Mystery: Start with the Reader

v1 Chapter 375: "Doctor Strange" officially became famou

Backlund, inside the Harvest Church on Rose Street.

After Klein entered the dreamland of Bishop Utravsky with the help of the "Nightmare Candle" and completed his mission of "killing the previous self", he successfully summarized the first rule played by the "magic", namely Don't do unprepared performances.

Next, as soon as he returned to reality, he saw that the slightly muddy eyes of the bishop in front of him were filled with tears, but his eyes were full of emotion, joy and clarity.

If the "half-giant" bishop looked tall and heavy before, now he only has the weight of the body, not the weight of the spirit.

At this moment, Klein seemed to have seen a newborn baby.

Those tears are proof of a new life.

Seeing this scene, Miss Hazel was sincerely delighted for Bishop Utravsky, and at the same time she quietly walked closer and passed a handkerchief.

"Thank you." Father Utravsky first thanked him, and then the corners of his mouth raised a little, and he smiled kindly:

"You are much better than I expected."

"No, it's just because I knew enough in advance and prepared accordingly. In the past, you not only didn't know what the opponent was good at, but also weakened a lot. If you fight like this in the real world , I think about how to escape." Klein answered calmly.

Bishop Utravsky didn't bother with this question, and said with ease all over his body:

"According to the agreement, I will give you the'pharmacist' formula and another magical item."

With that said, he walked to the preaching platform, planning to write down the formula using Harou's pen and paper.

Klein naturally followed, and then he saw sheets of paper full of Chinese.

Roselle's diary? Miss Hare was copying Roselle's diary before? Klein was overjoyed, pretending to be curious, and quickly scanned the words on the paper.

As a result, he regretted to find that not only did he read the contents of these diaries, he even recognized the graceful handwriting...

It turns out that Mr. "Tower" got the diary from Miss Harou several times before...

Klein was thinking secretly. When Bishop Utravsky saw that he was interested in the manuscripts, he smiled and said: "This is the Roselle manuscript copied by Pastor Maht. Are you interested too? Haha, I can. I'll give it to you, I believe Miss Pastor won't mind.

"Before, another friend of mine took some."

That friend you are talking about is Detective Bryan, right? Forget it, I've read all these diaries, and it doesn't make any sense to take them away...not to mention Mr. "Tower", what is the matter of taking away a lady's handwritten manuscript?

Shaking his head, Klein declined the kindness of the Bishop Half-Giant, and waited for the other party to finish writing the formula.

Soon, Bishop Utravsky stopped writing, handed the paper full of words to Klein, and said: "You can seek identification. If there is a problem, I will always be in the Harvest Church."

Main ingredients: the horn of an adult unicorn Pegasus, 3 grams of crown jellyfish venom crystals... Klein glanced around and responded with a smile: "I will confirm the authenticity."

Nodding slightly, Bishop Utravsky took out a simple brass-colored key from a pocket, and smiled:

"It's called the'Master Key', which can help you open all the locks that do not contain mysterious powers, as well as a small number of locks with extraordinary effects, and where there is no lock or door, it can still open a passage that is not a reality. , Ha ha, the premise is that there is no limitation of extraordinary power, and the obstacles are not too thick.

"Its spirituality is completely restrained. When it is not in use, it is difficult for Beyonders to see how it differs from ordinary keys."

After speaking, Bishop Utravsky took the initiative to demonstrate the function of the "Master Key".

It is much more convenient than the "Open Door" charm that Mr. "Tower" gave to Miss "Justice", and it can also open a lock with mysterious power. It is indeed a good auxiliary tool.

Klein thought for a while, and deliberately asked: "What are its negative effects?"

Bishop Utravsky smiled gently: "The person with it will occasionally get lost... well, it should be randomly lost."

get lost? I am a fortune-teller with spiritual intuition... Klein muttered, and received the "Master Key" in a good mood.

Haruer on the side stopped talking when he saw it, seeming to want to remind, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Damir Port.

After flicking away Lydia under the pretext of Karen, Abner went to the "Alenheim" and looked at Tran quietly, and found that the teenager was a little weak and physically exhausted. There was no big problem elsewhere, so I was relieved.

Although Karen didn't let him take care of his sister, as a friend, Abner didn't want his sister to regret because of her mistakes, so she came to confirm.

Simply "backtracking" in the cabin, she saw a scene that was quite fragrant and extremely horrifying. Fortunately, his "psychological hints" under the ceremony were strong enough to make Lydia wake up at the last minute. , Otherwise the youngest boy of Tran will be greatly injured...

But this "impulse" from blood is too strong, right? Looking at Lydia's appearance at the time, it is more terrifying than the effects of certain addictive things...

It is as if the blood of Lydia is born with a certain "defect" that needs to be supplemented by the bloodline descendant of the "pillar" Ms. Yarrowan of the "Moss Ascetic"...

And Karen doesn't seem to have such a "defect"... is it because his father is also a member of that family?

Although there may be some deep-seated secret hidden in it, it doesn't matter to him, there is no need to bother with this matter... Abner shook his head and threw the extra thoughts out of his mind.

Time soon came to Monday.

During this period, the news that the five squadrons of the "immortal king" Agarito were hit hard finally spread in the sea, and various "inside stories" were raging, especially the emergence of "Doctor Strange". This already extremely sensational incident added a lot of mystery.

You must know that "Gray Giant" Gravina is not an unknown person. Combined with that "ghost ship", his combat power on the sea is definitely second only to the level of a pirate general.

But it was such a big pirate who was killed by the sudden emergence of "Doctor Strange" together with the people and the boat. How could it not be amazing?

What's more, "Doctor Strange" has no fleet assistance, he is just alone, which makes people feel even more awe-inspiring.

His limelight even eclipsed the other four female pirates who fought against the "Undead King" squadron! After all, the fighting process of the remaining few people is not complete, it seems very simple, only his battle is extremely detailed, it is almost as if someone has carefully recorded it.

At first, some people didn’t believe it, but then it was reported that a pirate ship seemed to be watching the battle in that sea area, so I got the first-hand information... Of course, what is more enviable and enviable is that "Doctor Strange" is actually sinking the ghost. After the ship, he left happily, without taking any trophies, and all of them were cheaper for the people on the pirate ship watching the battle...

Listening to the messy rumors in the tavern, Abner’s mouth twitched, "Doctor Strange" took the first step, and the rest of UU reading needs to make good use of it before the heat dissipates. Bo Lai completed the "play"!

As for how to use it, he who has learned the "Rosselto's Dream Art" basically has a plan, and he is waiting to try it out tonight.

Backlund, half past one in the afternoon.

Forsi glanced at Xio not far away with a guilty conscience, and cried out in his heart how many times: "Why didn't Xio go "patrolling" today?

Looking at the watch again, Forsi finally couldn't help but said, "I need a quiet environment to complete my creation... So, Hugh, can you temporarily leave my sight? You are here, I can't concentrate..."

Looking at her friend who was still lying on the sofa, Xio took a deep breath and felt that her excuses were not convincing at all, so she deliberately asked suspiciously: "There is still some time before the submission...You, will you take the initiative to write a book?"

"Inspiration! The most important thing is inspiration! I have the inspiration now, so I am going to create it soon!" Forsi stood up and defended in a passionate tone.

Xio gave her a meaningful look, and said, "Okay, I just happen to have a mission."

Forsi was relieved when he heard the words, and happily sent Xio out the door, and then returned to the bedroom anxiously, waiting for the arrival of three o'clock.

When Xio went out, he sighed heavily and shook his head:

"I didn't seize the last chance I gave you... Then don't blame me for hiding from you for the time being...

"That's good... lest some dangerous missions I received in the Tarot Club will implicate you..."

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