Mystery: Start with the Reader

v1 Chapter 409: respective

Mr. Gaston, who has always been serious, showed such a look, showing how eager he was to pass the sixth floor, which made Abner a little embarrassed to mention that he was not actually coming to him to talk about "climbing the tower".

But it doesn’t work, so Abner shook his head lightly and reminded the other party: "Mr. Gaston... didn't you say that you will go there later in the evening?"

"I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry..." Mr. Gaston was taken aback when he heard the words, then laughed at himself, then adjusted his emotions, and asked in a calm tone, "What's the matter with you coming over to see me?"

"I want to buy your newly-built sword that can release the ‘Fire of Light’... Well, I have a friend who just needs it." Abner didn’t go around, and directly explained his intentions.

Mr. Gaston looked at him suspiciously, and then asked him to follow him into the workshop, while saying inexplicably: "That'Light of Courage' is very heavy, even Miss Gwen must be very heavy to use. It’s hard work, not to mention that she already has a sword that fits in her hands."

What does it mean? What is Tigwen doing? Does he think I bought the big sword to give it to Gwen? Abner, who was following Gaston, couldn't help but feel a little speechless. He just went to the restaurant for dinner with Gwen that night. Could there be any rumors coming out?

Moreover, he is not a straight man of steel, even if he gives a girl a gift, how can he give an extraordinary sword?

Although he was slanderous inside, Abner, who knew that such things were always getting darker, didn't argue on the surface. He just said, "It's for my other friends", and then shut his mouth.

Mr. Gaston nodded and did not ask any more. He opened the power core of the workshop and controlled the robotic arm to lift a large sword over two meters in length from the storage room.

"It's worth 600 pounds... If there are too few people who can use it, it will definitely be sold at a better price." Mr. Gaston is actually satisfied with his work, even if he can't sell it, he is willing Collect it by yourself, so I don’t plan to reduce the price.

"Deal." Abner took out a large stack of banknotes directly from his bag and handed it over.

After Gaston confirmed the amount and authenticity of the gold pound, he smiled again and said with some teasing, "Do you need me to help you carry this sword to your room?"

Abner naturally understands what Mr. Gaston’s "connotation" is, and deeply feels that this old man looks like a meticulous scholar on the surface, but after being familiar with it, he has another face...

He glanced at the opponent, not having the power to "simulate" the living corpse, instead chanting the mantra in front of the opponent, summoning the "door of dreamland", then holding the hilt of the sword, simulating the ability of "nightmare", and entering In the "Dreamland Labyrinth Tower".

Mr. Gaston, who originally wanted to see Abner's jokes, saw this scene, his eyes rounded in surprise, and stood still.

After a while, Abner "woke up" from his dream, and both the "Dream Gate" and the "Light of Courage" sword disappeared.

"That was...'The Gate of Dreamland' just now?" Mr. Gaston asked in a dreamlike tone, who had recovered.

"Yes, it was just one of the privileges after passing the fifth floor, not worth mentioning." Abner said in a flat tone on purpose.

"Fan" in front of people who like "Versailles" really feels good.

"The privilege of the fifth floor turned out to be this..." Mr. Gaston sighed and said complicatedly, "So, you have got rid of the restriction of the entrance to the underground dream?"

"Yes...but I will still abide by our contract. Even if I bring other people into the'Dream Labyrinth Tower' in the future, I won't tell them the location of your entrance." Abner knew what the other party was worried about, and He added, "Do we need to'notarize' a contract again?"

Mr. Gaston waved his hand and said: "No need, I believe in your character."


Silver City, Derrick Berg's home.

He walked around the table in silence for several laps, but was still unable to make up his mind. His reason told him that Mr. "The Hanged Man"'s suggestion was the best choice, but his mind always flashed to participate in this mission. The faces of the other members felt that they pretended to be out of control and refused to go, which was tantamount to abandoning them!

Dark... Seamans... Roco... They can all be my friends...

Is there no way to save them?

Should I find an opportunity to see the chief, and tell him that the half-ruined temple belongs to the fallen creator and the evil **** who is in charge of the "shepherd" path, and tell him to be careful of the elder Lovia and replace this mission. The person in charge... But, where do I know from? In their eyes, Mr. Fool should also be equivalent to the evil god...

Derrick scratched his hair irritably.

At this moment, a boundless gray mist appeared in front of his eyes, and then he saw the scene where Mr. "Tower" put a big sword on the altar and asked for sacrifice.

Derrick! You can't hesitate anymore, even if you don't want to live up to the trust of Mr. "Tower", "Justice", and "Magician", you can't have an accident at this time! As Mr. "The Hanged Man" said, you are not pretending to be out of control because of selfishness and deceiving other people. You are to keep your useful body and save Silver City!

After doing some mental building, Derrick finally made up his mind, but he did not rush to consume his spirituality, but held a ceremony to get the big sword taller than him, and then took it to make an appointment before going. Antenna was found at the location.


Inside Earl Hall's luxurious villa.

In the studio, Audrey, who is leisurely applying oil paint, has just sent away her mother, Countess Caitlin.

The reason why the other party came to her was because someone recommended a psychology tutor for Audrey.

"Eslant..." Audrey chewed the name and asked Susie, the big dog squatting next to him: "What do you think?"

Susie looked around humanely. After seeing the maid Annie had gone out, she carefully shook the air and said: "This name was mentioned by your very serious friend before. It is the person who followed you that night."

"I know... She is a member of the'Psychological Alchemy Society', so this is an official contact." Audrey replied with a smile.

"But, Audrey, I don't understand. Why do you want to contact bad guys, it's dangerous." Susie raised her head and asked.

"The reason is complicated... But, Susie, you will protect me, right?" Audrey asked with a smile.

"Of course!" Susie replied affirmatively.

Audrey squinted her eyes with satisfaction, and smoothly stroked Susie's head, who also squinted her eyes with satisfaction.

At this moment, Audrey's hand suddenly stopped, and Susie tilted her head in doubt, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Audrey’s face bloomed with a beautiful smile that made the room pale, and she said in excitement: "Suzy, I know how to become a'psychiatrist'!"

Although Susie didn't understand what the master was talking about, she was infected by it and wagged her tail happily.


In the evening, Hugh, who had just returned from the bar, returned to the rented house in the Joewood district. Seeing that Forsi's room was still lit, he knocked on the door and asked:

"why are you still awake?"

With that said, she saw what Forsi seemed to be writing, so she stepped forward and glanced at it, and then said in amazement:

"Um, Forsi, why have you become more diligent? You are at the beginning of writing a new book? The publishing house has increased your remuneration?"

"No, no, no." Forsi was taken aback, and calmly covered what he had written with a blank sheet of paper, piled up a smile and said, "I just received a message at the party, it seems that A clue to the main material of the magical potion of the'Master of Magic'."

I didn't lie to you, I received the news at a tarot meeting.

"Really? No wonder you have become diligent...Congratulations!" Xia smiled and pretended not to notice Forsi's hidden abnormality.

Seeing his friend happy for him, Forsi couldn't help sighing secretly:

I have become a member of a secret organization, and I have to bear the destiny of concealing and deceiving my friends all the time...

Is this one of the costs?

But we still have to cheat!

Thinking of Forsi pretended to be embarrassed, and said with difficulty: "Just...Can you lend me some money first? I will pay you back when the next issue of the manuscript fee arrives."

Xiu took a deep look at her, concealed the "devil" named "Yue" in her heart, and nodded solemnly, "No problem.

"But you have to let me go with you to the party you mentioned, lest you use it to participate in illegal gambling."

"Huh?" Forsi was so surprised that she almost threw away the pen in her hand. She said angrily and funny, "Do I look like the kind of person who participates in illegal gambling?"

"Like!" Xio replied without hesitation, "If it weren't for me to stop, you wouldn't even simply smoke, you still want to smoke marijuana!"

That's because the pain caused by the full moon babbling makes me seek paralysis, and it won't be like this anymore... Forsi was dumbfounded again, and finally she racked her brains to think of a suitable excuse, and finally convinced Xio that she was really going. Buy materials and no longer ask to follow.

After returning to her room, Xio lay down on the bed, shaking her shoulders and laughing.

After a while, she suppressed her smile, reflecting on herself and muttering to herself: "I wouldn't have been so embarrassed by Forsi before...Is it true that I really did not learn from Abner?"


Just as Xiu was talking about Abner, the latter and Mr. Gaston stepped between the rewards and entered the passage leading to the sixth floor of the "Dream Labyrinth Tower" together.

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