Mystery: Start with the Reader

v2 Chapter 799: 2 missions

"It really came in directly..." Abner glanced at the "beautiful" woman standing in front of him with silver eyes lacking spirituality, and recalled the scene he had just encountered when he was "traversing the spiritual world".

Abner originally wanted to "shuttle" to his villa at No. 28 Kinster Street, but after entering the area symbolizing "Backlund", he suddenly found a very conspicuous "coordinate" appearing in him. in front of.

Through simple "analysis", Abner knew that this "coordinate" should belong to the original Duke of Rhine Calendia, and now the "God of Beauty" Rhine.

Abner guessed that it was probably because he was also the owner of the "Pure White Eye" once, so he became his "coordinate" in the spiritual world.

However, Rhine's body has been kept underground in the Harvest Church and sealed here as Lilith's descending vessel.

And the Church of the True God is generally impossible to "teleport", let alone the underground area that carries the Sealed Artifact...

That's why Abner was surprised when he came in directly. After all, this treatment might not even be available to the Apostolic Church of the Mother Earth.

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Am I being blessed a little bit more? I'm a little scared...

Just thinking of this, Abner saw that the silver eyes of the "God of Beauty" in front of him became agile, and then the whole person "lived".

"Do you have any more questions to ask? Speaking of which, the previous 'projection' time was limited, and some things really didn't have time to say..." Lilith, who came to the "Beauty God", looked at Abner and said with a smile.

Just putting emphasis on the word "limited".

I want to ask about the transmigrators, but you won't say it... Abner slandered, and then first habitually drew the holy emblem of "Earth Goddess", and then praised the other party, and then organized language says:

"I'm actually here to ask you for help...

"In the 'Dreamland Labyrinth Tower', I used the 'Desolation' power given by you to kill the 'Saint of Shadow' of the Aurora Society, but his own characteristics are different from the 'Mind Reader' he grazing, the 'Sun Priest' ', 'Bribe', 'Witch of Pain', 'Secret Master', 'Guardian', 'Reaper', and 'Ancient Alchemist' characteristics are mixed together, resulting in a mutation and a great side effect. , also with a 'polluted' jug.

"I want to ask you to take action and separate the characteristics."

After speaking, he took out a card, lifted the seal, and took out the metal jug with obvious depressions on the surface.

Abner originally planned to let The Fool cooperate with his "splitting technique" to complete the separation after the "showdown"... but the previous "showdown" was only half of the "showdown", so naturally it is not good to let 1 "The Fool" I have to fight myself, so I have to ask Lilith for help.

"God of Beauty" Lilith took the jug, studied it carefully for a few minutes, and finally shook her head and said, "Although I can separate these characteristics by forcibly smashing the jug and reuniting them...

"But in that case, the pollution in the jug will inevitably spread, causing a lot of movement and attracting the attention of many existences..."

Abner was a little disappointed when he heard the words: "Is there no other way?"

"Naturally there is... 'sacrifice' it to the kingdom of God, and the Mother Earth will do it." Lilith fiddled with the silver hair on her forehead, and continued with a smile, "But in this case, you have to charge some pay...

"Well, I don't know if you are reluctant to give up that 'ancient alchemist' characteristic?"

"Ancient Alchemist"... This is to recover this pathway's Extraordinary characteristics for the Church of the Mother Earth, right? The price is not too high, and I can't use that feature anyway.

While thinking about it in his heart, Abner replied without hesitation: "I think it will be very happy to return to the glory of the mother goddess."

——Most of the "Ancient Alchemist" that "Saint of Shadow" herds came from the "Church of the Mother Earth".

"Very good... I think Krosfia will thank you." Lilith opened a "Summoning Gate" and threw the jug in.

As the avatar of the true god, as the upper "beautiful god" of the "summon master", Lilith "sacrifices" to the earth mother goddess does not require rituals at all.

It wasn't until the "beautiful god" in front of him was completed that Abner, who was attracted by the "beauty" in his every move, came back to his senses and asked curiously, "What does this have to do with Krosfia? She thought Do you want to prepare demigod materials for Judy in advance?"

But Judy has just been promoted to "Druid", and she is still far from being fully digested. Even if she knows how to act, she will not be able to try it for at least a year.

"Preparing demigod materials for her daughter is only one aspect... More importantly, Krosfia's mother was herded by the 'Saint of Shadows' back then." Lilith explained a little.

——Crosfia was from the Castilla family, the royal family of the Kingdom of Fenepot. Her father was a duke with real power, and her mother was the archbishop of the Church of the Mother Earth. Their union was considered a political marriage.

When Lilith joined the church team as Lamia, she was acquainted with Krosfia's mother, so she was familiar with these past events.

It turns out that there are still these internal causes... Abner nodded slightly, not so distressed about paying a demigod characteristic, after all, it will eventually flow to his acquaintances.

While waiting for the gods to act, Lilith's silver eyes moved slightly, and a new topic was provoked. She said with a smile:

"Actually, if you don't come today, I'll have someone recruit you..."

"Well, to be precise, I have two tasks for you."

Mission... Abner, who owed Lilith too much favor, suddenly felt a little more at ease, and hurriedly said: "Please tell me."

"These two tasks, one is a short-term task and the other is a long-term task.

"In the short term, you need to find out the secrets hidden by the Intis Delien family.

"I replaced the former Pope of Eternal Blazing Sun with the personality of the black knight of the Delian family, and I also arranged for him to assist you in your investigation." Lilith also restrained her smile when she said this.

The Delien family? Could it be that this family that has been betting many times among Adam, the true creator, the eternal sun, and the mother tree of desire, has a deeper secret hidden in it?

While Abner was thinking about it, Lilith continued: "As for the long-term mission... it requires you to find the part of the soul of the Queen of Scourge in the Book of Scourge that was hidden by Roselle.

"Of course, the point is not her soul, but the thing she took from the Book of Scourge."

Having said that, Lilith suddenly opened the "Summoning Door" again, and caught an illusory, eight-legged devil wolf ghost covered with dark short hair.

This devil wolf ghost looks normal, only one circle bigger than the Husky. As soon as it appeared, it ran to Lilith's feet and started cheering.

Lilith touched its head, and after showing a look of enjoyment, she added:

"My assignments have always been rewarded first.

"You don't have a 'messenger' yet, do you? You can make a contract with this undead demon wolf under my control.

"It is the third child of the 'Wolf King' Fregra...

"You should know that in the Second I and Fregra and the Xenomorph King perished together.

"And this devil wolf was a demigod in the mixed path of 'corpse collector' and 'divine master' before he died. After losing the protection of 'Devil Wolf King', it was quickly killed, and its soul was sent to Fabuti's Sa Ringer, the later 'Death God', turned into a undead and became his retinue.

"After the pale disaster, the **** of death fell, and it came to me.

"Although it doesn't have much sanity now, it is still qualified as a messenger."

Having said that, if I use a demon wolf's undead as a messenger, will I make the goddess feel disrespectful... After listening to Lilith's introduction, Abner reached out and touched the demon wolf's head, If you think so.

However, what is the "thing" that was taken away in "Book of Calamities"? Lilith paid so much attention to it!

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