Mystery: Start with the Reader

v2 Chapter 634: Response of all parties

West End, Intis Embassy.

As if imitating Roselle, the confidential secretary with a moustache deliberately knocked on the door of the special envoy Mr. Owen's office.

"Sir, Duke Negan was assassinated! It was an ‘Apostle of Desire’ and ... and Baron Larry!" The secretary quickly reported the envoy’s dissatisfaction.

"What?!" Mr. Special Envoy stood up. He was not surprised that Negan was assassinated. After all, this was something their organization had already determined to do.

What made the special envoy find it difficult is that Larry appeared at the assassination scene and played a major role...

Owen thought for a while and asked anxiously, "Larry was caught? Or was he killed on the spot?"

"No... It is said that he ran away in front of the penalty agent..." The secretary did not dare to hide, and briefly described what he had learned.

"Is it possible to escape in such a situation? Which existence has intervened?" Special envoy Owen pondered for a moment and asked again, "Where is the'Apostle of Desire'?"

"It's not clear... but some news I got shows that he should have been wiped out by some force."

It just happened not long ago, and Mr. Secretary is already quite capable when he can get so much information.

The special envoy Owen walked a few steps in the room, muttering to himself, "I may have fallen into the calculations of George III..." and then ordered:

"You immediately arrange for someone to solve Bianca, and you can't let Luen get evidence that we have helped Larry."

"Yes, Mr. Special Envoy." The secretary first responded, and then hesitatingly reminded, "However, since it is the bureau set up by Roen, then they probably already have some evidence... after all, it is Larry. There are other intelligence personnel who are helping, not just Bianca...

"Besides, on Bianca's side, it may be too late..."

"It's not important... We don't have to admit that other intelligence personnel have been caught..." At this point, Special Envoy Owen smiled coldly and continued, "If Bianka can't be killed in time, Luen must ask for another one. Confess, we can also hand over Surrey to the crime.

"As his chief military officer, with his friendship with Bianca's many years of colleagues, and with his'deliberate' and'unusual' behaviors that he has made with the Conservative Party nobles of Ruen... he has this ability and can bear this responsibility. ...Isn't it?

"After all, Intis is not ready yet, so he can't turn his face with Ruen at this time... Then Fosac would be very happy!

"For the great motherland, this is a necessary sacrifice...I believe Mr. Surrey will be willing."

At this point, his eyes flashed brightly, and he glanced at the secretary meaningfully.

"I see...I will make Mr. Surrey'willing'..." As he said, the secretary with a moustache suddenly felt in a trance, and muttered to himself, "After everything is done, I will "disappear" on my own..."

"Very good." Special Envoy Owen closed his eyes. "You don't have to worry about the political power of the Surrey family in the country. I will work with the Sauron family to suppress them."

The secretary seemed to have forgotten what he murmured, and his heart was full of excitement and anticipation, because Mr. Sarri was his main opponent for the position of ambassador.

However, before he left, he asked the doubts in his heart: "Since the entire incident of the assassination of Duke Negan is likely to be the layout of the Royal family of Loen... Then why not publicize this secret?

"Even if there is no conclusive evidence, it can make Luen people panic and even more chaotic..."

The special envoy Owen shook his head directly, did not answer, only said in his heart:

"Because that is not the choice of the times..."


"This is the choice of the times..." Lockhard Siakam, the blond secretary of the Duke of Negan, said to himself very calmly after receiving the interrogation of the Penalant and the Mechanical Heart.

Then, he quickly returned to the official room arranged for him, and honestly accepted the result of the temporary house arrest 1.

Watching the secretary enter the room, Ikanser, the deacon of the Steam Church, said to the "occult instructor" Stewart who was also involved in the interrogation next to him: "What do you think? Is he a ghost?"

After several collaborations and the experience of being "community-dead" by Arrods, the relationship between the two has been quite good...Although Stewart is very reluctant to admit this...

"I don't feel that he has lied...but it may be that he has some special means to circumvent my'secret technique'." Stewart pondered for a moment, then continued, "but I intuitively felt that he might have some problems... …After all, although the previous battle was due to my poor cooperation... But it is also true that he blocked my spell."

"In that case... it's safer to ask Arrods." Ikanser suggested after thinking about it.

After that, except for Stewart's face unchanged, the "Punisher" and "Mechanical Heart" players behind the two took a step back together.

Perceiving this, Ikanser said helplessly: "I didn't let you ask...what are you afraid of?"

"You don't seem to be so afraid of it today?" Stewart asked with a smile when he saw this scene.

"Arrods seems to be in a good mood today. Just now a ‘Red Glove’ asked him the position of the ‘Apostle of Desire’, but he didn’t ask too much questions."

While speaking, Ikanser looked at the silver mirror in his hand and stroked the surface with his right palm three times.

After a two-second pause, he took a deep breath and said solemnly:

"Dear Arrods, my question is, what secrets has Lockhart Siakam have in recent months?"

The surrounding darkness suddenly became drenched, and water gleamed on the surface of the silver mirror.

Soon, a picture appeared in the silver mirror:

He arranged for someone to monitor the account of Miss Audrey Hall;

There is a scene of him talking about something in a cafe with a disguised person who hides his face;

There is a scene where he is discussing things with someone who looks like a housekeeper...

Although the scene was silent, it also showed that the secretary from MI9 did have some problems.

"Why not just ask him if he is a ghost?" Stewart asked while looking at the screen.

He used "secret techniques" to pray for the power of Arrods before. Although he was miserably "played", he didn't know the limits of Arrods's answer to questions~www.mtlnovel. com~Because such a question of "whether" will inevitably give a definite answer. He is the man placed by the Duke Nigan by MI9, and he is an inner ghost...and asks some questions such as "whether he participated in the assassination case", Or the question of'has he betrayed the duke', the answers given are similar, they are far-fetched and extremely inaccurate!

"In addition, if you ask it such a question, whether you choose to punish or answer the question, the power and difficulty will increase by several levels!

"My guess is that Arrods doesn't like simple ‘choice’ questions. It prefers to give revelations or pictures like certain ‘prophecies’ and ‘divination’.”

"A ‘living’ sealed object..." Stewart changed his head, organizing the language, and said, "We have to figure out the identities of the two people he met in the picture...

"As for Miss Audrey Hall... I personally think it should have nothing to do with this case."

Ikanser recognized the other party's guess, and just wanted to reply, but suddenly saw the picture in the mirror disappear, followed by blood-like words forming one by one:

"Have you ever been touched by Stewart'Secret Skill Instructor'?"

Ikanser was stunned, only to feel that the surrounding "Mechanical Heart" and the "Punisher" players cast their eyes together.

But Stewart's eyes were dizzy. He didn't expect that even if he was "fearless" like him, he would still be "persecuted"...

"Arrods doesn't like to be asked ‘if’ questions, but it likes to ask others!"


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