Mystery: Start with the Reader

v2 Chapter 843: Nath's Stupid

Hearing Klein's words, Roy King's face changed a few times, then he put his hand on his chest and gave a salute:

"On behalf of our organization, I thank you for your help, and I personally thank you and that Highness for your rescue..."

After speaking, he opened his eyes, looked at his student Darkwill, and asked him what was going on with his eyes.

Darkwell said:

"The price he sold was 1,000 pounds... But I only had a little over 300 pounds, so I only paid so much in advance, and the rest is up to you..."

When Joey Jin heard the words, the corner of his mouth moved and said:

"I don't have any money on me either..."

Next, just as Gehrman's face became more and more cold, the demigod of the School of Life seemed to have thought of something, and turned to say: "But I can pay in another way..."

"In what way?" Klein didn't want to persecute a demigod too much, even if the other party knew that there was an angel behind him, even if the chairman of the "Life School" council might call him "uncle"...

If it wasn't to maintain Gehrman's character, he might not be able to let the other party owe him first.

"I'm with you..." Having said this, Roy King suddenly recalled what he was afraid of seeing the other party, and immediately swallowed what he wanted to say. He hesitated for a moment, and took a picture of his student Darkwill. shoulders, then pulled him to the window, pointed to a cramped alley outside the window and said: "You go downstairs and enter that alley now, and when you see the first person to enter the alley, use your special skills to scold him for a few times. Then just take him upstairs."

"Teacher, what is this going to do?" Darkwill was at a loss. He didn't know what the teacher was going to do, so much so that he forgot to refute the so-called "specialty" of him.

"Do as I say, go!" Roy King said rudely.

"Yes." Darkwill didn't dare to refute, picked up his whip and pistol, and went out and went downstairs.

Roy King closed his eyes again, turned to Klein and said, "Wait a moment, your payment will arrive soon."

Klein didn't know what he wanted to do either, so he just nodded faintly and said:


Danitz, who had witnessed all this, glanced at Roy Kim's gentle face, and whispered, "You can't trust this kind of little white face. Do you want to remind that lunatic, lest the other party run away..."

At this moment, under the watchful eyes of Klein, Danitz, and others, a fierce-looking strong man with blue and black tattoos on his arms, arms, and cheeks dragged a little girl into the alley.

Looking at the girl whose mouth was gagged and struggling desperately, Klein frowned and was about to come to the rescue.

But before he could make a move, Darkwill dared to be extremely sarcastic at the brawny man.

The strong man was stunned for a moment, then his entire face was contorted, he roared, threw the girl aside, and rushed forward.

As a Sequence 8 Beyonder, Darkwill still has basic fighting skills, even though he is relatively useless. He immediately prepared with a gun in one hand and a whip in the other.

However, the next moment, the strong man fell directly on the ground in front of Darkwill... This made Darkwill, who was about to whip out, stand on the spot, and also made Klein, who was ready to use his abilities upstairs, stay on the spot. and Danitz both stopped.

After more than ten seconds, the strong man remained in the slumped position, motionless, before Darkwill recalled the teacher's words and walked to his side and squatted down.

Gu repeated </span> Out of caution, and also out of the professional habit of a "pharmacist", he checked the body of this strong man a little, and found that the other party was already dead...and the cause of death was a cerebral hemorrhage...

This is... I already had a related disease, I drank a lot of alcohol, and I was still in a state of excitement. Finally, under the stimulation of my words, the cerebral blood vessels collapsed directly? Judging from his speed just now, he still seems to be a Beyonder...

Is it his bad luck, or my luck?

Darkwill thought about the teacher's pat on him, knowing that 80% of the time it was the latter.

After he came to a conclusion, Darkwill first helped the little girl who was thrown to the side to untangle and let her go, and then carried the strong man's body upstairs as instructed by the teacher.

Due to the dark sky and no one around the hotel, his actions were not noticed by others, and he returned to the room where Klein and the others were.

Danitz used the lights in the room to look at the strong man carefully, and said:

"This is the first mate of the Blood Sword Pirates, 'Walrus' An Ersen, with a bounty of 500 pounds, suspected to be an Extraordinary of the 'Warrior' pathway."

In the pirate world, bounties are an important reference for identity and status. The 'warrior' with a bounty of 500 pounds should not exceed Sequence 8... Klein, who knew what to do, was silent for a few seconds and asked:

"Blood Sword Pirates?"

Danitz replied unconcernedly: "A small and medium-sized force, Captain 'Blood Sword' Larsen has a bounty of 800 pounds, and has been active in the Sunia Sea all year round. It is said that there is support from the Feysac people behind it."

Klein nodded, feeling that even if he went to collect the bounty, such a force would not cause him trouble, or he still expected someone to take revenge.

At this time, Roy King smiled and said: "Even if the bounty of 500 pounds is drawn, you can get at least 300. With his 'warrior' characteristics, it should be worth 700 pounds."

Klein thought about it and approved this "payment" method.

Hearing that the other party let go, Roy King was slightly relieved. He also didn't want to offend a person with an angel behind his back who had such a "terrifying" fate. UU reading

After thinking for a while, he took out another round ornament made of golden gears and covered with transparent glass, and said, "Thank you again for your help... Although you asked for 1,000 pounds, the 1,000 pounds are far from worth it. My life is I would like to give this item to you as my personal thank you."

Klein didn't take the jewelry directly, but did a divination in person, and after confirming that there was no danger, signaled Roy King to continue.

"This ornament came from a real 'alchemist' and was his token. Holding it, he could make a request to the master." Joy King groped for the glass surface of the ornament and recalled, "I originally I can get it because I helped the master to complete a work that he is proud of."

It seems that the success of that item requires luck... Klein muttered to himself, and finally picked up the accessory on the surface, and asked, "Who is that master, and where is he?"

Don't tell me at the Church of Steam headquarters...

"He lives in Nath, the capital of the Gargas Archipelago. I don't know his name, but people call him 'Nas' idiot'... Because he is always obsessed with the impossible research of 'floating city'...

"By the way, he likes to eat canned wolf fish the most. If you come to your door, it's best to bring him a can..."

When Roy King Kong said this, Danitz, who had been listening, couldn't help retching.

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