Mystery: Start with the Reader

v2 Chapter 697: theater

Seeing Xiu's subtle eyes, Abner coughed dryly and explained: "The main body of this dress, I used the white robe left by Panathia, it was made by the 'Witch of Despair'' spider Silk' woven. Very tough, no small caliber high pressure steam rifle can penetrate...

"With these advantages, a few minor cosmetic defects are not a problem."

Xio was silent for a moment, looked at Abner with an inexplicable expression, then silently picked up the white robe, turned around and entered the bedroom inside...

Is this satisfaction or dissatisfaction? Speaking of which, if Xio deliberately hides his thoughts, he can even hide it from "mind-reading"... It should have been interfered with by the extraordinary abilities of the spiritual type... Was this trained in front of Miss Justice?

As soon as Abner thought of this, he heard the sound of the bedroom door opening. He looked around, and then saw "Audrey" in a complicated dress, walking out.

—Audrey had seen Audrey at the ball held by Duke Negan, so he recognized her appearance.

"Hugh? Well, I have to say, it's very similar, even the temperament is very similar." Abner looked at it with "appreciation" and praised.

Hugh rolled his eyes at him, then took a picture in the full-length mirror in the living room, and said a little dejectedly: "The legs are still not as long as Miss Audrey... The height can only be raised to 1.62 meters..."

In fact, as a "faceless man" item, it is already very good... Abner complained in his heart, and on the surface he changed the subject: "Have you tested other abilities?"

Hearing this, Xio turned around, her appearance had changed back to her original appearance, but her figure still maintained the "template" of "Audrey".

"The negative effect of 'fear of fire' is more serious than what you said. It will not only become a weakness, but also make me unable to maintain the ability of 'faceless man' and show my original appearance when I am 'burned' by fire.

"'Damage transfer' is consistent with the corresponding abilities of the 'magician' I learned from MI9. As long as there is no direct death and the hands can still move, the wound at the vital position can be transferred to the less important place such as the arm, making it fatal The injury is minor.

"The two abilities of 'flame manipulation' and 'flame jump' are not very useful because of their weakness in fear of fire... After all, a little burn is likely to invalidate the disguise.

"But in general, it is a very good item, except for its somewhat shameful style... But if you take it to the Tarot Club and sell it, I am afraid that Mr. Tower's erudite and wise image will be in the 'justice'. ', 'Temperance' and Forsi collapsed in front of him."

Xio organized the language and analyzed it seriously.

"Isn't this what you 'reserved'? Of course, I won't get the 'Tarot Club' to sell again." Abner passed Hugh's teasing words and asked in a slightly ambiguous tone, " Speaking of which, what are you going to use to pay for this item?"

Saying that, he deliberately looked at Xio's "new figure" with malicious eyes.

His original intention was to make Xiu feel shy and take the opportunity to take the initiative back to the topic, but whoever wanted to take the opportunity to pick up a stack of documents from the table on the side, handed it to Abner and said: "'Bai Mong' The silk clothes' should cost between £3,000 and £4,000... all of which add up to roughly the same value."

"'Hundred-looking silk clothes'?" Abner repeated the term subconsciously and took over the documents.

"This is the name I just gave it." After a brief reply, Xio pointed to the document in Abner's hand and said, "This is the reward I got in the Great Smog Incident, a property... it Originally belonged to Prince Edsack."

"Is Edsack's property?" Abner opened the document and read it roughly, and found that the property was a stage play theater in Hillston District... However, it has long since been abandoned due to poor management. It can be said that the Egyptian One of the lowest value among many Desac properties.

But even without the added value of the theatre, due to the good location and its area, the value of the property alone is definitely around £4,000.

I was originally worried that my "film and television company" didn't have a theater line... Isn't this coming?

Abner's heart moved, and he looked at Hugh's outfit with a pity, and then put the real estate documents into the card.

But Xio didn't panic at all. She had long known that Abner was joking... There was even a vague sense of hidden regret.

After the topic had come to an end, Abner took the opportunity to bring up Tifanny's grandfather again. After listening, Huo frowned and said after deliberation: "I haven't received any news about this, I'll go to the informant to inquire later. , there should be preliminary results tonight...I'll go to your place...well, ask Mrs. Scudder to help me prepare an extra dinner."

West End, in Mr Surrey's villa.

With the help of Leonard's "mistakes" several times, the members of the Nighthawks team finally cracked the ceremony that the villa had been fully activated, and arrived near the stairs on the first floor. Corpses of elite squad members.

"There is no trace of battle, the two died by taking poison by themselves.

"One of them was a 'deciphering scholar' of Sequence 7, and the other was a 'instigator' of Sequence 8... They did not carry any items that could identify them... It is very likely that they were dead... But it is not ruled out that the murderer deliberately forged the scene possible.

"They should have encountered power far beyond their level and were restrained in an instant."

After listening to his subordinate's report, Captain Sost looked at the absent-minded Ms. Daly and asked in a higher voice, "Daly, have you found anything?"

Dai Li came back to her senses after hearing the words, but shook her head and said, "We are late, their spirits have long since dissipated, and we can only see that the power of 'notarization' remains."

After Sost listened to her words, he glanced at Dai Li strangely. UU reading felt that she was abnormal today.

"It stands to reason... 'They have been hollowed out, leaving only the white residue of the notary' is Daly's normal style, right? I am a little uncomfortable with her serious explanation..." Soth Te murmured a few words in his heart, but on the surface he said thoughtfully:

"Mr. Surrey, the owner of this house, believes in the **** of steam and machinery... He was assassinated by the followers of the 'Eternal Blazing Sun', and then killed the other party?

"Is this a political strife within Intis?"

Another red glove who was in charge of the autopsy before nodded and said, "It's probably like this... Captain, what should we do?"

Sost thought about it and felt that although this case happened in the West District, it was really not suitable for the night watchman to handle it, so he ordered someone to notify the embassy and "Heart of Machinery", and shared the preliminary investigation results with the latter.

Just when he was arranging the task, Ms. Dai Li recalled the picture that appeared in her mind just now, her face flushed suddenly, and she couldn't help mumbling:

"If you want to see me, why don't you just meet me directly, and even take pictures secretly... It's really gutless as always!"

Then she remembered the tall and mysterious figure behind the mist before the picture was formed, and couldn't help sighing in her heart: "Fool!"

At the same time, Pales' old voice also sounded in Leonard's ears:

"I sensed the aura of the Sunstrider...

"He seems to be an acquaintance of mine!

"I remember that he died in the chaotic years after the Battle of the Four Emperors..."

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