Mystery: Start with the Reader

v2 Chapter 20: Nightmare Town

Just when Abner put away the diary that contained "spiritual pollution", his spirituality was suddenly touched. It was not that he sensed danger, but the disturbance of "River of Destiny"!

Not a tiny disturbance yet, with a tendency to slide quickly into a tributary.

"It's not the fate of Hugh and I... It's that Mr. Michel?" Abner locked the target after a little check. After all, the "source" of the disturbance was in his hands at the moment!

"In fact, this diary has actually polluted Professor Michelle, so after I took it away, that gentleman would have a deflection of 'fate'?

"But the change... seems to be moving in a bad direction!"

Although Abner didn't know Professor Michel, he couldn't ignore the crisis his actions brought him. After all, it was one of his principles as a human being.

After thinking for a while, Abner asked Hugh to go out and wait, while he himself "flashed" back to Professor Michelle's bedroom.

Seeing this, Xio knew that something had changed, so he didn't say much. After he was ready to support him at any time, he recited the honorable name of Mr. Fool and asked that great being to take care of Abner.

On the other side, as soon as he entered the bedroom, Abner found that Mr. Michelle lying on the bed was pale, sweat soaked in his pajamas, his expression was a little grim, and he kept mumbling something in his mouth... He was obviously experiencing a nightmare.

My act of taking "Russell's Diary" caused him to fall into some kind of nightmare?

Frowning, Abner made a simple "prophecy" and found that although Mr. Michel's "tributary of destiny" has many crises, the probability of extreme results is very small, which is a little relieved, and then he no longer hesitates. , simulates the ability of "Dream Walker", turns into a dream elf, and enters the sea of ​​collective subconscious.

With Mr. Michel's spirit and breath as his orientation, Abner quickly found his place.

The destination is a quiet town shrouded in darkness. There are no lights or sounds in the town, and even the air is extremely cold, as if it has been abandoned for a long time and there is no one inhabited.

But Abner could clearly feel that a group of people was gathering in the church in the town at the moment, and the Professor Marshall he was looking for was among them.

"This town... No, there should be something wrong with this dream...

"Generally speaking, the difference between the scene reflected by the collective subconscious and reality is not too big, even if there are some scary places, but it is generally normal...

"But now, it's as if everyone's fears have been concentrated, and it's probably showing an extremely pure 'nightmare'!

"That is to say, what people are afraid of, what will appear here! If you are killed by the monsters that appear in the nightmare here, you may be sluggish for a long time after waking up in reality before recovering... And people with relatively weak spirits, It is very likely that they will not recover and suffer from serious mental illness.

"And the reason why there is still no movement in the town now is that the people who fell into the dream are hiding in the church, relying on the goddess' holy emblem to prevent the formation of monsters...

"After all, the goddess is the 'Queen of Adversity and Fear', and the 'Lord of Sleep and Silence'! Even if his holy emblem does not have any extraordinary power, it can shelter ordinary people in this level of nightmare.

"Heh, according to the general movie routine, there will definitely be unbelieving bear children running out of the church without authorization at this time, and then the group will be destroyed...

"But the people here seem to have already gone through the stage of being at a loss, although they are afraid but not panic... Is it because similar things often happen to have experience?

"If it's a normal situation, it's safe to wait until the 'nightmare' is over and the dream returns to normal... But since Mr. Michelle's fate has been deflected here by mistake... it means that there must be an accident!

"I see... The power of Roselle's diary page is somewhat related to the nightmares here, so Professor Michelle, who was infected by the diary, entered this town after falling asleep.

"He probably had this dream often after he fell asleep, but most of the time he should only enter the normal level. Even if he occasionally strayed into the collective 'nightmare' level, it would end quickly, so he didn't. Something really happened.

"Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for ordinary people to remember the experiences in their dreams, and at most they can recall fragments, so Professor Michelle did not pay attention to it and did not seek the help of the church.

"But today, when I took away the 'diary', the little spiritual pollution that Michelle had on her body disappeared, which may have inspired deep changes in the dream, so this 'nightmare' has already degenerated to a deeper level. 'Signs!

"This is the root cause of the danger... After all, if you really fall into the depths of the collective subconscious, even a 'dream walker' is very likely to get lost and never return to reality..."

Abner opened the "Pure White Eye" and used the advanced "Analysis" ability to quickly figure out the foundation of this nightmare town.

However, there was no "embodied" monster around him. First, he used the "anti-social death technique" developed before going to the Hall of Honesty to restrain his thoughts. Second, it was because of what he was really afraid of, at this level. It doesn't "represent" in the nightmare.

"Speaking of which, the environment here is actually very similar to the 'Trial of Courage' in the first level of the Temple of Spirit Trials!

"I don't know how it came about...

"However, the most urgent task is to take Mr. Michelle away from this nightmare as soon as possible... If he leaves, the deepening of the nightmare will naturally stop, and the others will be fine."

Thinking of this, Abner walked quickly to the door of the church, just about to ring the doorbell, but suddenly thought of something and withdrew his hand.

"If you just ring the doorbell, they probably won't open the door. If you hear the sound suddenly in such an environment, you might be scared to death...

"Let's just go in!"

As his thoughts turned, Abner used the ability to "open the door" and appeared inside the church.

Immediately afterwards, more than 30 villagers dressed as men, women, young and old came into his eyes. They gathered in twos and threes as a family unit. Their expressions were both nervous and doubtful, but not much fear.

Except, of course, Professor Michelle, who was alone in the corner.

At this time, the villagers in the church were obviously taken aback by Abner's visit, and all kinds of weapons such as shovels, dung forks, and old-fashioned firearms were lifted up and aimed at him in unison.

But even so, none of them made a sound.

"I'm not malicious, I'm just here to find someone." Abner spread his hands and said that he had no weapons.

Hearing him speak, the calm people in the church just now showed expressions of horror, and even more terrifying expressions burst out in their eyes, as if Abner had done something extremely terrifying.

But after waiting for a while, nothing else happened, which made them confused again.

"I am the favored person of the goddess. With me here, simple communication is no problem." Seeing this, Abner explained with a smile, and brought the goddess out to enhance his persuasiveness.

"Really?" At this time, Professor Michelle, who was hiding in the corner, couldn't help but ask.

But the others suddenly looked at him and glared angrily.

But Michelle ignored it, ran to Abner in a few steps, and said excitedly, "Can you take me out of here?"

Seeing that the people dressed as villagers were determined and refused to communicate, Abner did not answer immediately, but asked Michelle while secretly preparing for the ability to escape from the dream state:

"Do you know where this place is?"

Michelle glanced at him strangely, but replied, "Yes, this is the town of Kabas."

Kaspersky town? North of East Chester, the town of Cabas on the border with Wintershire?

Yesterday, at the Tarot Conference, Miss Justice also told me privately that she found clues about the suspected "Queen of Natural Disasters" in some folklore and folk songs in this town, and she also led the "Psychological Alchemy Association" to become interested in it. Will be exploring in the next week or two…

Hmm..."Kabas" does mean "nightmare" in Elvish.

And Cohinam was separated from the "Book of Natural Disasters" by Roselle who was looking for the "Box of God", and he must have had an intersection with the other party, and was even imprisoned here by the other party...

If my guess is correct, Goshinam is really in the deepest part of the nightmare of the small town "Kasbas", then it is not surprising that the residual power in Roselle's diary can pull Michelle here.

But the question is, how did Goshinam, who was trapped in the depths of the nightmare, project his spirit into the shallow collective subconscious sea and was discovered by Miss Justice?

Or, will this Cohinam in the depths of this nightmare be the one I've seen before?

Hmm... I don't have the memory of the "God of Luck" yet, so I can't tell what relationship I have with the Queen of Natural Disasters, so don't rush into it... It's not bad for people from the "Psychology Alchemy Society" to explore the way.

The priority now is to bring Mr. Michelle back to safety first. UU reading www.

While thinking about it in his heart, Abner's secret technique to quickly escape from the dream has also been completed, and a complex rune appeared at the feet of Michelle, shining dazzlingly in the dark environment.

Immediately afterwards, Professor Michel's body disappeared in the light.

In reality, Michelle, who was lying on the big bed in the bedroom, also shot up with a jolt, and then flashed her waist...

After rolling for a few laps in pain, he found a relatively comfortable position, and after wiping the cold sweat off his forehead, Michelle woke up completely.

At the same time, the darkness in the Nightmare Town slowly receded, and a much larger-than-normal sun rose rapidly, illuminating every corner of the town.

This sun symbolizes hope and courage in people's hearts, and is also a reflection of the collective subconscious.

Abner, who still did not leave, glanced at the only church that was not illuminated, and thoughtfully said to himself:

"It's probably the source of the town's nightmare!

"This seems to be an imitation of 'Night Kingdom'?"

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