Mystery: Start with the Reader

v2 Chapter 681: Continue to replenish the brain

"Magic" Forsi heard the words of "World", and then realized with hindsight that he hadn't asked "Mr. Fool" to agree on the transfer of debts between himself and "World"?

"This...fortunately, Mr. World is the favored one, which can represent the attitude of the "Fool" to a certain extent... When dealing with other Tarot Club members in the future, you must pay attention to this." Forsi thought himself. Review Road.

Although other people were curious about the content of the transaction between "Magician" and "World", they didn't think much about it. Only "Judge" Xiu glanced at Fors next to her, she didn't grasp this situation.

At this moment, Mr. "Fool" nodded, and responded to the "Account Transfer" request made by "World" just now in a plain tone: "Yes."

Seeing that the topic turned to "Roselle's Diary", Miss Temper turned her head and looked to the top:

"This time there is a page of diary, which is counted in the contribution of'World'."

Having said this, she paused and looked at the "world" again. Although she didn't speak, Klein understood what she meant: She submitted ten pages of diary back and forth, and the price of "purifying" pollution should have been repaid.

"World" also didn't speak, only nodded under Klein's control.

On the other hand, Audrey the Justice is a little embarrassed and authentic:

"I'm sorry, because the three major churches and the military are cleaning Backlund, I have not been able to get the follow-up Roselle diary. Please wait another week."

"Yes." Klein said calmly again.

Hearing the conversations of other people, "Magic" Forsi recovered from introspection and hurriedly looked at the top of the long bronze table:

"Dear Mr. Fool, I also have three pages of Roselle's diary to offer."

Soon after she agreed that the "world" would exchange the "debt" of the diary with a stone that could "transmit", she received a letter from the teacher with these three pages of diary attached.

Forsi didn't regret having a deal with "World". After all, the teacher probably only had these three pages, which was not enough compared to the debt owed by "Ask for Angels".

"It's just that, if I had these three pages of diary in my hand at the time, I might be able to get more compensation from Mr. World...such as gold pounds...

"Mr.'World' looks like a rich man, and he will certainly not spare these worldly things."

Forsi thought inwardly.

Klein, the "Fool" who didn't know what she was thinking, nodded in satisfaction, and said in his heart:

Yes, the more members and the more channels, many things will grow like a snowball...

He transferred the present four-page diary to his hand, and then concealedly looked at the "tower".

Although the diary given by the other party always has some serious content, occasionally there will be high-quality chapters.

Abner gave no response. Although he still had two pages of Roselle's diary given by Leon, "The Lion", he asked Mr. "Fool" to read the unscrupulous "little essay" for three consecutive weeks. That’s great, it’s safer to wait for a while and mix with other diaries you find before turning in.

As for editing by myself... After knowing that there are other travellers in this world, Abner rarely does this kind of thing.

After all, under the butterfly effect, many of the information he "understands" may not be accurate.

In order to prevent Mr. Fool from being misled by himself, even if he edits, he will only edit some Roselle's lace...

But this is no different from those diaries provided by Leon Leon, so why bother to edit it?

Seeing that "Tower" did not respond, Klein was not disappointed, and turned to Fors, and said, "Very good...I can tell your request."

Since Forsi's debt had been transferred to the "world", she should be paid for the three pages she turned in now.

Miss "Magic" thought for a while, and felt that she was still far from being promoted. The formula and materials had also been developed, and Hugh and Abner didn't have to worry about it by themselves...

There seems to be nothing to ask... Forsi looked around subconsciously, then fixed his gaze, and suddenly found that Mr. Fool had an extra card in his hand!

The rest of the Tarot Club members, except for the "moon", did not pay attention at first due to the smog incident, but at this moment, following the sight of the "magic", they all looked at the extra cards in surprise, even Abner is no exception.

Klein got one more card than in the original? It seems that not only did I have adventures in the smog incident, but Mr. Fool also gained a lot. Abner adjusted his sitting posture thoughtfully.

After the Great Smog incident, Mr. "Fool" received a card of blasphemy... This is definitely not a coincidence! My guess should be correct. The incident that Mr. Fool is so concerned about must have inside stories involving the gods! Well, when you exchange the news for a while, ask Miss Justice. However, she may not be too clear. She is in a position where she can’t understand so many real details. Hehe, she is very curious and will definitely try. I got answers from Mr. Fool, from the "Tower", from the "Trial", hoping to have the opportunity to listen... "The Hanged Man" Alger quickly turned many thoughts in his mind.

At this time, Forsi retracted her gaze, without any hard demands, she undoubtedly chose to satisfy her curiosity first:

"Dear Mr. Fool, I want to know if the extra card you have on hand is the "Card of Blasphemy"? Which one is it?"

I originally thought it would be Miss Justice who came to ask this question. After all, her curiosity was the strongest... But Miss "Magic" was no different. Anyway, it made me confuse me with another question easily...g Ryan chuckled secretly, and casually flipped the new "Card of" to show it to the "Magician":


"Witch" card? How did it fall into Klein's hands? Moreover, Lao Huang's appearance is really attractive...How did he make people recognize him at a glance, but he is obviously a female image?

After Abner commented a few words in his heart, he looked away.

Witch...The culprit of the Great Smog Incident is the Witch... It really matters. "The Hanged Man" Alger had another testimony in his heart.

"The Sun" Derrick, who already knew the role of the "Card of Blasphemy", was a little disappointed. After all, there was no Beyonder with the "Witch" approach in Silver City.

Emlyn "Moon" stared at the "Witch" card with interest, and said to his heart: So this is Roselle's "Card of Blasphemy"... But who is the character drawn on the card? It's pretty... Is it Roselle's wife, mistress, or daughter?

I don’t know what the "Card of Blasphemy" is about... Well, there are a lot of Roselle's manuscripts from the priest and the iron-armed girl... It looks like it should be called a diary... I will use them next time. Answer.

Klein, who didn't know that he was about to harvest a batch of "parallel imports" diaries, re-covered the "Witch" card, and then turned his eyes to the page that Sharon had handed in.

This should have been received by Sharon today, he hadn't read it in advance.

"June 6th, what happened today is simply a disaster!

"Established as evidence:

"Bring the'Seal of Disaster' to the ball, and I will eat the **** from the'Sanguang'!"

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