Mystery: Start with the Reader

v2 Chapter 614: Conspiracy and Meet Lilith

Latest website: Baron Larry entered Backlund two weeks ago under the cover of Mrs. Panis dressed as Bianca.

However, since returning to Backlund, it is not convenient for Larry to stay with Bianca. After all, it’s not Bianmat Port and Tingen. As "Mrs. Panis", she still has to deal with Panis first. Sir!

Therefore, Baron Larry, who has no identity and does not want to live in areas such as the East Side and the Docklands, accidentally heard about the uninhabited "Hero Detective" when he was looking for a place to live in areas such as the East Side and the Docklands. Only occasional servants would clean it. Old house.

It is so in line with Larry's requirements. Not to mention the relatively good security in St. George's area. The villa is fully furnished and comfortable. The most important thing is that he is hidden here, and it is almost difficult to be found by people who are traced.

However, he was found by a detective.

After divining Larry’s identity, Klein, who was standing on the side of the road and pretending to be waiting for the carriage, went straight in to capture him without impulse. Even if he was confident, he didn’t think he would be a Sequence 5 opponent with rich combat experience and powerful extraordinary items. .

The "Spirit Breath" spell might stop him unexpectedly... But the use of items worth 3,000 gold pounds here is quite a waste, and that is what he intends to turn the tide of battle at the moment of life and death.

Shaking his head, Klein was going to tell Miss Hugh through the mouth of the "world", and then assist in the arrest at MI9, and be sure not to let him escape!

As for the "secret" that Baron Larry has? Klein didn't care, he just wanted this guy to get the punishment he deserved.

After crossing a few blocks in a public carriage, Klein paid to get out of the car, entered a nearby restaurant, and borrowed its bathroom.

Then, Klein closed the door and sealed the surroundings spiritually, only then took four steps backwards and came to the mysterious space above the gray mist.

In the majestic and majestic palace, Klein was sitting at the top of the ancient long table, showing pen and paper, intending to make a final confirmation here.

"The person who commissioned me to monitor Miss Aisha this morning was Baron Larry."

——Speaking of, the reason why Klein was able to discover the whereabouts of Baron Larry was because he actually asked himself to monitor a lady who lives in the Joe Wood district.

Even though his disguise technique was good, Klein was still inspired, and quickly recognized the **** who almost harmed his sister through divination.

After reciting silently seven times, Klein opened his eyes, but unexpectedly found that the citrine pendant was turning counterclockwise!

This...isn't Baron Larry that I am entrusting? But his appearance touched my spirituality...

Klein frowned. After thinking for a moment, he wrote a divination sentence again:

"The real Baron Larry lives in the old house of Detective Bryan."

This time, the pendant turned clockwise, and Baron Larry did indeed live there.

This is someone who pretends to be him and asks me to entrust it... It feels a bit slanderous... Who is that Miss Aisha? Why does the person who pretends to be Baron Larry to figure out her communication and routine?

Klein suddenly felt a bit of toothache. He thought it was a simple matter. Now it seems that there may be something else involved... And if he reports to Ms. Hugh and causes Larry to be arrested, the organization behind it is likely to investigate it. On my head...

After repeated deliberation for a long time, Klein finally decided not to report in a hurry, but to find out the situation of the Miss Aisha... It is best to do some tricks on the fake Larry when the investigation report is submitted next time. Who is the other party, and then decide how to report it.

After all, maybe this is MI9 wiring...

If Miss Hugh catches Larry rashly, it may arouse suspicion from other factions in MI9.

You know, she has already been investigated once because of the "Emperor" Rogue Thief. Although she barely passed the test, it is difficult to guarantee that it will not evoke other people's associations.

"I really have some accidental physique, how can I always encounter so many complicated incidents?

"The only advantage is... as a'magician', you don't have to worry about'performance'..."

After ridiculing himself a few words, Klein sank spiritually and returned to reality.

He checked his watch and was about to go to Lina and Xiao Ke’s coffee shop for lunch, the latter developed a new dish, of course he had to taste it the first time.


South Bridge, Harvest Church.

After flying all night, Abner in Backlund rushed to Backlund and pushed the door into the prayer hall.

At a glance, he saw Bishop Utravsky, who looked like a giant, and Miss Hajol in the costume of a priest.

The former is preaching to a few believers, while the latter is preparing the sacrament, waiting for the bishop to preach the doctrine before distributing it.

In addition to them, there was a handsome man with a slightly feminine appearance in a brown priest's robe, wiping the candlestick next to him, his face was numb with a dead heart.

This should be Emlyn White, right?

In fact, Abner met this vampire at the police station a few months ago when he was just in Sequence 8.

Emlyn was even more impressed with Aitris at that time, and didn't notice the detective Abner at all.

Therefore, he did not recognize Abner, who used the face of the "lover" of the countess.

And Harou didn't recognize Abner either, her eyes only stayed on her body for a while, and then she left.

Abner randomly found a place to sit down, and looked at the few believers ahead, but unexpectedly found two familiar faces.

"Huh? Isn't this Sergeant Faxin's wife? I saw her at a dance organized by the teacher. Although her belly is a lot bigger, she is indeed correct...

"And Mrs. Faxin's side... seems to be Freya, the eldest daughter of the washing woman involved in the Carpin case? Hugh once appeared in the image of that incident in the source castle...

"It's not surprising that she became a believer in the Mother Earth after that incident... After all, there is also the credit of my butler, Mr. Scarder... But how did Mrs. Facin change her belief? Somewhat close... I remember that she originally believed in the goddess of the night."

Although he was puzzled in his mind, Abner did not intend to delve into After Bishop Utravsky finished his sermon, Emlyn gave out the sacrament, he stood up and walked to the preaching platform.

But when passing by Mrs. Faxin's seat, Abner's spirituality was suddenly touched, and the "white eyes" opened automatically, telling him that he had intercepted a "hello" message.

Abner kept walking, only glancing vaguely at Mrs. Faxin's stomach, and then withdrew his gaze, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

When Bishop Utravsky saw Abner approaching, he just wanted to ask him kindly what he needed, but before he could speak, he was stunned for a second or two, and then he looked at Abner with his light blue eyes. After a while, he smiled and said:

"So it's you... come with me, He is waiting for you."

He... Is Lilith here 24 hours a day? Isn't it all right in the star realm? While vomiting psychologically, Abner still said politely, "Thank you," and then followed the other's tall body to the basement.

Soon, he once again saw the blood duke with the weird and beautiful face...or, Lilith's goddess container.