Mystery: Start with the Reader

v2 Chapter 831: target confirmation

Use "Wheel of Fortune" less... Should this refer to the uniqueness of "Wheel of Fortune" after "Pure White Eye"?

It seems that I only borrowed its power when I "prophesied" before... No wonder I was so successful before, not only did I just know about Mr. Wolf from "Checia", but I even encountered it when I was exploring the prison" "Heart of Machinery", got important clues...

It seems that the combination of the uniqueness of "Wheel of Fortune" and the "prophecy" ability of "Pure White Eye" not only allows me to obtain more accurate results in "prophecy", but also allows me to achieve this "prophecy" I have always maintained a certain degree of "lucky" in the past!

However, this "lucky" obviously has a price... the price of overdrafting the future!

After thinking about this, Abner decided to follow Lilith's reminder and try to use this "prophecy" ability, which cannot be completely controlled by himself, as little as possible before the demigod, so as not to let the "Wheel of Fortune" overdraw the future again.

Fortunately, if there is really any information that needs to be known urgently, you can go to Mr. Fool for divination, or ask Hugh or Edwina to summon the "Mirror of Arrodes".

——It wasn’t that Abner didn’t want to summon Arrodes himself, but he had tried it before, and the other party didn’t come at all, and seemed to reject him very much.

Just as Abner was thinking about packing up the ritual supplies, the window of the hotel room was suddenly blown open by a gust of wind, and then a group of illusory bats flew in from outside, and then gathered into a figure in a black formal suit.

It was a middle-aged and elderly gentleman with an elegant posture and a personable demeanor, but with a slightly high hairline. It was the owner of the "Lane Newspaper", Mr. Wolfe.

At this moment, he gave a solemn salute with Intis's etiquette, with a very respectful attitude, and at the same time, the window closed on its own without making any sound.

Abner had already expected his arrival, but he didn't expect it to be so fast, so he was just stunned for a moment, then nodded his head and said, "Wolf, you're here."

After accepting the attitude of the two former Pope Evil Spirits of the Church of the Eternal Sun, Abner's experience in "pretending to be a boss" was second only to Mr. Fool.

Wolf the Vampire kept his humble posture when he heard the words, and said in a deep voice:

"Parker Wolf was oracled to visit His Excellency the Blessed One. . .

"God asked me to follow your orders and accept your arrangements from today."

It's a pity that you can't show your face now, otherwise you should dedicate the newspaper directly to God... After muttering in his heart, Abner asked, "What happened to the girl you took away last night?"

He wanted to know if the other party had really thrown away his evil deeds under the influence of Lilith... Of course, as a believer of the "primitive moon" before, his mind was already twisted, and 80% of them didn't feel that he was doing evil.

"Your Excellency the Returner... I have sent that girl back to the East Slum... Because she was in a coma the whole time and didn't know what happened, so I didn't delete her memory." Wolf replied with his head lowered. road.

That's it...Although from the results of "mind reading", he doesn't seem to be lying to me, but when I go to the East Slums to confirm the identity of the person who died in the "blood-sucking" incident, I can investigate by the way.

While thinking so in his heart, Abner did not forget the business. He considered his sentence and said, "I'm hunting down the blasphemer who deviates from God. What clues can you provide for the whereabouts of 'Witch King' Shirya?"

Since Lilith did not directly give the "Wizard King" the position, it means that the other party did not believe in the true "primitive moon", so she got rid of Lilith's influence.

Hearing that Shirya is a "blasphemer", Wolff was a little surprised, but his face immediately showed a look of hatred, and said in a low voice: "So the 'Wizard King' Pavilion... No, it was Shirya who betrayed him God... no wonder she hasn't responded to my meeting request the last few days!

"However, I'm sorry, Lord Blessed One... I don't know where she is now, only some guesses..."

As he said that, he listed the locations of several secret strongholds, all of which he thought Shirya might hide.

Abner thought for a while, then took out from his pocket the picture of the green-roofed house that he had "prophesied" and showed it to Wolff, and asked, "Are there any hiding places you mentioned in the picture? green roof house?"

"No..." Wolff took a look and said with certainty, then he held the painting for a long time and looked at it with uncertainty, "This house... I think it is a property owned by Tan De..."

"Ted?" Abner frowned, feeling as if he had heard the name somewhere.

Wolf organized the language and replied: "Tan De is a member of the Secret Order. A few months ago, the special envoy of Owen who protected the Delian family went to the Kingdom of Loen. It is said that he later died in an envoy of the Aurora Society. hand.

"He and I are barely friends, and we have been to his house several times because of helping him prepare medicines, so we recognize this roof.

"By the way, Tan De's teacher is a 'Craft Mage' of the Secret Order. After he heard that Tan De died at the hands of the Aurora Society, he was going to go to Backlund to investigate... But there was no news later. "

I said how familiar it was, it turned out to be the unlucky **** who was herded by Mr. A! So, his soul is still in my "magic mirror"... Oh, is this also "lucky" brought by the "Wheel of Fortune"?

In addition, Tan De's teacher, shouldn't it be made into a magical item by "Wizard King" Shirya? Ms. Helen speculated that she had a sealed artifact with the ability of a "Crafty Mage" in her hand...

Thinking of this, Abner, who had basically completed his goal, stood up, simulated the ability to "teleport", and prepared to take Wolf to the East Slums to confirm whether he had really changed under the influence of Lilith. .

If it is true, leave his life temporarily and let him continue to **** the blood of the wicked to atone for his previous evil deeds; if it is false, immediately add it to the "Tarot Club"'s "Characteristic Freshness" new.

Facts have proved that the "God of Beauty" is indeed quite reliable in the field of **** of the soul. On the night of the blood moon, Wolf's temperament was completely distorted, and he completely turned into another self, so what he said to Abner just now Not lying.

"So, after Lilith recovered the 'Beauty God' characteristic, among the original 'Primordial Moon' believers, I am afraid that quite a few mid- and low-sequence Beyonders have been subtly transformed into 'harmless' people. …”

"On this point, the 'Silver Moon Project' of the traverser seniors and the two goddesses is worth my continued promotion!"

After a few words of emotion in his heart, Abner and Wolf agreed to meet and let him leave, and he himself teleported back to the "club" villa again, and then let the "magic mirror" interrogate the "grazing" Secret Puppet Master" Tan Delai.

Soon, the mirror surface of the "Magic Mirror" showed a picture formed by part of Tan De's memory:

He and Shirya met at a dance, and then according to Intis's practice, the two quickly fell in love with each other and became each other's lovers.

Shirya's beautiful face and superb "technology" have always made Tan De quite unforgettable, and even leaked a lot of information about his teacher between the beds.

He didn't feel anything at the time, but in retrospect he felt a little inappropriate. He was about to go to the teacher to explain the situation, but received the task of protecting Owen Delien from going to Backlund, so he had to temporarily put it down, leaving only one letter. letter……

Finally, the house where he and Shirya often date is Green Roof, located at 33 La Defense Street in the South, adjacent to Bronny Park.

Seeing this, Abner had a good idea and guessed that the reason why Shirya approached Tan De was mostly for his teacher.

The reason why Tan De didn't even notice such an obvious problem was that Shirya herself exerted an influence on it - as a "potion professor" at the demigod level, she wanted to use drugs to confuse her when she was at a negative distance. A Sequence 5 without a strong background, I am afraid it is very simple.

What's even more ridiculous is that Tan De did not know the details of his lover at all. When he was powerless, he even went to Wolff to dispense medicine...

Shaking his head, Abner thought for a while, then put on the "magic mirror", walked out of the bedroom, and knocked on the door of Forsi's room.

"Come in, the door is unlocked." Forsi's lazy voice came from inside.

Abner pushed open the hidden door, and saw Fors lying on the sofa in an unimpressive manner, eating snacks and reading Intis's novel.

Miss "Magician" is getting more and more casual in front of me... It's almost time for Hugh... Abner twitched the corner of his mouth, then stepped forward to take her snack, and pulled it up smoothly, Said: "Go out for a walk in the park with me, and by the way, finish your 'weight loss' today."

This was the "supervision" task Hugh gave Abner before they left Backlund.

Forsi, who stood up, glanced at him suspiciously, then rolled his eyes, thought of something, and said with a smile, "Do you want me to help you cover?"

"That's right," Abner admitted directly.

If "Cecilia" wasn't a believer of "Mother Tree of Desire" before, then "she" is actually the best candidate, but unfortunately she is... so I can't take risks.

"Let's go then." Forsi was not pretentious, and immediately got up and went to the inner room to change his clothes.

What she thought in her mind was: Abner always helped her, and it was rare to have such an opportunity to return favors.

Soon, Fors and Abner, who had changed into new clothes, went out together. The two took a carriage to the south of Trier, and then they pretended to be lovers and walked slowly towards Bronny Park.

The reason why I didn't use secret techniques or "psychological stealth" to investigate directly, but chose such a roundabout way, was because I was worried about being peeped by the "Wizard King" who might be nearby. In this way, although there is not much danger, it will startle the snake and let it change its hiding place, and it will be more difficult to find it at that time.

Abner will not underestimate any demigod, especially a demigod who has never appeared in the original book and is completely ignorant of the details.

Let Fors hold his arm, and the two approached the grass on the edge of the park and the courtyard wall of the green-roofed house.

Forsi's face turned a little red, because she had heard some unusual breathing sounds from the grass not far away...

——Broni Park is a famous park for lovers in Trier. Tan De also came here to play in the open air with Shirya in his memory.

However, Abner's eyes were condensed, because through "breath extraction", he confirmed that the person who was breathing rapidly in the nearby grass was the "Wizard King" Shirya!

At this moment, she was biting the left neck of a bald man, sucking blood.