Mystery: Start with the Reader

v2 Chapter 22: Demigod first battle

The "Iron Cross Society" is a secret organization that has only appeared in the past two or three hundred years, and it also believes in the "true creator".

This organization hopes to change the society, change the world, make the supernatural no longer secret, appear in the eyes of everyone, and become a real ruler, so there is no taboo about showing strength in front of people.

For example, Tony Dunn, the "Bishop of War" who flew to Stoane Station in pursuit of Ince Zangwill, made no secret of his abilities.

Confident that he will become a "conqueror", he only believes that he is an existence above ordinary people, and without hesitation, he condensed dozens of long spears with incandescent flames in his hands, and directed them towards the platform and the train that had just entered the station. voted in the past.

For Tony Dunn, because of his publicity, the demigods of the church may stop him at any time. He doesn't have time to carefully screen the "prey" who played him once before. It is better to use this simple and rude indiscriminate attack method. , to drive the prey out.

Anyway, that prey is strong enough to be killed by such a simple attack.

As for the casualties of ordinary people? What does that have to do with him.

At the same time, Xio on the platform suddenly had a strong fear in his heart, as if he was a small animal targeted by an experienced hunter.

The pressure from the spiritual level made her look up in cold sweat, and then she saw dozens of long spears of flames, like a meteorite, falling from the sky!

Before he could think about it, Xio immediately put a golden mask on his face, and while trying to "capture" or "exile" those long guns, he shouted to let the passengers and platform staff take emergency shelter.

But at this moment, the void in front of the flame spear suddenly fluctuated like a water surface, forming illusory "doors", and the spears disappeared the moment they touched the "door", as if "traversing" to another place. a world.

This is based on the combined application of "Mystic" banishing and transmutation abilities, which can banish enemy attacks out of this world.

The person who shot is naturally Abner, although as long as he moves a little bit, he can make Hugh avoid the direct attack of the flame spear, and deflect to the tributary of fate who is only slightly injured, thereby completing the role of a "prophet". …

But the price of doing this is that the train and platform were hit by the demigod ability, and hundreds of thousands of people were killed and injured!

Although Abner was not a sympathetic saint, he asked himself that he could not sit back and watch such a thing happen.

It's fine if I don't encounter it, but now the attack is happening right in front of my eyes... and I have the ability to stop it!

The opportunity to act can be found again, but if you don't do something, you will regret it for a lifetime.

While his thoughts were spinning, Abner blocked the unfamiliar "Hunter" path demigod's attack with a combination of "Mystic Mage" abilities.

This comes from the knowledge contained in Alvin Abraham's "semi-mythical creature form", which is naturally used by the current Abner, as if it came from instinct.

This situation also made Abner realize the necessity of a "reader" in his life... Except for the "reader", even if the Extraordinary of other paths obtains the knowledge contained in the "pure white eye", I am afraid it will be difficult for him so applied.

Tony Dunn, the "Bishop of War" of the "Iron Cross Society", obviously did not expect that there would be a demigod hidden on the train platform. He was stunned for a moment, and then became annoyed, his eyes locked tightly on the person who appeared because of his ability Abner...or rather, Abner in "Professor" form.

After all, no matter how conceited he is, no matter how arrogant he is, he knows that he cannot defeat a demigod and hunt another demigod in a short period of time... and if there is a little delay, the saint of the church will come. Going back is probably not that easy.

So after a quick weighing, he decided to retreat immediately.

However, before retreating, Tony Dunn decided to teach this nosy demigod a lesson, it is best to hit him hard and let him be caught by the people of the church.

Think of it and do it, Tony Dunn pulled out a javelin from behind... Different from the previous flame spear, this is a real spear made of extraordinary materials. Although it is only a one-time consumable, it has the ultimate The speed and must hit the property.

He took the javelin in his hand and made a throwing motion towards Abner. Then, the javelin appeared on the latter's chest as if it had crossed the space.

What's even more terrifying is that this javelin also comes with a "fatal attack" that is sublimated to the demigod level. No matter where the target is, whether it has a substitute or damage transfer, it is equivalent to a weak attack!

But the javelin was finally blocked!

The fatal blow could not go on, because in front of it was a book with a dark brown cover.

This booklet looks ordinary, bound by the usual yellow-brown parchment into the inner pages, but it is not broken like the two layers of clothing on the outside, and there is not even a single gap.

"Grossel's Travels"!

And behind "Grossel's Travels", there is also a book with a dark cover and I don't know what material it was made of: "Necronomicon".

Seeing that the "Hunter" demigod's attack didn't even penetrate the first layer of the book, Abner breathed a sigh of relief, but also stopped the action of preparing to stimulate the "Blessing of the God of Beauty" on his forehead.

Glancing at the figure that flew away quickly with the help of throwing reverse thrust, Abner didn't hesitate, he accumulated light in his hand, and also condensed a long spear. A spear whose handle is so pure and so white that it seems to consist of pure sunlight!

This is the "Gun of No Darkness" of the "No Dark One"!

The "Gun of No Darkness" passed through the "door" in the void and quickly appeared behind Tony Dunn...

Immediately afterwards, with a loud "bang", the miniature sun that was so white that it was enough to illuminate the city erupted!

Because the explosion occurred at a high altitude and was far away from the city of Storn, people just felt that the sun was suddenly dazzling. When they looked up, they found that a huge and dazzling halo surrounded the sun, forming a "sun halo" phenomenon.

Only Xio, who has been paying attention to the development, and the teams of "Night Watchers", "Punishers" and "Heart of Machinery" who came quickly, vaguely understood what happened.

And just when everyone's attention was attracted by the second round of the sun, a one-eyed middle-aged man with dark golden hair and a high nose bridge left the station and disappeared into the crowd on the street.

In his hand, an unfolded notebook revealed the words written in it:

"...After the provocation at the port, Tony Dunn of the Iron Cross once again locked down Ince Zangwill and launched a hunt for him. In the process, the 'war bishop' who was determined to become a 'conqueror' 'With no regard for ordinary life and death, he attacked the steam train station indiscriminately.

"Tony made the judgment that best suited his character, so there's nothing wrong with that.

"But it was a bit of a coincidence that a strange and powerful saint was at the station at this time, and he blocked Tony's attack.

"The plan to force out Ince was unsuccessful, because he was worried that the saints of the church would come to surround him, Tony Dunn had to make a decision to retreat temporarily, but he was angry that the demigod on the platform had disrupted his hunting , UU Reading decided to teach him a lesson..."

A few lines are crossed out below.

"Unfortunately, Tony Dunn is so confident in his own strength that he completely ignores the possibility that the enemy will catch his attack and counterattack, which is not in line with his hunting instinct, but in this world, everyone makes mistakes, It's reasonable!"

Crossed out a few lines again.

"In the end, although Tony Dunn was added to the 'Spell of No Darkness', 'Deadly Attack', 'Curse of Weakness', 'Gate of the Underworld', 'Paralyzing Poison' and 'Retribution', the 'Lance of No Darkness' passed' The Void Gate' succeeded in sneak attack, but survived tenaciously.

"It's a pity that he was seriously injured and couldn't pursue Ince Zangwill again for at least a month."

At the same time, Abner, who "teleported" away before the official Beyonder arrived, also muttered to himself:

"It doesn't die?

"Demigods, especially demigods at the Sequence 3 level, are really hard to kill!"