Mystery: Start with the Reader

v2 Chapter 701: Abner's Table Party

Melissa hesitated again and again, and finally, because of her thirst for extraordinary power and her love for machinery, she agreed to make an agreement with Mr. Brian.

However, she had just moved to Backlund with her brother, and she had not been admitted to the Backlund University of Technology and Industry, so she could not use the school's materials and laboratories to manufacture her own works.

In this regard, Abner had some consideration. He wrote a letter to Melissa and asked her to give it to Bishop Linton, the bishop of the Lever Church, who would naturally arrange a suitable experimental environment for her.

——Bishop Linton is one of Detective Isengard’s friends. The teacher asked her to take care of Abner before leaving Backlund. And just before going to Dunn, Abner also took the initiative to go to the Lever Church to visit the lady.

After Melissa took the letter and the drawing of the "projector" and followed her brother and Detective Brian to say goodbye, and left his villa, Benson pondered the words and said to his sister euphemistically:

"Mr. Bryan is handsome, knowledgeable, has a very good personality, and has a good financial situation...but he is more suitable to be just an ordinary friend."

Benson emphasized the word "only."

Melissa knew what her brother was thinking, but it was very important. She didn't plan to talk to Benson before she figured out some precautions, so she just replied perfunctorily: "I know...don't worry."

But Benson, who noticed his sister's attitude, was even more worried...


At eight o'clock in the evening, in the Babur Valley of the Tusok River Basin, more than a dozen people holding badges, each with different degrees of camouflage, stood in different positions, as if waiting quietly for something.

Among them, there was only one black-haired, green-eyed young man with a good-looking, poetic temperament who showed his appearance so generously without any cover up.

However, no one present believed that he used his original appearance, only thought that he used extraordinary items that could change his appearance.

Soon, the people who were on guard against each other were shrouded in thin rays of light, or vaguely or illusoryly disappeared in place, entering a "secret" world.

"The hermits of destiny are gathered here again... This line is a bit shameful..." The young man with poetic temperament, that is, Leonard, complained in his heart a spell to enter the "secret door", and went around. After taking a few glances, I found that I was already in a hidden world that was "isolated" from reality.

"This is a 'treasure house' created by an 'apprentice' pathway high-sequence Extraordinary... It was 'decrypted' by a saint of the Jacob family, and 'deceived' the 'rules' of this space, That's why you can use that 'shame' spell to get in here." Pallez's old voice sounded in Leonard's ear.

"That is to say, we weren't the real 'door' of the space we walked through before?" Leonard asked suddenly.

Just as Leonard and the grandfather in his body whispered, the "Fate Hermit Society", a gathering of the Quaternary "thieves" family, the wild "thieves", and others officially started.

Since such a party has only been held for a long time, the members have accumulated a lot of items and information, so that the initial transaction rate is very high.

Leonard, on the other hand, mainly waits and sees, and only occasionally makes one shot and buys one or two materials.

However, at this moment, a commission initiated by a member attracted Leonard's attention:

"Help me keep an eye on the people who sell the Extraordinary characteristics of 'Deciphering Scholar' in various Extraordinary gatherings in Backlund... As long as there are clues, I will pay 100 pounds... If you can lock the identity and location of the person with the characteristics of the accident, you can get it from I got 500 pounds here."

The speaker was a man who deliberately spoke in a hoarse voice. He wore a hood and a mask inside, revealing only a pair of blue eyes.

"'Deciphering scholar'? It seems that a 'deciphering scholar' died in the house of the military attache in Intis today, and his characteristics were taken away by the murderer...Old man, you say this tightly wrapped guy Could it be someone from the Intis embassy?" Leonard asked in a low voice.

"Don't get involved in this matter... I said before that this may involve an evil spirit of the Sunstrider, and it's not something you can provoke now." Pallez warned in a serious tone.

"I see..." Leonard nodded invisibly, but then asked curiously, "Old man, I remember you said that 'Sunstrider' was an acquaintance of yours? Tell me who I am?"

Pallez was silent for half a minute before answering: "It's Richelieu, the third Pope of the Church of the Eternal Blazing Sun..."

"Pope? But I remember that in the Church of the Seven Great Orthodox Gods, only the Eternal Blazing Sun does not have an "Apostolic See"?" Leonard asked strangely after hearing this.

"That's because three popes in a row have died inexplicably, so after his fall, the 'Eternal Blazing Sun' church canceled the position of 'pope' and changed it to a round table council... It is claimed to be more in line with the image of the gods and the idea……"


At the same time, in the dining room of Villa 28 on Kingster Street, Abner, who was sitting in the main seat, looked at Hugh, Hazel, Elaine and Fanny who were discussing the specific matters of the film and television company on both sides of the table. Some subtle déjà vu.

"Why does it feel like a 'Tarot Club' fool's perspective?

"What is this? Abner's Friendship Meeting?

"Well, in terms of the quality of personnel alone, it is much higher than the original Tarot Club... It's just that it is much lower than the mysterious space above the gray fog..."

Abner complained a few words in his heart, then joined the discussion and brought the topic back to the incident between the Intis embassy and Mr. Surrey. After all, compared to the film and television company, Mr. Surrey's safety was more important. more important.

"The military attachés who have a good relationship with my grandfather have been sent by the confidential secretary Johansson to perform tasks in other places for various reasons. It will take at least three or four days to come back. I haven't been able to contact them yet... However, it can be seen from this point. Come out, that Johansson definitely had a plan!" Fanny said here, biting her lower lip, and added, "Besides, I have already found out that the confidential secretary Johansson is one of Intis' top three senior managers. A direct member of the family, the Flares family. And the Flares family has been suppressing our Surreys in Parliament recently."

The Fowles family? I remember that the emperor's diary mentioned a Earl of Fleiss, his wife and the emperor were close friends in bed... In addition, the wife of an ancestor of the Delian family, who was born in the special envoy Owen, also had a negative distance relationship with the emperor. ...and these two families later became the "main force" that overthrew the Gustav dynasty... Could this be a backlash against "Green Light"?

Of course, spit is spit, but Abner also knows that it will not be because of this After all, in the style of Intis, the actions of the emperor are nothing.

I am afraid that those two families, as nobles of the Sauron Dynasty, received a lot of pressure after Roselle came to power, so they resisted so fiercely.

At this time, Xio also organized a statement and said: "The investigation into the case of the Surrey family has been handed over to the Heart of Machines by the Nighthawks... and the reply from the embassy is that Mr. Surrey did not go to work today. ...he disappeared.

"However, due to the exposure of a Spirit Religion stronghold in the dock area and the extraordinary incidents that have attracted most of the attention of the Church of Steam, the Heart of Mechanism did not invest much in the investigation, and did not even care about Intis at all. internal affairs."

As for the information that the special envoy Owen might be the **** of the "Psychological Alchemy Association", Xio has privately told Abner alone, and did not say it here.

The incident of the Spiritual Religion happened to attract the attention of the Steam Church? This is too coincidental...

If he just wanted Mr. Surrey to confess to colluding with Prince Edsack, as for blocking the investigation of the Church of Steam? There may be a deeper conspiracy behind this...

Abner, who had a bad premonition in his heart, looked at the time of the clock and found that 24 hours had passed since the last "prophecy", so he no longer hesitated, and directly opened the "Pure White Eye" to carry out today's "prophecy". ":

"Mr Surrey's current position."

A few seconds passed, he did not get any revelation, the prophecy failed!

Abner's heart also sank.

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