Mystery: Start with the Reader

v2 Chapter 807: tragic story

The man in the flight attendant uniform stopped struggling after being restrained by Fanny. He grinned a little while facing the pointing gestures of the passengers around him.

And laugh louder and louder, and in the end it is close to madness.

Abner looked at the criminal who pretended to be crazy, but shook his head and said calmly: "Do you think that you have avenged your revenge, and you will have no regrets in your life?"

No matter what the reason for the other party's murder, whether there is a tear-jerking inside story, but it is a fact that he tried to blame Fanny...

And, more importantly, he is likely to be used.

The man dressed as a flight attendant stopped laughing abruptly, suddenly raised his head to look at the detective who had exposed him, gritted his teeth and said, "What do you know?"

I don't know anything...but when you killed Mrs. Penny last night, you couldn't help but say a lot of information, and you can't blame me for "backtracking" it.

Abner glanced at him and asked back, "Your enemy should be Mrs. Penny's husband, Inspector Russell... Why didn't you choose to seek revenge from him? Do you just want him to feel the pain of losing a loved one?"

As he asked casually, he recalled the information obtained in the "backtracking" before.

After all, this is a "tragic" story.

The deceased Mrs. Penny was the wife of Mr. Russell, Senior Inspector of Trier Metropolitan Police, an arrogant, vain, and bad-tempered lady. .

Before she entered the first-class compartment just because her clothes were not good enough, she spoke ill of Fors, and Fanny was also insulted by the other party because she was in front of Fors, and there was even a physical conflict between the two sides. It is also the main reason why the real murderer can "frame" Fanny...

After all, everyone in the first-class compartment in the conflict knew that Fanny was definitely suspicious in terms of motives.

And the way that Mr. criminal kills Mrs. Penny is not complicated. He just turned over the arrogant wife with a "sleeping" medicine last night, and inserted a dagger into her heart from her back. He imitated the lady's handwriting and wrote Fanny's name on the ground.

——Unlike Ruen, Intis, known as the "Land of the Sun", has installed lamps along the main railway lines, so the train can also run at night.

In the end, the criminal took advantage of his status as a "flight attendant" to steal some of the "foundation" that Fanny had used while doing the cleaning service of the compartment, and went back and sprinkled it beside the body.

So, in the morning, Mrs. Penny's servants and bodyguards woke up from their coma, and naturally found Fanny for the first time, making her once identified as the first suspect.

And the reason why the criminal did this, according to himself, was because of revenge.

He was originally a skilled worker, but was framed and imprisoned by his boss because of one of his own patented inventions...

Later, he was extremely lucky to use a prison riot to escape successfully, and changed his name and fled to a small town in the east of Intis, relying on his own technology and funds provided by a friend to open a factory...

Just when he accumulated a certain amount of wealth, got married and had a daughter, and felt that his life had entered a happy state, the Inspector Russell appeared in the small town and recognized him as the fugitive of the year.

So he had to flee again... What followed was that his patent was embezzled again, his factory went bankrupt, his friend who invested committed suicide due to debt, and the two wives and daughters were sold into brothels by gangsters...

He hated the inspector so much that he managed to replace a flight attendant to assassinate Inspector Russell's wife, so that the other party could also taste the pain of losing a loved one.

The murderer, who once had two technical patents, was a very smart person, and also had the unique ability to imitate other people's handwriting, so he imitated Mrs.

However, his flaw is also here... Or the flaw that Abner deduced backwards is here... That is, Mrs. Penny is actually a left-handed, and the so-called suicide pen is written with the right hand!

This can't be blamed for Mr. Criminal's inattention. After all, Mrs. Penny is usually worried about being ridiculed by others. She has always been secretive about the fact that she is left-handed.

Before, Abner successfully concluded that Mrs. Penny was left-handed after a series of "aftermath" detailed reasoning, which naturally proved that Fanny was framed.

Taking advantage of the "shock" effect produced by this series of "reasoning", Abner used the "magic mirror" to arouse the spirit of the criminal a little, so that he instantly "breaks the defense" and makes an uncool move of escape. .

In fact, the gentleman handled the evidence very cleanly, and Abner really couldn't produce conclusive evidence without using extraordinary means for a while.

At this time, when he heard Abner's question, Mr. Criminal was silent for a while, and then he told his past story with a grim face, and then shouted loudly:

"My factory went bankrupt because of him!

"My friend died because of him!

"My wife and daughter were sold into a brothel because of him!

"My happiness was shattered because of him!

"But...he's a real fair policeman, I can't kill him just because I hate him...after all, he's just handling the case fairly...

"But I can't deprive him of his life, but I can deprive him of his happiness!

"I want him to suffer the same amount of pain!

"Unfortunately... my original plan was to kill his wife and then go find his son and daughter...

"But it doesn't matter... that's enough!"

When the man said this, he seemed to take all the strength out of his body, and his head drooped down again.

Abner sneered, squatted down to his ear, and said in the voice of only the two of them:

"You did a great job...

"But the reason why you didn't kill Inspector Russell was just to see his beliefs crumble, and a fair policeman would 'degenerate' from now on, right? 'Cold-blooded'!"

The man suddenly raised his head again, and asked in disbelief, "Who are you?"

"I'm Abner Brain, a detective." Abner stood up and called out his name without hesitation.

First, he himself is Intis with a "real" appearance, and it is not difficult to find out his identity; secondly, if he wants to complete Lilith's mission and find out the details of the Delien family, he will inevitably meet with Inti. He has contacts with the upper classes of Sri Lanka, so his reputation is also a good "stepping stone"; thirdly, this is also to accumulate material for his film and television company.

And the background story of this murder case is so dramatic that it will definitely be reported by major newspapers and magazines first, so that it will have both fame and popularity...

In the end, this "tragic" criminal is actually a "cold-blooded" who has just been promoted and has not completely destroyed his humanity. Abner intuitively believes that there may be some follow-up to be discovered in him...

At this time, the onlookers finally recovered from their wonderful reasoning. A big businessman who had been to Loen even blurted out after hearing Abner's self-exposure:

"'Hero Detective'! It turned out to be Backlund's 'Hero Detective'! No wonder the reasoning is so powerful!"

Others who had heard of Abner's name were also stunned when they heard the words. They either "studied" the heroic detective's deeds to others, or jokingly looked at the criminal who had been **** by the marshals, and mocked: "How dare you marry someone? The woman who blamed the 'hero detective', this murderer is so unlucky!"

"Yeah, if it weren't for bad luck, how could an inspector who happened to know him pass by the small town?"

Some echoed, and others sighed:

"I have also heard of Inspector Russell's reputation. He is indeed a just and selfless person... But he did this without consideration..."

"Russell's justice is only legal justice... But is there no problem with the law itself? Emperor Roselle said that there are human feelings in addition to legal principles..."

Some people sigh, and naturally some people object:

"What's wrong with Inspector Russell? Even the criminal himself thought he handled the case with integrity, and couldn't bear to kill him..."

The status of the people in the first-class compartment is naturally not They themselves represent "hotness", so Abner who saw this scene also accepted it as soon as he saw it. After completing the handover with the marshals, He took Fors and Fanny back to his private compartment.

Fors was still feeling pity for the criminal, thinking about how to help his family. And Fanny's interest is not very high...

At this moment, the orange cat lying in the private room suddenly opened his eyes and said, "Boy, you should have guessed what happened to that Inspector Russell?"

"I guessed... Hehe, how can there be so many coincidences... That Mr. criminal is probably just the opponent's pawn." Abner nodded.

"To be precise, he is just a part of the promotion 'devil' ritual called Russell!"


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