Mystery: Start with the Reader

v1 Chapter 28: Prelude

Faced with the teacher's surprise, Abner had expected it, but he had no good excuses, so he had to explain a little: "I loved reading before I became an Extraordinary. This is very helpful for the digestion of potions. "

After Detective Isinger Stanton heard the word'digest', he took a deep look at Abner and said meaningfully: "It turns out that you have mastered the'playing method' from the beginning!" Due to the vows of the Church of Knowledge. , He can't take the initiative to mention the'playing method' with others, but if the other party already knew it, then it would be fine.

   Once the Extraordinary of the Orthodox Church understands the ‘playing method’, they will be required to swear the ‘not spread’ oath in front of the holy relics.

  Ebner knew this, so he didn't care about the teacher who knew the ‘playing method’ but didn’t teach him.

Seeing his student's still calm expression, Detective Isinger sighed and said, "It seems that you know more than I thought... Whether you have found it by yourself or learned it from other sources, it is always a good thing. …Your future is much brighter than mine. I think I was squandered on the sequence of the'inference student' for more than ten years, but couldn't fully digest it, and I didn't reason out based on experience until I was promoted to the'knowledge guard' by force. 'How to play'."

   It’s no wonder that you know how to play, sir, you only have Sequence 7 until now. It turns out that there is more than a problem with no Sequence 6 formula...

   Abner was a little surprised, but he didn't want to get entangled in this issue anymore, after all, then he would inevitably lie! He didn't want to lie to the teacher.

   "Teacher, you seemed very happy when you came back. Is there anything good?" Abner tried to change the subject.

Detective Isinger recovered when he heard the words. He was unwilling to delve into the secrets of his students, so he showed a familiar smile and said: "It is the punishment squad that has not been able to leave the rose even after using the holy artifacts. Members of the school! This time they are embarrassed..."

   Although it is said that the Church of Knowledge and the Church of Storms are incompatible with each other, is it a bit too much for being so gloating? Abner couldn't help but sneered. Because of the original novel, he actually had respect for the official Extraordinary team in his heart.

   After all, they are poor bugs and guardians!

   However, he quickly learned one thing from the teacher's account: It seems that the place where the battle took place is not too far from the public library where he often stays? Not far from Jane’s clothing store?

   "Why didn't I find that round up?" Abner thought so, and asked.

"That's because the Church of Storms used a special '2'-level sealed artifact. I don't know what it is called. The function is to pull Extraordinary within a certain range into a peculiar enclosed space." See the question, Detective Isinger explained.

   There is such a sealed item? I don't know which way... Abner thought secretly.


   In the middle of the night, Mr. Grant, who rarely went out to collect the corpse, woke up suddenly, he immediately sat up and looked around. Under the eyes of the natural spirit given to him by the ‘corpse collector’ potion, all the spirits in the store can be seen in full view.

   However, he didn't find anything, so he turned on the gas lantern in doubt and looked out the window. Outside, everything was silent, only the crimson moonlight sprinkled on the ground like a tulle.

   At this time, his wife, Mrs. Grant, woke up and saw her husband standing in front of the window sweating profusely. She couldn't help asking, "My dear, what happened?"

   Hearing the question from his wife, although Mr. Grant was still wondering, he grudgingly smiled on his face and replied: "Nothing...just a nightmare..."


In the warehouse of the clothing store, a figure wearing a black tuxedo and a dark red cloak slowly outlines in the air. It is a middle-aged man in his forties with his hair neatly combed, shiny, meticulous, and his eyes There is green in the black eyes, and there is no feeling at all.

   As soon as he appeared, he whispered to a thin but strong man hiding in the warehouse: "Tyle, curb your malice! The male host of this house is an extraordinary and highly inspired!"

"Master Steve, I really can't help it anymore! And why should I bear it?" The man named Tyr grabbed his spiky hair and said hoarsely, "I want to The family’s body is torn apart, listen to their wailing voices! I will lose control if I endure it like this!"

   ‘Wraith’ Steve ignored him and disappeared into the warehouse. And the'living corpse' Jason, who was also hiding on one side, threw a piece of human torso to Tyre and persuaded: "Our prey has not been hooked yet, and it is not suitable to kill casually here. Tomorrow night, at most the next night, I will allow you to attack the two women in this family. Now, let's take this general first. This was only killed by me the day before yesterday."

   "Not fresh at all..." Tyre murmured and took it.


   The next morning, because it was Wednesday, Abner made an appointment with Hugh to come to the underground shooting range of the Joewood District Police Department as usual. But this time, it was no longer the second-generation Aitris, who received them, but an elderly police officer Briyet.

   "Where did Etrace go? Was on vacation?" Abner asked strangely.

The old police officer Briyet glanced at Abner and said in an exaggerated tone: "Don't you know? That **** Aitris ran away from home!" It can be seen that the old police officer doesn't seem to like Ai at all. Tracey, I'm afraid that she would like to publicize the inconspicuous things that Atrice has done.

   "Run away from home?" Abner didn't expect to get such an answer, and quickly asked, "What's the matter?"

"Adriss left a letter to the Director, saying that she is going to pursue her dream! Hey, that kid really doesn't know what to say. The Director has already secured him a place for promotion and inspection, but it's a pity that it's cheaper for others..." The old police officer Briyet was a little gloating.

  Atrix’s dream... I remember being an adventurer? Was he stimulated by the action of Miss Anne Gwen in the last disappearance? It seems that he was a little lost and lost at the time...

   Abner was silent for a moment, and stopped continuing the topic, only praying secretly for this damaging friend in his heart. This made the old police officer who wanted to continue to say something very uncomfortable.

After arriving at the shooting range and Police Constable Briet walked away, Hugh frowned and said seriously: "No matter what, you shouldn't be cynic with someone who has dreams." She also has dreams. , Dreaming of rehabilitating her father one day.

   "Yes! You should pursue your dreams while you are young! And Aitris is really not a police officer..." Abner nodded in agreement. He immediately thought of what his dream was? Help Klein become a pillar? Can solve the doomsday crisis live longer? Or... go home?

   Abner sighed, stopped thinking about it, and focused on starting today's practice.


   Ms. Hugh was stunned! She couldn't believe that last Saturday, both shooting and swordsmanship was only an introductory level Abner, and now she has the appearance of a master! If her physique hadn't improved, she might not have been able to beat the opponent.

   But even so, in this fighting duel, Hugh was extremely difficult to win.

   "Why did you suddenly become so powerful?" Xio asked inexplicably after taking a few breaths.

   "Because I was promoted to Sequence 8." Abner replied with a smile.

   Xiu didn't know when he became a transcendent, nor did he know which sequence he was in. On the contrary, he was not particularly surprised, and even said suddenly and authentically: "That's it, congratulations!"

   said she took out a book from her bag and handed it to Abner, "This is Forsi's "Storm Mountain Villa" sample book, which is just a gift for your promotion!"

Abner took it over and flipped it casually, and smiled: "It's finally published? How's the sales?" Although I know that this book is famous in the original work, even Mr. Fool has read it, but now it is a reminder. The product of the draft...

   "The response has been very good! Forsi has really become a well-known writer this time, and many literary salons have invited her to be a guest." Xiupo brags for Forsi with some pride.

   Well, after all, Miss Hugh has a credit for this book being published so early! Abner murmured in his heart, but on the face suggested: "The next thing depends on Forsi's performance ability. She'd better inadvertently expose herself to certain targets during a salon gathering. A little extraordinary ability..."

After listening, she just pursed her lips. After a long time, she said, "Abner, you are thinking too far... Fors is still at home every day and says she wants to rest. She has not accepted an invitation to a literary salon. ."

   "It's okay to set the style higher, so that it will get the attention of the subsequent salons with the participation of nobles." Abner racked his brains to excuse Miss Salted Fish.

   Xiu was dumbfounded, and then helplessly said: "Forsi will like the excuse you made for her!"


In the afternoon, Abner had just returned to the teacher’s residence and was called in front of Detective Isinger. The other party pointed to a stack of documents on the table and said: "Since you have become a'reasoning student', come and help. Let me sort out the connections and clues of these trivial cases! This is good for your role. Well, two or three hours a day is good, and the rest of the time is mainly for reading and learning."

   "These are all commissions you received?" There will be so many? How much money does this have to make? !

"Of course not! How come there are so many commissions? But even if it is not commissioned, some strange things appear in front of us, don't you want to figure it out? Moreover, Emperor Roselle has a saying that you should be prepared. When a commissioner comes to the door The content of the commission is that when we have already checked it out, we will be able to show the charm of reasoning to the employer more calmly and elegantly!" Detective Isinger naturally said.

   Ebner opened his mouth when he heard it, and finally had to sigh:

   "The reader sequence is really a group of people who love to show off and love to show their saints!"


   At ten o'clock in the evening, Maric, wearing a white shirt and black waistcoat, walked out of the Brave Bar from the back alley with his corpse.