Mystery: Start with the Reader

v2 Chapter 810: Journal

"October 1st, I decided to build some 'miracles' before officially proclaiming the emperor. I don't know whether to build an 'iron tower' or build a triumphal arch in Baifeng Square...

"Well, maybe it's possible to build a Great Wall in the area where the north meets Feysac? Or build a big lighthouse at a port in the Misty Sea to the west...

"In short, if these projects are started at the same time, it is possible to 'reasonably' mobilize a large amount of manpower and funds, prepare building materials, and hide my plan to build a 'mausoleum' to the greatest extent possible...

"It's just that building a 'miracle' is very difficult even in this post-industrial revolution era. I don't know how many people will die and how many families will be broken in it...

"Not to mention, after this large financial expenditure, the minimum guarantee policy I originally planned will inevitably be put on hold."

"What will Bernadette think of me? Will she be disappointed with her old father?

"However, this is a necessary sacrifice! Only by becoming a true **** can you leave the chessboard and become a chess player!"

Did Roselle set out to build a "mausoleum" before proclaiming himself emperor? In other words, after he made the decision to become the "Dark Emperor" through different paths, calling the emperor was an inevitable choice...

Also, I remember that Zarathul predicted that Roselle's eldest daughter Bernadette would turn away from him... Maybe that's why? Lao Huang did do a lot of scoundrels in his later years... No wonder he was overthrown... Tsk, Great Emperor, spectacles mislead the country!

Recalling the description of the Sequence 0 ceremony on the "Dark Emperor" card in his hand, Klein sighed and continued to look at the back of this page:

"On October 2, I put forward my 'Wonder' plan in Congress... The 'Iron Tower' project passed smoothly, and the Arc de Triomphe did not attract much opposition... But the resistance from the Great Wall and the Great Lighthouse was unexpectedly large...

"But it's also right to think about it. The 'Iron Tower' project can digest the excess domestic steel production in recent years and save the steel mills of many members of the parliament. They are naturally happy to see this project passed.

"The construction of the Arc de Triomphe took the country's finances and has no impact on their interests, nor will it refute my face.

"But the lighthouse, a building that can regulate the order of ocean-going trade, may touch the interests of some families who were originally familiar with hydrology and some senior captains... After all, although the lighthouse is convenient for piloting, it also lowers the threshold of this industry.

"Not to mention the Great Wall... They must have thought I was going to use it to combat smuggling and smuggling?

"However, this made me realize that these wonders are not useless... At least when I faced Bernadette's questioning, I had a good reason."

This is the end of the content of this page. After Klein put it down, he couldn't help but sigh, because as far as he knew, among the "wonders" built by the emperor, only the most useless "Arc de Triomphe" remained, and it In fact, it was finally built thirty years after the death of the Great Emperor.

Among the other wonders, the "Rosell Tower" was torn down on the day the Gustav Dynasty fell;

As for the Great Wall, Klein, a history student, had never heard of it, as if it never existed;

As for the big lighthouse... With the development of the times, people have built more lighthouses to replace its original function...

However, there are different opinions about the ending of this giant tower, which is said to stand at the bottom and can't see the top. Some say it was destroyed by the ship's cannon, some say it was trapped in a trench because of an earthquake, and some say it was in Gusta The husband disappeared mysteriously before the fall of the dynasty...

Although it has only been more than a hundred years, the big lighthouse has also become a well-known historical mystery.

In the history department of the University of Tingen, there are even scholars who specialize in the lighthouse.

I remember that Mr. Ards was very interested in this mystery... While thinking about it, combined with the magical experience of the past week, Klein had some guesses about the whereabouts of the lighthouse: Could it be that the real prototype of "Dreamland Labyrinth Tower" is That spectacle?

It was dragged into the fantasy world by Roselle, buried at the entrance of the "Sea of ​​Chaos" mentioned by the "Tower", and then transformed to form the "Dreamland Labyrinth Tower" today?

If this was written and published as a paper, it would have solved a historical problem... that is, people who don't believe it will probably treat it as nonsense, and those who believe will probably come to you right away...

After laughing at himself, Klein opened the next page of the diary submitted by Miss Judgment:

"On April 16, after nearly a week of hard work, I finally got Mrs. Julia to bed!

"This conservative blond beauty married from Ruen gave me a very good experience, and that feeling is incomparable to Countess Valien, Countess Fleiss, Lady Karen, Miss Derry Rose and others.

"Maybe it has the psychological bonus of solving a problem like a sense of achievement, the excellent effect of the health potion that Karen has newly prepared for me, or Julia's willingness to refuse and welcome it gives me a different kind of stimulation...

"Anyway, I am very grateful to Viscount Delien for marrying this beauty to Trier."

Seeing this, Klein deliberately glanced at the date in the diary and complained in his heart:

April sixteen? Very good, I remember that in the diary I got last week, you were Mrs. Julia, whom you only met on April 11. During this period, you also reflected on yourself and pondered a lot of philosophical questions... God, indulging again after drinking the potion that Karen provided?

Thanks also to Viscount De Lien... No wonder the De Lien family rushed to the front line when they overthrew the Gustav dynasty...

Shaking his head, Klein turned to the second page of the diary handed in by Miss Hugh. After a brief glance, he found that it was continuous with the previous page...

He thought about it, and finally read it carefully:

"On April 17, I had a negative distance tryst with Julia again at Count Valien's private party... Gu Xi

"Maybe she broke through the bottom line of her heart, her body no longer resisted like it did yesterday, and it brought me a completely different beautiful feeling.

"However, after the event, she lay in my arms and cried about her dissatisfaction with her married life, her resentment towards her family, and her dislike of her husband...

"Just when I thought she was going to ask me to save her from the 'demon cave' like a knight, she made a request, saying that she wanted to become a Beyonder, a 'hunter', and hoped I could help her Collect recipes and ingredients...

"I was a little surprised by this, but I didn't pay much attention to it, after all, the formula of Sequence 9 is only, and it is not difficult for me to find it, who has become a 'Son of Steam'.

"But this request itself shows that Julia is actually very sober, and not willing to be ordinary, knowing that strength is the foundation of everything, relying on others is worse than relying on yourself... This is a lady with no small ambitions!

"Maybe I didn't conquer her, but she 'trap' me by means...

"Yes, even if I saw through her thoughts, I didn't plan to put up my pants and deny the account... Also, I'm looking forward to seeing her transformation.

"That is, when exercising with her in the future, you have to be careful, so as not to be calculated by her again."

Geez, Mrs. Julia later became a "hunter"? At this time, Roselle still didn't know that the "Hunter" pathway would change in the "Iron-Blooded Knight" stage... and didn't know whether the lady became a demigod in the end.

With a "tsk", Klein continued to browse the contents of the last page of the diary:

"On April 20, through some investigations, although there is no evidence, I still vaguely feel that there may be some problems with Julia's identity.

"After all, with her apparent family environment, she shouldn't be able to cultivate such a transparent and scheming girl...

"But other aspects are so perfect that I can't find any problems...

"I told Karen about this, but he told me indifferently that Julia was either a member of a secret organization, or a spy from the 'MI9' of the Loen Kingdom...and the latter may be more likely .

"After all, secret organizations won't be so meticulous when it comes to weaving personal resumes.

"However, her desire to become an Extraordinary is probably not the arrangement of MI9, but her own will... As I thought before, she has the ambition to control her own destiny.

"The reason why she chose 'Hunter' as the starting sequence should be so that her future children will not be suspected because of the Extraordinary characteristics of other pathways - the Delien family itself has an incomplete 'Hunter' pathway. .

"And specially asked me for this formula, 80% of the time, after something was 'revealed', I was involved in the 'son of steam' and the purpose of muddying the water.

"She's really a calculating woman, and the follow-up 'Conspiracy' of 'Hunter' may be a good fit for her!"

Could the former owner of the Delian family be a MI9 spy? Will this family still be under Loen's control now?

I remember that the current Prime Minister of Intis is from this family...

And when the last Tarot meeting mentioned that Owen's special envoy was the "lust" of the "Psychological Alchemy Society", Miss "Judgment" said that "MI9" had already grasped this information, but would not take the initiative to arrest...

If the Delian family has this connection with MI9, then it makes sense... They are all their own!

Well, Mr. "Ta" seems to have been collecting information about the Delien family before, and he can sell this information to him as a favor later... Before Miss "Judgment" shows him these diaries.

Klein turned over the last page of the diary, and picked up the legend about the "Queen of Natural Disasters" provided by Little Sun.

During the whole process, there was silence in the majestic palace. No matter "Justice" or "Moon", they were all thinking about what to trade and what to communicate.

Abner tut thought that he would exchange "Dissie Pie" for this information of "Sun" later.

Because of Lilith's mission and Roselle's sentence "You are early", he is now also interested in the "Queen of Natural Disasters".

Cattleya the Hermit encountered a similar situation for the first time, but she was not embarrassed or disturbed at all. Instead, she carefully analyzed the information revealed by this scene:

"This is not the first time it has happened... Mr. Fool has the habit of reading Roselle's diary at Tarot gatherings... The members are actively or passively collecting for him, but they are not sure whether they have paid in advance...

"He can really read Roselle's diary... Looking for those secrets that have sunk in the long river of history?

"Just now the 'sun' mentioned that the information he handed in was the legend of the 'Queen of Natural Disasters'... Who is this? Is it an ancient god?"

At this point, Klein had roughly finished browsing the information on "Queen of Natural Disasters".

Generally speaking, there is not much content. After all, most of the information on the City of Silver comes from the country of "giants", and they know more about giants and giants' mortal enemies, dragons, and elves as allies. The information is not very complete, and some information is basically left by word of mouth.

Among these few contents, most of them have been seen in the murals that "Tower" once displayed, and only one description attracted Klein's attention:

"The 'Queen of Natural Disasters' and the 'Goddess of Harvest', who is the queen of giants, have a close relationship. They have visited the country of silver many times... This caused the dissatisfaction of the 'beautiful god' who defected to the elves. The relationship between the two goddesses is very poor."


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