Mystery: Start with the Reader

v2 Chapter 651: The king of angels who loves to paint

"Sauron Einhorn Medici?" Klein "World" chewed on the name, thoughtfully, "That evil spirit is composed of three of them? No wonder it has a voice when it speaks. After several changes...

"So... that ruin is actually where they fell... Was the'Blood Emperor' that strong before he became a god? Or did he have another helper?"

"Temporary" Sharon then succinctly added: "They are enemies to each other,"

That's right, it's also possible that the "Blood Emperor" took advantage of Sauron, Einhorn, and Medici's infighting when they carried out a surprise attack and took them together... But it was still very difficult, and there must be a helper.

Thinking like this in his heart, Klein looked at Mr. Tower, hoping to get an answer from him.

Abner thought for a while, and felt that it didn't matter if he told Klein to know, so he replied deliberately:

"It is Adam and Amon who support Tudor's becoming the'Blood Emperor'... They should all be the heirs of the Creator and the King of Angels."

Creator... Does it mean the creator of Silver City? He actually named his two children Adam and Amon? Is it possible that this is actually Liu Bo?

It's not quite like...Liu Bo's style of naming seems to be more biased towards what he has seen, and he has hardly used the names in myths and legends...

So... other traversers? Is this world a sieve? How many traversers have been "fortuned" by this?

In addition, what is the relationship between the "true creator" and that person? Simply imitating the other party, using the title of creator and the symbol of the cross? Or is there a deep connection between the two?

As his thoughts flashed, Klein asked curiously: "Mr.'Tower', I remember you said that Amon is the'Angel of Time'... Then what is the title of Adam, who is also the King of Angels?"

"Adam is known as the ‘Angel of Fantasies’, and he is the most terrifying of all the kings of angels." Abner replied solemnly.

Fantasy... Klein chanted the word, and asked again: "Is the "Dragon of Fantasy" that "Imagination"? "Audience"? Similar to "0-08"?"

It has been mentioned more than once in the classics handed in by "The Sun" that in the distant Second Age, the most powerful and terrifying of the dragon clan was the "Dragon King" Angelweid, which was also called "Dragon King". Fantasy Dragon".

Know it well! Abner gave a secret applause and nodded on the surface: "Adam is more terrifying than '0-08', so try not to think about his name when you go back."

Can't you think too much? Sure enough, it's more troublesome than "0-08"... Klein was worried, and said with emotion:

"So that's it, it is understandable if He makes the'arrangement' and counts the death of the three Archangel of Sequence 1..."

"Not three archangels, but two archangels and a king of angels!" Abner first corrected the error in Klein's words, and then added, "Medic calls himself the'God of War', At the same time, he is also the King of Angels titled the'Red Angel'."

Another king of angels, Mr. "Tower" mentioned in the Tarot meeting, "Ancient Sun God", that is, the king of eight angels under the Creator Seat in Silver City... and I already know Three...

Such knowledge, it stands to reason that Mr. "Tower" shouldn't tell me so easily...

To deal with others, you must ask for something!

After hesitating for a while, Klein thanked "Tower" for his explanation and asked directly: "Mr. "Tower", what am I going to do for this knowledge?"

If the price is too ridiculous, owe it first.

Abner seemed to see through his mind and smiled and said: "You can owe the bill first... I may need your help for an expedition in a while."

"What kind of adventure?" Klein asked cautiously.

"I'm not sure yet. When I have the exact news, I will seek your opinion first." Abner himself was waiting for the news from "Lieutenant General Iceberg" Edwina.

Although there is a high probability that you will enter the adventure of "Grossell's Travels," it is difficult to say whether the story in the book will be consistent with the original after the hands of Roselle and the "Seal of Disaster".

At this moment, Sharon, who was sitting diagonally across from Abner, suddenly said, "What about me?"

"This is the prepaid remuneration for inviting'World'... I have already acquiesced that'World' will tell you, so you don't need to pay me anymore, Miss Temper... Of course, if you are in trouble, you can also directly return it to Mr. World. "Ebner laughed and teased.

"Moderation" Sharon glanced at "World" when he heard the words, and then stopped talking.

Klein didn't care too much either. He wanted to take the opportunity to ask about "Iron Man", but considering that this "small meeting" was a bit long and there was no good topic guidance, he could only temporarily shelve it and wait. During the Tarot meeting for a few days, let the "Fool" talk to the "Tower" again... After all, Dunn's matter also involves the Mother Earth.

After returning to reality, the three quickly parted ways, and Klein caught up with the last subway and returned to Minsk Street in the Joe Wood district-which was one of the reasons why he had to leave the meeting.

And Abner thought for a while, instead of going back to the East Side, he went straight to the home of Xio and Forsi.

Medici said that last week a person as lucky as Giuseppe crossed Williams Street through the sewer road made him a little concerned, so he was going to go to Xio and ask if any prisoners had escaped there.

As for Sharon, she took advantage of the darkness to rush to a secret party that was about to begin.


In the living room of Forsi and Xio renting a single-family house, Abner shared with Xio the little reserved space for the action just now.

As for Fors? She was still working hard to rush the manuscript, so she didn't bother her.

After listening to Abner’s account, Hugh recalled and thoughtfully said: "Speaking of people with abnormal luck, I have heard from His Highness Vera mentioned one before... and she was indeed in the assassination of Duke Nigan. I disappeared that night..."

"Who is it?" Abner asked curiously.

"The military attache of the Intis Embassy, ​​the'Witch' Bianca... I remember that I gave you information about her before you assassinated Beckron." Hugh paused when he said that, with a strange expression on her face, "She Before disguised as Mrs. Panis, she served as a bridge between Intis and Baron Larry...but she disappeared after last Thursday."

Bianca? Abner recalled the information he had read, and remembered that this seemed to be Bakerlund’s mistress, and when he went to reform the embassy’s ritual barrier, he even ran into the other party stealing secrets...

Is there anything wrong with her luck? And when Xio talked about her, her expression was a bit wrong...

When Abner was thinking about it, he heard Xio say in an inexplicable tone: "His Royal Highness Vera told me...It seems that men who have an affair with her will suffer bad luck...I have deliberately investigated... The Baron here might be the best one..."

It turns out that her abnormal luck refers to this... but what does this have to do with the senior traverser? Why does Medici feel paradoxical... Is it because of the same origin?

With these questions in mind, after twelve o'clock and a new day ushered in, Abner opened the "White Eyes" and carried out an "active prophecy" once a day:

"Bianca's whereabouts."

Soon, a word appeared in Abner's mind:


Bianca ran to the capital of Intis?

This is really a coincidence. I also plan to go to Intis in the next year... First, I will **** Elaine back to the hometown, and second, I will fulfill my promise to help Lions open a newspaper...

In addition, as early as when I was promoted to the "Knowledge Keeper", someone sent a letter through Anderson, inviting me to visit West Belang after becoming a "Secret Skill Instructor"...

Passing from Intis is also a good way.


At three o'clock in the afternoon on Monday, as the figures brought by crimson rays appeared on both sides of the old long table, the Tarot Club began as scheduled.

Sitting on the other side of the long bronze table, Audrey the Justice, after leading everyone to say hello to Mr. Fool, originally wanted to greet the “Hanged Man”, “Tower” and others happily and briskly as usual. But when she glanced away, she immediately realized that little "Sun" was in a wrong mood, and immediately asked:

"Mr. Sun, what happened? The exploration of the truth, uh, the action of the Temple of the Fallen Creator did not go smoothly?"

Derrick "The Sun" seemed to come back to his senses at this time, because just after he climbed into the gray mist, he suddenly remembered that he had repeatedly experienced many explorations, and each time there was a difference in details...but He hadn't noticed it before, and even the gear book that appeared in his pocket had been subconsciously ignored many times!

Hearing Miss Justice’s question, Derrick quickly described what happened and finally said:

"After the little boy was cleared by the Lord'Chief', we all closed our eyes, and then awoke in the camp outside the city, ready to start a new exploration, without any memory of the previous one.

"This process was repeated five times, except that the original gear book was always in my pocket, and it never appeared in the hands of the little boy again. The rest was the same.

"If it weren't for Mr. Fool's reminder, I wouldn't even know that I have been living a repetitive life all this time."

He took it for granted that the extra memory after coming above the gray fog came from Mr. Fool's reminder, so he stood up and saluted the fuzzy figure sitting at the top of the long bronze table.

I still listened to your description to understand what happened... Klein the Fool was a little confused from just now to now.

He kept his original posture, nodding lightly in response.

Seeing Mr. Fool's seemingly deep ancient well without waves, Derrick the Sun was relieved a lot, and he turned to look at "The Hanged Man", "Tower", "World", "Trial", and "Justice". , "Temperance" and "magician", sincerely asked:

"Do you know the source of the problem? How to solve it?"

Audrey the Justice and Forsi the Magician answered deliberately, but found that they didn't have a clue, they couldn't even guess.

The "Trial" directly cast their sights on the "Tower."

"The Hanged Man" Alger listened to the description of "The Sun" and said carefully:

"I can only think of two possibilities. One is that you have encountered a nightmare or hallucination abilities of more than half-god and half-human level. After you retrieve your memory with the help of Mr. Fool, you should be able to detect it as soon as you return to the real world. If something goes wrong, then the problem can be easily solved.

"The second is that you are forced or actively to enter a certain peculiar space or state on a certain The time there maintains a certain degree of flow, but it is fixed within a certain range. The cycle goes back and forth, the balance continues, that is, it is relatively static.

"This requires a strong external force to break the game...

"In addition, since the gear book you got can be outside of this cycle, it may be a key prop!"

Having said that, he looked at the "tower" beside him and said, "I can guess so much... Mr. "Tower", what do you think?"

Seeing everyone looking at him following Alger’s words, Derrick’s expectation could be observed even through the gray fog, Abner organized the language and said:

"This is very similar to the'Circulation of Destiny' of the'Mercury Serpent'...

"The frescoes mentioned by the'sun' remind me of a king of angels who is loyal to the'fallen creator'...

"He really likes to leave such paintings."