Mystery: Start with the Reader

v2 Chapter 514: trade

"Mr. Tower, I want to ask you a favor."

Hearing this, Abner was not in a hurry to reply. Instead, he first saluted the uppermost Mr. Fool with the spirit of "dedication", and then turned his gaze to the end of the old long table and saw it unexpectedly. The figure of Mr. "World".

Just as he was about to speak, from the corner of his eye, he suddenly noticed that there was an extra person on the high-back seat diagonally opposite, and that was not the three ladies of Justice, Magician, and Judgement he was familiar with.

who is it? Is there a new member of the Tarot Club? "The Hermit"? Or did Klein completely put down his morals and made himself a lady's "dummy" vest?

When all kinds of thoughts flashed in Abner's mind, the "Fool" sitting at the top spoke leisurely: "This is Miss Temperance, a new member of the Tarot Society."

Miss "temperance"? Abner secretly repeated this code name, and then when the lady diagonally opposite stood up and lifted her skirt to salute, she carefully looked at her clothes, and thought to herself:

Black gothic palace dress, small cap of the same color, light gold hair color, although the face is covered by gray fog, it is not real, but it gives me an illusion that is not like a real person. So I just thought she was Klein’s new vest It is not unreasonable.

Is this Miss Sharon? What happened to her that I didn't understand, caused Klein to have to pull her into the Tarot Club...

Regarding the "Fool", that is, Klein's character, Abner knows nothing better that he would never force others to recite the "Honorable Name" and join the Tarot Society unless others voluntarily.

And an extraordinary person who has a good understanding of the mysterious world, unless he is facing a desperate situation, or has a reason to do it, who will take the initiative to "close" to an evil **** of unknown origin?

Of course, except for me... thinking so in my heart, after Abner greeted Miss Temperance on the surface, then he started talking about the business: "What do you want me to do?"

"We hope that Mr.'Tower', you can use'hint' to make us forget the related memories of the Sealed Artifact '008'. The world," Klein said hoarsely.

"It's ‘008’ again?" Abner was a little surprised, after all, he had just "implied" for the other party a few days ago.

Klein, whose face was covered by the gray mist, gave a wry smile, feeling that he was indeed deeply connected with the sealed object, but he had no intention of explaining anything at the moment, only controlling the "world" and said: "It is indeed still '008'... Excuse me! As for the reward..."

Before he could finish his words, Miss Sharon, who listened quietly like a doll, "Temporary", suddenly said, "I will pay for it."

The favors for decontamination have not yet been paid, and she does not want to continue to owe Sherlock's favors.

"World" Klein guessed Sharon's mind after a little thought, and he didn't pretend to be, and he stretched out his hand to signal her to play on her own.

"I can provide occult knowledge and can buy various types of potions on behalf of me." Sharon said in an illusory voice.

"Knowledge of occult? What kind of knowledge?" Abner asked with interest.

"The Book of Secrets by Karaman, the Witch King." Sharon looked at him and replied calmly.

Okay, I'm sure she is Sharon! Unexpectedly, she had become so familiar with Klein? Looking at the tacit understanding between them just now, it's just like the interaction between me and Hugh...

While thinking about where the "butterfly" appeared in his mind would interfere with the original plot to this extent, Abner rolled his eyes on the surface and asked in surprise:

"Karaman? That legend received the gift of the ‘primitive moon’ and joined the ‘Witch King’ of the ‘Rose School’ with faith in him?"

Worse, I forgot to remind Sharon of Mr. "Tower"'s "learned"... I'm afraid "Tower" has combined Sharon's "temperance" code name to guess her origin... to the careless.

However, it turned out that it was the Rose School that the "Witch King" brought the belief in the "primitive moon" into it? Unexpectedly, the author of "The Book of Secrets" in my hand is one of the culprits of the pollution at the bottom of Linster's "Dream Labyrinth Tower"... Is this also an extraordinary aggregation in some sense?

While Klein was thoughtful, there were some waves in Sharon's heart of Temperance. She did not expect anyone in the Tarot Club to know the origins of Karaman, so after a few seconds of silence, she nodded and said: "It is The'Witch King'." After a pause, she looked at Abner again and asked briefly, "What about your answer?"

Abner thought for a while, and felt that it was just a chance to ask Sharon some questions, so he bargained: "Reasonable remuneration... But as the'witch king', Karaman may have part of his occult knowledge that I understand. Coincidence... This point can be corroborated by Mr. Fool.

"So, as compensation, you have to answer me a question about the ‘temperance’ of the Rose School."

Sure enough, I was guessed...Fortunately, the scope of knowledge revealed in each Tarot meeting of the "World" is relatively wide, otherwise I am afraid that Mr. "Tower" will follow the footsteps.

When Klein was rejoicing, the "temperance" lady who was "see through" her identity just replied concisely: "It will not cause harm to the'temperance' faction."

She doesn't seem to care that she is a "Rose School" temperance faction. It is known course. Abner nodded and saw that Sharon was still looking at herself quietly, and organized a language to say: "I want to know more than nine hundred years ago, about the Daniel of the'temperate'. "

Daniel? Who is that? And more than nine hundred years ago, wasn't it the time period when Sharon mentioned that the "bound god" issued the oracle? Klein, who was listening, endured the headache of lack of spirituality. While thinking in his heart, he prayed to the goddess that Sharon would not give a long answer, otherwise Mr. Fool could only jump out and find an excuse to interrupt.

"Daniel... the adult's real name is not Daniel, he is the teacher's younger brother... his real name is Dennett Tinicole." Sharon pursed her lips and added, "About that adult The information is not secret, I can tell you...but it will take some time to sort out."

teacher? Miss Sharron also has a teacher...Yes, as a temperance school, you can stay unaffected in the rose school that has deteriorated a long time ago. If you stick to the road, there must be someone offering asylum... This is why she and Maric can escape. one? A being who has lived at least 900 years old, even if he is not an angel, is a relatively powerful demigod, right?

Klein suddenly looked forward to the information that Sharon had compiled. Anyway, he had to get his hands to give it to the Tower.

"Deal." Abner was not too rushed, because according to the lion's words, it would take at least more than a day for "Lake Daniel" to really reappear. The door to his "maze" will be opened.

And if Jane can answer that question, then the lion will take her from Roselle's "theft hole" directly into the depths of the maze, and arrive at the treasure place before the others.

There should be enough time for Miss Sharon to sort out the information.
