatherings at this level, so after introducing Hajol to Caspers, he turned around and entered a gloomy chess and card room, where he found Maric.

After becoming a "polymath", Abner is not too afraid of the other party anymore, even if he is really out of control, he is sure to get out of his body.

Maric, who was playing cards with his "living corpse" companions, heard someone push the door and raised his head, revealing a pale face with a little madness. He stared at Abner for a while, and asked in surprise. Said: "Are you Sequence 6?"

After all, not long after being promoted, the power of the potion still remains a bit, even if Abner has concealed it well, it is still conspicuous enough in the eyes of a senior Beyonder like Maric.

"Just promoted." Abner nodded and didn't explain much.

"You and that Miss Jane are really making rapid progress..." Maric couldn't help but sighed, then restrained his emotions, looked at Abner with repressed, deeply malicious brown eyes, and asked: "Come to me. do what?"

"I hope to see you demonstrate the ability of the'living corpse' again." Abner did not go around in circles, and directly said his request.

Maric clasped his hands and did not speak, as if waiting for Abner to speak his bargaining chip.

"100 pounds." Abner spit out a number, and then added, "The price is very fair. You are just demonstrating your ability, and you won't lose anything, and there is no danger."

"Maric, promise him." At this moment, an erratic and illusory female voice suddenly intervened.

Abner took a closer look and found that a figure appeared behind Maric, wearing a complicated black court dress and a small cap of the same color. It was Miss Sharron with pale blonde hair and blue eyes.

Since these two people always show up together, Abner is not surprised. After he nodded slightly to the other side, he asked for a deposit.

But at this time, I heard Miss Sharron quietly say: "But no gold pounds."

Abner stopped pulling out his wallet and asked strangely, "Miss Sharon, what do you want?"

Miss Sharron didn't return directly, but instead asked blankly: "Can you still contact Miss Judy?"

Judy? Of course... and I'm about to write to ask her about Karen's current situation...

Thinking about this in his heart, Abner nodded and said, "Yes... are you looking for Judy for something?"

"An ordinary cow with the blood of a magical creature." Miss Sharon looked at him quietly with blue eyes, and said a word with a series of attributives.

"What?" Abner suspected that he had heard it wrong. He had a "magical creature bloodline", and he had to be ordinary...Who would be so boring to cultivate this kind of thing?

"I need'common cow with the blood of magical creatures'." Miss Sharon pressed her bloodless lips slightly and repeated.

"This...I don't know if Judy can find it..." Abner said unsurely after thinking about it.

Although Judy's father would probably be able to "squeeze" out if he was willing to help.

"Maric will show you first... if you can't find it, then pay." Miss Sharon said concisely.

"Deal." Abner nodded and agreed to the transaction first, and then asked a "technical" question: "If you really find that...that'normal cow with the blood of a magical creature', how can you pay for it?" Naport brought it here?"

Don't expect Silica to travel through the spirit world with a cow... It's impossible even to give her a bucket of "Amanda Pure Dew".

"Just find a port, I'll notify someone to pick it up..." Sharon was silent for a few seconds, opened her lips, and said in a phantom voice.

The transaction was concluded. As for one of the items being traded, Maric himself had no objection to the result, and soon took Abner to the underground training ground.


On the outskirts of Tingen, inside a house with green lawns and red chimneys.

A middle-aged man with dark golden hair and one blind eye put down the simple quill in his hand, picked up the opened notebook, and looked at the content again:

"In order to seek promotion, Lina'Witch' arrived in Tingen and became a teacher of the Women's Public School. She deliberately approached the sister of New Party Member Maynard and gained the trust and dependence of the other party.

"Mrs. Sharon decided to take the risk of killing Congressman John Maynard in order to make the Conservative Party in Tingen and the New Party completely antagonistic, and in order to vent a little bit of madness after changing her body.

"Her reasons are not strong enough, her motives are not strong enough, but she still acts. Everyone has a time when she is not sober enough. She is at this stage, and she has sufficient confidence not to be discovered. So our story It's not making up, it's reasonable.

"'Witch' Lina reminded Mrs. Maynard's wife and sister that they can hire mercenaries to investigate Mrs. Sharon.

"Congressman Maynard's wife found the Blackthorn Security Company through the tobacconist Vekrol. They did not live up to the entrustment. Under Klein Moretti's investigation, she quickly discovered the anomaly of Mrs. Sharon.

"Dun, who has a strength close to Sequence 6, decided to take the initiative and handed the sealed item ‘3-0271’ to Coenli’s use.

"The two of them returned to Mrs. Sharon with Klein. Dunn tried to control the target by dragging people into dreams remotely.

"There is nothing wrong with this, but unfortunately, Mrs. Sharon happened to place the idol of the'primal witch' next to her."

"So, the night watchers' plan failed, and Coenli photographed himself under tension and saw himself."

"Klein quietly took out the'Fallen Morning Star', intending to save his colleagues, but it was too late...Mrs. Sharon was dealt with, and Coenli was also dead..."

(The upper line is crossed out)

"It is surprising that the'Witch' Lina, who originally planned to be equal to the Nightman and Mrs. Sharon, was injured and then took the extraordinarily, unexpectedly joined the battle in advance and saved her about to be hit by Black Flame. Coenley...

"With the addition of the'witch', Mrs. Sharon's death is a foregone conclusion, but before she died, she issued a fatal curse, and the target of the curse was not Klein Moretti, who had always prevented her from escaping, nor was it The'witch' Lina who wanted to seize her traits was the belated Captain Dunn.

"Although this is not in line with her character, when she is dying, her choices tend to be blind...This is a reasonable development.

"Dun was cursed and his mental state became quite unstable, but he didn't care too much about it, because this degree of'curse' didn't have much impact on his daily life. Wait until Sunday afternoon to go to church for a meeting. Mass can disperse most of it."


In Mrs. Sharon's bedroom, Klein dropped his hands, his revolver pointed diagonally, panting heavily, and Mrs. Sharon, with only half of his head left, fell softly to the ground, her figure still outstanding, her skin white and tender.

However, he did not relax his vigilance at this time, his eyes fixed on the beautiful lady who was squatting in front of Mrs. Xuelun, who seemed to be waiting for something, frowned and asked: "Ms. Lina, you are also a'witch'... why do you want to Help us?"

Lina chuckled when she heard the words, and then glanced at Coenli, who was lying on the ground and unaware of life and death, and replied softly: "His fiancée is my colleague during this period. She is a very kind and enthusiastic girl. She helped I'm quite busy...There shouldn't be a sad part in the life story of a girl like that... shouldn't it?"

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