Mystery: Start with the Reader

v2 Chapter 695: The Delian family's counterattack

A ray of light seemed to light up in the devoured soul, which was from the power of "Notarization", but this power was immediately absorbed by the "Magic Mirror", and there was no wave.

After all, an evil spirit of an angel of the "sun" path is sealed in the "magic mirror", and the binding force of the "notarization" in the middle sequence on the soul is not enough to see.

Soon, the mirror showed a scene where a young man with a moustache gave orders to the "arsonist":

"According to my information, that Miss Fanny Surrey is just a Sequence 8 Beyonder of the 'Lawyer' pathway. Although she must have many magical items on her body, she will definitely not be your team's opponent.

"Also, you hold this badge, it's a credential to enter and leave the Surrey's villa. Wearing it, you can't be identified as an intruder by the ceremony there.

"Finally, Miss Fanny must be kept safe, and I need to use her to get Mr. Surrey to compromise."

The picture is frozen here, obviously the "arsonist" only knows so much.

It seems that Mr. Surrey has been caught... Abner thought for a while, pointed to the picture in the "Magic Mirror", and asked Fanny, who was stunned, "Fanny, do you know this person? "

Hearing this, Fanny finally came to her senses. She stabilized her mind and told her grandfather that she might be arrested and that there was still room for a loopback. Then she carefully looked at the person shown in the mirror, and said a little uncertainly:

"He seems to be the confidential secretary of the special envoy Mr. Owen... and also the new guard arranged for Mr. Owen in China after Mr. Tan De's death...

"I don't know what his name is, but my grandfather seems to have mentioned...he is a Sequence 6 'Notary'."

Mr. Special Envoy's confidential secretary? He seems to be trying to force Mr. Surrey to admit something, so he sent someone to catch Fanny after he imprisoned him?

In this way, there must be at least a Sequence 5 level, or even a demigod, by his side, otherwise it is unlikely that he will be the next "astronomer" with luxurious equipment.

"Who is that special envoy, Mr. Owen, and what level of strength is he at?" Abner asked again.

Fanny recalled for a moment and said uncertainly: "I heard that Mr. Owen is the second son of the contemporary patriarch of the Delean family. This family is currently one of the largest families in Intis. In terms of political influence, it even surpasses the former royal family. Lun family.

"But this Mr. Owen doesn't seem to be an extraordinary person, just an ordinary person.

"That's why the country has deployed people to protect him."

The Delien family, this name seems to be a bit familiar... As soon as Abneral thought about it, he remembered the reason for the familiarity:

In the original book, the emperor mentioned a Viscount Delien in his diary. His wife Julia was a great beauty that Ruen married and was coveted by the emperor...

After Abner passed through, he read the relevant history of Intis in the library, and knew that the Delien family was the main force in the overthrow of the Gustav dynasty, and received the support of the Church of "Eternal Blazing Sun", so In the republic formed after the war, the influence of this family will surpass that of the declining Sauron.

In addition, the current Prime Minister of Intis is surnamed Delian.

Ordinary people... Abner instinctively had some doubts, but he could only stop thinking temporarily until there was more evidence.

"Grandfather seems to be imprisoned... Abner, what should I do?" Although Fanny forced herself to calm down, she had no choice but to ask Abner for help.

Abner solemnly said to Fanny: "You have seen the picture in the mirror... Being able to capture Mr. Sarri means that the opponent has a high probability of being a demigod, so we must leave here as soon as possible to avoid being caught together. Stay...that's really hopeless."

Fanny obviously had great trust in Abner, and she nodded without much hesitation: "You are right... He wants to use me to threaten grandfather. Until he catches me, grandfather should be safe..."

Having said that, she paused and asked again, "Can I go get some belongings first?"

"Go and come back quickly, we will set off in 5 minutes." Abner glanced at his pocket watch and replied.

"Okay!" Fanny responded and ran to the second floor of the villa.

Abner took advantage of this time to put away the Beyonder characteristics of the other two invaders.

As for their bodies, Abner didn't move. He also wanted to wait for the servant to find out and call the police, so as to attract the official attention. At that time, he might be able to force the confidential secretary to release Mr. Surrey... Although this probability It's very slim, after all, Loen's official can't control the internal strife of Intis.

——Due to the extensive use of robotic dolls in the Surrey family, there are very few real human servants, and they generally do not come to the area where the master is active, so they have never seen Abner from beginning to end, and even official investigations can’t find it. on him.

About two minutes later, Fanny, who had changed her long skirt into a hunting outfit, walked down, carrying a backpack that was not very good-looking.

The backpack Abner had seen in Baron Conwa's underground castle. He knew that it was a space item. It didn't look like much, but it might contain several powerful combat dolls.

She ran to Abner in a few steps and asked, "How are we going to leave?

"The sewer? After all, it's not easy to be traced there..."

Abner waved his hand and interrupted before she could finish speaking: "Don't be so troublesome!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a transparent and fuzzy book quickly appeared in front of him, accompanied by a distant and ethereal chant:

"I came, I saw, I recorded."

The book quickly flipped, and it was fixed on one of the pages, and immediately it burst into a light blue and illusory light.

Before the light wrapped him, Abner grabbed Fanny's hand, and then the two of them disappeared without a trace.

This is the "teleportation" ability recorded by the "recording officer" of the magic mirror grazing.


In the North District, in a rental house not far from the headquarters of the Nighthawks, Leonard wearing red gloves would toss and catch a small badge, and after a few times let it fall on the table in front of him.

The badge was only the size of an eyeball, with symbols of "destiny" and "concealment" on the surface, and an ancient Hermes inscription engraved on the back of "hold this thing, you can join", and provided the latest party information:

"January 4, 1350, 8 p.m., Babur Valley."

"Old man, is this party really okay?" Leonard couldn't help asking after looking at the badge again.

"At least there was no problem last time, Amon didn't mix in." Pallez's old voice sounded in Leonard's ear.

"But..." Leonard wanted to say something, but at this moment, a gloomy feeling came, and there was something in his hand.

It was a letter from a colleague's courier.

Leonard unfolded to take a look, and muttered:

"It's another mission... West End, Green Park Street...

"There is a powerful ceremony in that house, so you need red gloves to crack?

"But the house of the military attache of the Intis embassy...why do we need us to crack it? Why don't we just find him himself? What is the captain doing..."

Although in the northwest region of Backlund, the western and northern districts were managed by the "Night Watchers", but they rarely intervened in such apparently special cases before.

With doubts, Leonard went straight to the West District after finishing his clothes.

With the old man there, he is the most professional in the cracking ceremony!


In Pritz Harbor, after Klein secretly glanced at the old Kohler who helped Maric take care of the child, he did not show up to meet him, and instead came to the port ticketing company.

Here, after listening to a bronze-skinned middle-aged guard's admonition about the "canned wolf fish", he asked him about the "white agate".

The guard suddenly smiled when he heard the words:

"Sir, your vision is good, the White Onyx is a steam ship, but it retains the sails, and the maximum speed can reach 16 knots.

"And the captain is experienced. He used to be the bosun of the Royal Navy's William V. No, it should be the Royal Navy. The king has always claimed that he has obtained the crown of Balam, so he should have the title of Emperor... Heh, in the Royal Navy, No matter how good an ordinary person is, no matter how good they are, they can at most become a bosun and can't be an officer unless, unless you can satisfy your superior, in any way, in any way! Only in this way can you be recommended to the general public. Leeds Naval Academy, become an officer in the Reserves!

"That's how Ireland was forced out of the Navy...

"And the same goes for Alanson, the captain of the Wancheng Splendor... But I recently heard that he seems to be missing, so the ship had to dock at Damir and has not been able to return to the voyage."

Seeing the guard say so in detail, Klein couldn't help but feel a little suspicious.

Noticing his expression, the guard smirked and said:

"Irland used to be my boss, he often invites me to drink, and Alanson is my friend. I hope that you, as an adventurer, can pay attention to his whereabouts... Although it is a bit But I promise everything I say is true!"

"I'll pay attention..." Klein nodded and replied coldly.

But in his heart, he was thinking about another thing revealed in the other party's words:

The king has been claiming that he has obtained the title of de jure emperor from the Balam Empire?

Is this "claim" just to facilitate colonization?


Backlund, in the villa at 28 Kingster Street, Chorwood District.

As the light blue light flashed, the figures of Abner and Fanny appeared directly in the living room.

Letting go of Fanny's hand, the pure whiteness in Abner's eyes gradually receded.

He just used two things in one mind, using the "analytic" ability to analyze the principle of "transmission", while simulating the "recording" ability to record this "transmission".

"Unfortunately, the simulated 'record' is not as good as the original, and the effect of the recorded transmission is reduced by one more time... The distance of such a transmission is probably only less than 20 kilometers...

"But it can be used anyway, as a means of escape is enough."

With this in mind, Abner called Mrs. Scudder and asked her to arrange a guest room for Fanny, while he himself went to Elaine's room on the second floor and handed over the built camera to her.

On the other hand, Mrs. Scudder was already taken aback by the girl who suddenly appeared in the villa, not to mention this Miss Fanny she knew.

Only after taking it to the guest room, she heard the young lady ask suspiciously:

"Who is Elaine?"

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