Mystery: Start with the Reader

v2 Chapter 625: "Happy Witch"

After interpreting the revelation gained from the "prophecy", since the "bound gods" matter involves many righteous gods, evil gods, and kings of angels, it is too troublesome to explain, and at the current level of Xiu, it may not be necessary to know so many It's a good thing...

Therefore, based on the principle of “knowledge keeping”, Abner did not tell her too much information, only that he had an eye for solving the “curse”, but it still needs to be confirmed.

After discussing for a while, the two of them finally decided to act separately. Abner went to find a way to resist the "curse" and prepare for follow-up matters, while Xio went to choose a suitable place for the "Teleport Altar" to learn about Talim's Action trajectory, and seek a way to temporarily deceive "0-08" from Mr. "World".

Of course, the last item needs to be clarified first, because everything is based on the "world" having a way to shield the "0-08" induction.

Therefore, as soon as Xio came out of the "Dreamland Labyrinth Tower", she recited the honorific name of "Mr. Fool" and asked him to ask Mr. "World" on her behalf.

Soon, she got a response: Mr. World does have a way, but it takes a little time to prepare...

After receiving the exact news, Hugh and Abner no longer hesitate, and act separately.

Abner looked at the back of Xio away, and thought to himself:

Ask an angel who is close to the gods to help, even if the other party finally agrees, I will definitely pay a high price... Even if I don't have to pay now, I will definitely pay it back in the future...

If Xio knew that my method was this, she would definitely not let me try again. Ten out of ten would directly reject Klein’s entrustment. Anyway, whether it was me or her, the friendship with Talim was very normal...

In fact, I was not prepared to do this at the beginning, but after opening the "White Eyes", I suddenly felt that if I save Talim and change the fate of his death, the future will be a big deal for me. benefit……

This should be the passive predictive ability "experienced" in advance, a certain possibility for future development...

Oh, through prophecy, change a person's destiny and make him develop better in the future... Will this be the role of a "prophet"?

Well, the harder it is to change the destiny, once the prediction is really changed, the feedback it brings will certainly not be small...

Therefore, the "benefits" of passive prophecy are "play in advance" and "receive feedback in advance"?

Think about it carefully, since I passed through, but through "prophecy", the fate of many people have been changed...

Most of them have changed in a good direction... right?

When his thoughts turned, Abner stopped a carriage and rushed to Rose Street in the southern part of the bridge. At this time, Mrs. Fasin should be listening to Bishop Utravsky’s preaching... "The God of Bound" talked, and I felt more at ease.


On the other side, before choosing a suitable location for the "Teleport Altar", Xio went back to the MI9 headquarters at No. 9 Bellotto Street in the West End and reported Baron Larry's information to His Royal Highness Vera.

After all, this information is time-sensitive, and once it "expires", its value will be greatly reduced.

After listening to Xio’s report, His Royal Highness Vera seriously thought for a moment, then suddenly laughed, nodded and said: "It turns out to be like this... No wonder the above will always let Larry..."

Hugh and Vera have already known each other a long time ago, knowing that she is not a dull and boring person-even though she pretends to be like that in front of outsiders, so she asked curiously: "Your Highness, what do you think of?"

"Actually, their plan is not complicated. It's just that you don't have comprehensive information that will make you feel puzzled..." His Royal Highness took out a pen and paper, listed a few items, and pointed to the first one and asked rhetorically, " 'Hero Detective' is your friend, right? Do you think the news that his house is vacant will reach Baron Larry by coincidence?"

After thinking about it, he shook his head directly. After taking back the old house, Abner had been handing it to the Scards to take care of it.

The couple had very little social interaction and almost only interacted with people in the circle of the Mother Earth Church. Baron Larry was actually hard to reach.

"That's right..." As he said, His Highness Vera pointed to the second, third and fourth items he wrote down, and said one after another, "It was Duke Nigan who helped the'Hero Detective' redeem the villa. Secretary Lockhard Siakam, all the procedures are handled by him himself. If anyone is familiar with the house, apart from the'hero detective', he is probably the only one...

"And your informant, the detective you mentioned, Miss Aisha, the investigative target commissioned by the fake Larry, is actually Duke Negan's current favorite mistress...

"In the end, Larry's lover, Mrs. Panis, was probably impersonated by someone from Intis."

"This... do they want to use Duke Negan for anything?" Hugh was still confused, unable to understand what facts these clues were intertwined with.

"You'll know tomorrow at the earliest, and the day after tomorrow at the latest... Hehe, I'm afraid that Intis will suffer a loss this time, and I'm afraid it will be difficult for them to pass the test if they don't give something substantial. After all, they are not prepared...

"However, the contradiction between each other has accumulated more...This should be in line with the development that the one envisioned..."

Vera's voice is getting lower and lower, the last sentence Xio tried to **** her ears without hearing.

After that, Her Highness Vera did not explain anymore, only told Xio that Larry must have more than commissioned a detective, and that her detective informant had better not meet with each other again, so as not to be implicated after the incident.

What happened? What happened? Xiu left Her Royal Highness Vera's office in a daze. After thinking about it to no avail, she decided to put this problem aside and consult with him when she met with Abner in the evening.

But before that, she still prayed to Mr. "Fool" and relayed the content just reminded by Her Royal Highness to Mr. "World".

Although he doesn't know the specific identity of "World", since he mentioned the detective, he wants to come to have an intersection with the other party... If something goes wrong with that person, it may involve Mr. "World" and threaten the Tarot Society.


In a cheap cafe in the east side, Old Kohler picked up the shabby soft hat on the table and thanked him sincerely: "I should go to the dock. Thank you, Detective Moriarty, you let me have a wonderful Life!"

beautiful life? In my opinion, what you currently have is the most basic life of a person... After watching the old Kohler walk out of the cheap cafe, Klein sat there in a daze, because he heard the "Judgement" lady again. Stacks of illusory sounds of prayers.

Borrowing the not-so-clean bathroom in the cafe, Klein didn't dare to take a deep breath. Instead, he came to the gray fog deeply and heard what Miss Judgement reported with the help of prayer.

What might be involved in meeting that fake Baron Larry?

Klein pondered for a few seconds to manifest the spirit pendulum, and start divination.

After a while, after verifying the accuracy of what Miss "Trial" reminded him, he sighed and thought to himself:

I wanted to meet him at the agreed place at three or four in the afternoon... It seems I can't go...

Well, just use the time saved to let the grand thief "Black Emperor" borrow the sealed item that can be used to temporarily block "0-08" in the hands of Lina, the "Happy Witch".

——The object and the corresponding ritual method were obtained by Lina quite "coincidentally" after leaving Tingen and before returning to Backlund.

These things, after Lina decided to believe in "Mr. Fool", she had already informed Klein unreservedly. This was also the confidence that he could give a positive answer when Miss Judge asked him if he could do anything.

However, when he actually borrowed Lina's sealed item soon, the corner of his eyes twitched.


In the evening, before arriving at the meeting place predetermined with Abner, Hugh suddenly received a message from Mr. "World":

"That object that is shielded from surveillance can only be used by a witch or a hunter? If others want to use it, they have to simulate the state and aura of the witch or hunter?

"What can I do? Where can I find a hunter or a witch temporarily? And even if I find it, I can't trust it?

"Huh? Wait... I remember Abner told me about it during a small chat yesterday. There was a ‘Happy Witch’ grazing in his ‘magic mirror’..."

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