Mystery: Start with the Reader

v12 Chapter 126: ceremony requirements

The first ancient **** that Abner wanted to piece together was tentatively named "Emperor of Knowledge and Destiny" by him. It needed the uniqueness of "Wheel of Fortune" + 1 copy of "Emperor of Knowledge" Extraordinary Feature + 1 copy of "Omniscient Eye" "Extraordinary characteristic + 1 copy of "Mercury Snake" extraordinary characteristic.

Among them, the uniqueness of the "Wheel of Fortune" was put into Abner's "eyes" when he was in Bayam;

The Extraordinary characteristic of "Mercury Snake" was also obtained from "Angel of Destiny" Ouroreus;

In the "Unknown Land" there is a "fake" made by Erwulong himself, which has been corroded by "unknown" power. The "God of Knowledge and Wisdom" has promised that you can use that one. The special "counterfeit" replaces the real "all-seeing eye" feature with him... This will not only allow me to obtain promotion materials, but also allow him to maintain his status;

Now, the extraordinary characteristic of the last "Emperor of Knowledge" has also come into his hands...

According to the experience of the ancient gods of the second era, Abner can directly become an ancient **** as long as he directly swallows these uniqueness and characteristics, but the authority of "omniscient" tells him that it is not that simple.

If one could become a **** simply by accommodating one copy of uniqueness and three copies of Sequence 1, Mr. "Gate" would have been a true **** long ago!

After all, both the "Gate" and today's Abner are different from the ancient gods of the second era, unlike them who can accommodate plural uniqueness and characteristics, and achieve qualitative changes with quantity.

According to the deduction of "omniscient" authority, if he does the same, even if there is an "unknown" balance, his humanity will be completely dissipated in the first place, and it will be meaningless.

After Abner was promoted to "White Angel", the ancient gods and old formulas that he "knows" are actually quite extreme and dangerous plans. If he is a little more "crazy", he might as well entrust himself to the "unknown" The "Liu Bo"

Therefore, if Abner wants to become an ancient god, he still needs to hold a god-making ceremony... and it is different from the serious potion formula, it is a god-making ceremony with mutations.

As for what the "ceremony" is, because of the lack of materials and preconditions, even if the authority of "omniscient" is used once a month, Abner can only get some incomplete information.

——Introducing Cattleya to the "low-dimensional world", helping her digest the "Master of Prophecy" potion, and promoting her to "Sage" as soon as possible is based on these incomplete information. Abner himself still doesn't know why.

"However, now that we have acquired the extraordinary characteristic of 'Emperor of Knowledge', we can try 'Omniscient' again to see if we can get more comprehensive information. "

Thinking of this, Abner opened the "Pure White Eye", leveraged the power of the illusory "Omniscient Eye" inside, and asked "God" for the answer.

After a while, the "Pure White Eye" closed by itself, and Abner felt the feeling of spiritual exhaustion once again, so he had to make a wish to Alvin to restore his spirituality through the "Wisdom Eye".

A few seconds later, Abner let out a mouthful of foul air, then pressed his fingers on his forehead, and said to himself:

"The orthodox ritual of "Wheel of Fortune" needs to 'find the right opportunity in the torrent of fate', and the ancient **** "Emperor of Knowledge and Fate" I pieced together also takes "Wheel of Fortune" as the core, so the ceremony roughly within this framework".

"It's just that 'finding the right opportunity' has been changed to specifying a certain opportunity.

"And one of the requirements for this 'opportunity' is that three "sages" who are "information life" need to respect me from the bottom of their hearts and submit to me... After all, the "sages" are chasing "knowledge" As the "Emperor of Knowledge and Destiny", if the person with "Fate" cannot be recognized by enough "Sages", how can he succeed?

"And now there are only two "sages" who are closely related to me and can help me complete the ceremony, Aloran and Bernadette.

"It's no wonder that in the incomplete information I received before, I was asked to do my best to cultivate Cattleya... After all, she is the only one who is most likely to become the third "sage" within a year, and she believes in my "prophecy" Grandmaster".

"As for the other requirement of "opportunity", to be favored by the "White Tower", I have already fulfilled it


While thinking about it, the throbbing pain in Abner's forehead was suddenly relieved, his body and mind became extremely peaceful, and he could smell the familiar "Daniel Hydrosol" at the tip of his nose.

Abner immediately knew that the goddess had descended into the body of the "Pale Queen" again. He turned his head, and sure enough, he saw Sia Palenque Eggers, who had changed into a black dress, sitting up from the bed.

"Do you know the whole content of the ceremony? Is there any difficulty?" Shia asked with a smile as her brown eyes swept across Abner's face.

If you want to know the recipes and rituals of the "unknown old days", only the "omniscient eye" infected by the "unknown" can do it. Even the "God of Knowledge and Wisdom" cannot get much information. So the goddess naturally does not know the specific requirements of the ceremony.

"It's okay...." Abner shook his head, and told the goddess about the information he had just obtained through "Omniscience" Shia frowned slightly, and asked again: "Cattleya. ...Did she become the "Master of Prophecy" on New Year's Day? Will she have time to be promoted to "Sage" before the end of the year?"

"There are some challenges... Fortunately, she is a demigod promoted with the blood of the 'Mercury Serpent'. She can peek into fate at the stage of 'Mystic Scholar', which can be regarded as 'pre-playing' to a certain extent.

"And I got a hint before, so I have been helping her digest the "Master of Prophecy"....According to the current progress, there should be great hope before the end of the year.

"After all, the "me" that accommodates the uniqueness of the "Wheel of Fortune" and the passage of the "Ring of Fate" itself can represent "fate". She keeps peeking at the secrets of "me" in the low-dimensional worlds arranged by me , which is a little bit like peeking at the secret of "Destiny".

"This is of great help to the digestion of the 'Master of Prophecy' potion." Abner replied with a smile.

Shia nodded slightly. As for how Abner made Cattleya "revere" him from the bottom of his heart, he didn't ask, and said instead:

"Judging from the "Emperor of Knowledge and Destiny" ceremony of becoming a god, the ceremony of the "God of War and Destruction" should also be within the framework of the "Red Priest" ceremony. The "Red Priest" should be even lower.

"According to the current preparations, the problem will not be too big...

"However, shouldn't you go and bring back the body of the 'Bound God', that is, Dennett, and 'resurrect it'?" "Hearing this, Abner hesitated for a moment, finally shook his head and said:

"Don't be in a hurry, I will go after I am promoted to the ancient god, it will be safer."

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