Mystery: Start with the Reader

v1 Chapter 419: Jane's letter and Melissa's diary

In Bansi, it is said that when Ruen’s army first occupied the island more than 300 years ago, more than 500 soldiers disappeared strangely after a heavy fog.

They later turned into many bones and appeared on the seashore and on the mountain... Similar things happened several times, until the Storm Church built a church here and sent a bishop to stop it.

The "White Onyx" that Abner was riding on is now anchored in this port known as the "Weather Museum".

Since Bansi was related to the Red Angel and even the Origin Quality "City of Disaster" in the original work, Abner cautiously did not disembark.

Although it was said that when Klein came here in the future, the terrorist incident occurred in Bansi, but Abner, who had no confidence in his own "luck", didn't feel that his ability to attract events was weaker than Klein.

"What's more, I previously guessed that Bansi's mutation may be related to the connection between the'King of the Elves' and a certain source of the Western Continent... and I just explored the'Temple of Trial of the Elves' in the dreamland not long ago. '...It might be really dangerous to break in so hastily..."

After a few words silently, Abner prepared to sleep well after washing. He used to have "liver" points, experimented with "reverse dreaming technique", and discussed the knowledge of "space" and "spiritual shuttle" with "Lieutenant General Iceberg" Edwina. The spirit is already exhausted and spiritual. Also almost exhausted, continue to rest.

But when he climbed onto the bed and hugged the pillow, he suddenly moved in his heart, turning on the vision.

Then, Abner saw the huge bone messenger appear in front of him and handed the two letters to his hand.

Jane's messenger... Is there anything wrong with her? Abner took it smoothly and found that one of the two letters was relatively thin, while the other was bulging, not knowing what it contained.

Under the gaze of the tall messenger, Abner first opened the thinner envelope, took out the letter paper inside, and used the "night vision" ability to read in the dark:

"Ebner, I succeeded! I avenged my parents!

"Steve, Jason, and the most hateful Tyre are all dead! Although Jason was not killed by me personally, Miss Sharon brought me his head...that's enough!"

Looking at the slightly out-of-shape handwriting on the paper because of excitement, Abner could feel Jane's excitement and joy firsthand. While he was heartily happy for him, he also had some distressed: This girl was suppressed for too long... ... the laughter in front of me may be pretend, she seems to know that I like to see her smile...

With a sigh, Abner looked down.

What follows is the detailed history of Jane's battle with Steve and Tyre, including the considerations and dangers of each step, which are analyzed one by one. This paragraph is not so much about sharing information, but more like a post-war summary.

However, Abner still realized the dangers of this station from the lines of Jane. After all, Jane is just a sequence 7'psychic', even if he is in charge of many powerful magical items, he will fight against the sequence 5 "soul". It is also a very dangerous thing.

Fortunately, she was lucky, "Resentful" Steve fell into a trap at the beginning, and became a "secret puppet" before he could show his strength.

At the end of the letter, Jane asked Abner if there was a reliable "artisan" introduction. She had a lot of materials and characteristics in her hand, and she wanted to make a magical object.

"'Artisan'...If I'm still in Damir, it's okay to say, I can go directly to Mr. Gaston for help...

"Now... if Jane doesn't mind, I can actually try it... although I have only repaired one hat so far.

"Well, wait until Byam, after receiving the manor that Karen gave me, you can spend money to build a ‘steam workshop’ in it..."

After thinking about it for a while, Abner folded a letter and opened another bulging envelope, which seemed to contain a lot of paper.

To his surprise, the reason why this letter was so thick was not because it abbreviated any important news, but because she was introducing the rules of "chess" in detail and a large stack of chess records.

At the end of the letter, she also gave three endgames, hoping that Abner could help her figure out a solution.

Looking at the familiar chess board and chess pieces, as well as the extremely high level of chess skills of Jane's opponent in the chess record, Abner twitched the corner of his mouth, and immediately guessed that this was the "Queen Mystery" teaching Jane to play chess...

And those endgames, maybe Bernadette's assignments for Jane? Jane is trying to cheat!

However, she really trusts me, why does she think I can unlock it?

Smiling and shook his head, Abner picked up the pen and wrote a simple reply, and then appended the method of breaking the three games to the end.

This is not how high Abner's chess level is. In his previous life, he can only say that he can only make do, barely an amateur. But those three endgames are the classics that he has seen before, so they can be solved so easily.

"This should be what Huang Tao used to embarrass his daughter..." While thinking so in his heart, Abner put the letter in the envelope and handed it to the bone messenger who had been waiting not far away.

"In this sense, it's actually a ‘play’, right? I hope Jane can give me good feedback."

With this thought, Abner hugged the pillow and entered a "natural" dream.


In the Dreamland Labyrinth Tower, Klein and Sharon successfully completed the ninth floor of the scene, and entered a "reward room" that was somewhat gloomily decorated.

Looking at the large or small, broken or complete mirrors around him, Klein couldn't help but vomit:

"Is this tower so weird, or is it that Linster likes this style? Can the appearance of this place be set after a certain number of layers?"

This is like a penguin! It is worthy of the hand of the great emperor.

Sharon didn't feel uncomfortable with such a scene. She glanced around with her azure blue eyes before succinctly: "The latter."

In other words, it is probably designed by Linster? Is it possible that all "resentful souls" like this style? Klein glanced at the delicate-faced Miss Sharon, and thought in his heart.

Sharon just turned his gaze on him right now, and asked, "How do you know that the murderer is the curator?"

I didn’t want to point out that he came so quickly. I just saw a “familiar” child who was a little gaffe... Klein reviewed his extraordinary performance in the ninth scene and felt that he would encounter a similar situation next time. You have to pretend to divination to avoid suspicion.

"You know. I'm a detective, good at observing details..." Klein organized the language, trying to convince Miss Sharon to believe his words.

"Maybe so..." Sharon didn't answer in the affirmative, but didn't ask any more, and instead said, "There is no danger in the third floor of 9, 8, and 7, Linster's arrangement will not be here."

After they entered the scene, they got some basic information, knowing that even if they died in the first three levels, they would only be sluggish in reality for a while, and would not really be hurt.

"Yes, I guessed the sixth floor, maybe it won't be as harmless as the first three floors... If Linster really had any means, he would definitely be waiting for us on the sixth or fifth floor... and the first three floors. Maybe it's still a kind of paralysis." Klein nodded and approved Sharon's guess.

As for the fourth layer? Linster may not have reached it himself, even if he did, he would definitely not think that Sharon and Klein would be able to do it...So, the most likely one is on the fifth and sixth floors.

"Do you want to continue?" Sharon glanced across Klein and asked.

"Let’s first see if the rewards here are really what every passer wants as I just said... If it’s so it's actually worth taking some risks."

Klein thought for a while and said seriously. However, the reason why he dared to take risks where the enemy had reserved means was because the "Dreamland Labyrinth Tower" could not isolate the space above the gray mist, and he could "return" at any time.

Sharon also nodded, and walked to a nearby mirror, waiting for the reward-this is also the knowledge he was told after entering the maze tower scene. Sharon and Klein speculated that it might be that Linster was afraid that they would not be able to pass the first three levels, so they deliberately left a means to reveal some information for them to know, lest they give up.

Klein also picked a mirror, and soon a notebook appeared in front of him.

He reached out his hand and took it out of the mirror.

Turning over the notes, the familiar handwriting immediately caught Klein's eyes, making his eyes a bit astringent and his nose a bit blocked.

This is "Melissa's Diary", which records the current status of Klein's family who "want to know":

"September 15th, today is Klein's burial day... I decided to start keeping a diary from today, and I will read it to him in the cemetery every time on his memorial day... so that he can rest assured...

"stupid stupid stupid!

"Klein, why did you become a hero!

"I would rather you be the idiot who can't even press the needle of a pocket watch!

"Please, come back, tell me it's just a joke, okay?"

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