Mystery: Start with the Reader

v2 Chapter 772: rotten

Abner felt that he had fallen into a misunderstanding, and could not help but reflect in his heart:

The goddess opposes Roselle's resurrection plan. Only I, who know that I can't release the historical images of Zarath, and a limited number of gods who are familiar with the travelers of the past dynasties know...

In the eyes of outsiders, or in the eyes of outside gods, the goddess probably sent me to rescue Roselle!

This is absolutely misleading!

Roselle built this "dream maze tower" and deliberately wanted to revive the separated part, which must have been influenced by the "fallen mother goddess"... In other words, even if his original intention was to make his own decision, the arrangement In the process, there must be a problem!

This is the same as when he wanted to use the return of the "Black Emperor" to wash away the pollution, but he placed the last mausoleum on that problematic island.

Since the "fallen goddess" has a lot of "cost" in this matter, and feels that she has successfully "deceived" the goddess of the night and the **** of knowledge, she will never give up easily, and I am afraid it will gradually increase the cost... And This may be what the gods planned...

As for which **** planned? Abner felt that it must have seemed to be irrelevant at the beginning of this matter, expressing a neutral position, but she was the only Lilith who could take action near the "Sea of ​​Chaos"!

As for the contradictions and conflicts between the God of Knowledge and the Goddess of Evernight in some details, it is probably just to make the play more real.

In the eyes of the "Fallen Mother Goddess", it is estimated that Roselle can accept any kind of resurrection, and he can use it to penetrate more power into the barrier...

But obviously let me release the historical image of Zaratul, so that the gods in the barrier believe that Roselle is really resurrected "without pollution", which is more in line with his thoughts.

After all, if Roselle is really allowed to return in a state that may be "contaminated", the gods of the earth will not sit idly by.

So, He will do his best to ensure that I win the "Holy Grail" war and reach the wishing stage.

And if you want to force him to keep adding "costs"... it's better to just let it go, but to see how much the tainted "Russell" and the "Fallen Mother" behind it can favor me.

While his thoughts were changing, Abner nodded to Sharon "Temperance" and said, "Thank you for your reminder, Miss "Temperance"... I have already figured it out."

Thinking of the "Historical Projection" spell given by the goddess, Abner roughly guessed Lilith and Amanisith's plan.

"What do you understand?" Klein asked in a deep voice.

Abner glanced at him and said with a smile: "Some things are not good if you know it... and this trap is probably tacitly approved by Mr. Fool, and even because of your participation, it becomes more credible!

"So, when the time comes, Mr. Fool should tell you in person..."

Mr. Fool acquiesced? I do not know how? Don't help "The Fool" make decisions without authorization! Klein complained a few words in his heart, but he couldn't tell whether "Tower" really felt that way, or whether he had already penetrated his identity and made fun of it on purpose.

Calm and calm, the "respect" and "trust" that this person "Ta" usually shows to me can't be deceived. If he had known that "The Fool" I was a "parallel importer", there would be no such thing at all. "Respect" from the heart.

After all, whether or not to respect a person generally depends on the person's strength, status and merit.

If he had known that I was Klein in disguise, he couldn't have respected my "merit", right?

Oh, what am I doing to this world? It is more reasonable to fear the strength.

After convincing himself, Klein also understood that the things involved were probably not suitable for him and Sharon to know, so he nodded and asked, "Have you summoned a heroic spirit?"

"Not yet." Abner shook his head, then stated some of his speculations about the summoning of heroic spirits, and said at the end, "In short, if you don't use the so-called 'holy relics' and sacrifice high-ranking souls, you will get heroic spirits. It's probably dressed up by 'Russell's Phantom'."

"Is that so?" Klein's tone was slightly wrong, but he immediately controlled it and asked again, "If every 'tower climber' uses 'Holy Relic', then Roselle 'gathers' those 'phantoms' ' does not fail?"

"The church as the custodian must have a large number of 'Command Spells' in their hands. Even if all the members use the 'Holy Relic', it is estimated that many Heroic Spirits outside the specification can be produced. After all, this is the normal state of the Holy Grail War.

"Also, there shouldn't be too many 'Russell's phantoms'..." Abner replied after thinking about it.

You are really familiar with the Holy Grail War... While slandering, Klein said with consideration, "Actually, I have already summoned a heroic spirit..."

"What kind of heroic spirit?" Abner asked curiously after hearing the words. He also wanted to know what the "heroic spirit" designed by Roselle looked like.

Is it consistent with the FZ original, or directly use the characters in the "secret" world history.

"I didn't know at the time that the real 'Holy Relic' was the 'soul' of a High-Sequence Beyonder, so I asked Mr. Fool to give me a card of blasphemy... Well, the 'Witch' card was put on it..." Klein organized the statement to say.

"What about the result?" Abner "admired" Klein's operation and couldn't help but be more curious.

"The one who summoned the rank Medusa..." Klein thought for a while, and then added, "The one in FSN."

Not a gunman? However, Medusa, who is riding a rank, does fit better with the 'Witch' card...

"Her image is very similar to that in FSN, and her self-recognition is also 'Medusa'...

"She should normally have the strength of Sequence 3, but she can't see the way based on her ability, and she can't show the 'semi-mythical form'.

"And according to her own words, after the liberation of the 'Noble Phantasm', the strength of the 'angel' level can erupt.

"Also, she told me that it is almost impossible for a Servant to disobey the Command Spell, which is different from what is described in the story." Klein couldn't help but ask, "She really belongs to Roselle. Phantom shaped?"

The image is probably from "fantasy", the personality may be given by the 'Dream Weaver', and the ability is closer to being pieced together by "simulation" and applied to the body, so I can't see the way... As for the liberation of Noble Phantasm, no The "historical projection" was temporarily summoned, which is "mysterious reappearance"... Of course, it may also be the effect of the "simulated" high-level "recording" ability.

As for the Command Spell... is it a modified version of the "grazing" ability?

Well, maybe the "Holy Grail Summoning" is the "secret technique" formed by the combination of all the above abilities...Unfortunately, this "secret technique" mostly uses the "Chaos Sea" and "Grossel's Travels" In a special environment, even if you learn it, you won't be able to restore it in the real world.

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While thinking about it, Abner also responded to Klein's previous question: "I think it is... you can try to 'wake up' him... If it succeeds, your heroic spirit strength may increase."

"Wake up..." Klein was thoughtful, and instantly had a package in his mind.

Then, after the three of them chatted about where to meet again, the topic turned to the "battle plan" link.

But at this time, Abner shook his head and said: "This picture... No, I mean that the scope of this scene is very large, almost the same size as the 'City of Miracles' Levyide, covering the entire Honshu Island.

"There is absolutely no need for us to concentrate in Fuyuki City, we can go on a tour for a few days to experience the different 'civilization' created by Roselle, and only keep the necessary surveillance on Fuyuki... We will come and clean up when they are almost finished. Endgame, isn't it better?"

Klein was stunned. He thought for a while and asked tentatively, "Is this not cheating? Won't you be disqualified as a 'Master'?"

"If it were a normal 'Holy Grail War' it would of course...

"But I have a hunch that the 'church' in this scene will give us water."

Abner narrowed his eyes and said.

Being so rotten can also test out the bottom line of the tolerance of the "Fallen Mother Goddess".

And if his speculation was wrong and he was really disqualified as a "Master", it would be even better, and he and Klein wouldn't have to worry about it.