Mystery: Start with the Reader

v2 Chapter 854: Asymptotic truth

Very strange experiment? Abner opened the notebook and saw Abby's name on the title page.

He had some impressions of this woman. Before leaving Bayam, "The Lion" Leon also specially reminded the other party of the danger.

"I remember that she should be the daughter of a gang leader, the mistress of Governor Bayam..." Abner said casually as he continued to read.

"That's just her fake identity. In fact, you can tell after reading the diary. She doesn't remember her origins at all. That experiment caused her to lose most of her memory." He added, "By the way, what I'm showing you is the version I asked Mr. Fool to 'realize'. The original version of this notebook would be very painful to read."

Pain... Abner frowned and asked, "Will you feel it when you read it here?"

"Also..." Klein said affirmatively.

He didn't explain why Mr. Fool looked at it like this, and asked that "the equivalent exchange price can't be paid".

That is indeed special. It can interfere with Klein's senses above the gray fog. At least it must be the power of the angel level, right?

While thinking about it, Abner carefully read the contents of the diary.

Soon, words such as "Experiment", "Five Survivors", "Bianca", "Lophia", "Admiral Pale" and so on came into his eyes...

It turns out that in Bianca's memory, the experiment that brought her the ability to bring the "Master" into "doom" eleven years ago was not only her test product...

"Admiral Pale" Maria may also be the product of this experiment?

Among the gods, at least the "God of Knowledge and Wisdom" did not know about this experiment, otherwise, he would not have specially "arranged" the "Undying King" to test "Admiral Pale" Maria.

As a result of his temptation, Maria "distorted" her understanding of "evil" and let extreme justice replace her indulgent "malicious" role in order to digest the potion...

That "pale justice" is a tool to collect her "maliciousness", so that she can usually look like a normal person...

If Maria is really an experimental product, then this matter is absolutely inseparable from Lao Huang! After all, "Pale Justice" was transformed by him, and the transformation was completed nearly a hundred years earlier!

If the ability that this experiment gave the five survivors was considered high-level pollution...

Then Maria has undoubtedly acquired some kind of "distorted" power, so only she can "indulge" in this relatively "positive" way... the Dark Emperor? No, even a true **** can only adjust this pathway, and cannot affect the performance of other pathways... The only one that can affect this level is the old days! It is the source quality!

So it turns out... This is what the "God of Knowledge and Wisdom" really wants to test... That's right, only the power of the old days is worth "arranging" and "guiding" him personally, right?

So, did Maria actually get some power from "The Land of Chaos" or "The Mist of Uncertainty"?

Well, combined with the circumstances of several other survivors, the former may be more likely...

Make bold assumptions and verify carefully... The essence of that experiment may be to use something to communicate with other source substances sealed by "Origin Castle", leaking a little pollution!

Based on this speculation, Miss Abby's "pain" undoubtedly originated from the witch and the "City of Calamities".

Miss Bianca's "bad luck" may be many, and there may be paths related to "luck" and "destiny", such as "River of Eternal Darkness", "Key of Light", "City of Disaster", "Wild Knowledge" It's all possible!

The missing Lophia mentioned in the diary has the ability to restore damaged items under extreme emotions... Is this a bit like "Reboot of Destiny"... "Key of Light"?

As for the last survivor, Abby did not record it in the diary. It may be that she concealed it on purpose, or she may not know it.

To put it all together, eleven years ago, a certain person or an organization conducted an experiment to communicate with an unknown number of people who were sealed in the Western Continent. Only five people survived, and with a high probability. They are all contaminated by the source material, and through this, they have acquired some active or passive abilities that are almost uncontrollable.

Wait... Eleven years ago!

Thinking of this, Abner suddenly had another clue, that is, in the mind of the "Wizard King" whose characteristics were taken away by Helen, there was also a blocked memory from a year ago, which was interpreted by Krosfia. Just a few words...

I remember one of them was a strange spiritual body that walked out of the box, with a very high personality, but without the support of Beyonder characteristics...

Box... Shouldn't it mean "God's Box"?

The "Queen of Natural Disasters" Goshinam in the dream cave before said that the "Box of God" was empty, and she must have opened it by another...

Could the special spirit body that came out of the box be the host of the experiment?

It turns out that the long-term task that Lilith gave me really needs to be investigated clearly are these secrets!

Hehe, the "source quality" in the original book didn't "jump" like this, and it has become like this, 80% of which is the fault of a senior transmigrator, no wonder Lilith asked me to investigate...

After clearing his mind, Abner flipped through the contents of the back of the diary, and found that they were all Abby's "painful" experiences. :

"I entrusted you to 'divine' the 'Box of God' before, is there any result?"

"I relied on 'Dream Divination' to see some interesting pictures..." Klein said, pretending to make a prayer, and then showing pictures in the center of the long bronze table.


The first person to appear in the picture is a man wearing a simple loose robe. His ears are pointed and towering, the contours of his face are softer, the roots of his hair are thick, and the black and blue are interlaced with each other. Together, he is even more handsome, but he intuitively gives off a tyrannical feel.

At this time, the man was handing a heavily sealed box into the hands of the "Queen of Natural Disasters".

The picture changed, and the figure of "God of Luck" appeared again. He seemed to be attracted by something and untied a seal... But then, he covered his eyes.

Because Mr. "Tower" has shown the murals of the elf temple, they all recognize the appearance of "God of Luck".

The screen ends here.

Is this the end? What about the back? Who really emptied this box... and what was released... Didn't we get all the divination?

While thinking so, Abner looked at Klein.

Klein naturally understood what he meant, but he could only spread out his hands and said, "Since the 'God of Luck' covered his eyes, I haven't been able to see the picture anymore..."

Is that your eyes...are you opening the "Pure White Eyes"? Therefore, the "Box of God" has a connection with the "Unknown Land" behind the "Pure White Eye", so it interferes with Klein's divination?

However, "God of Luck" only unlocked one seal... But looking at his action of covering his eyes, just one seal made him aware of something, and even released something...

While Abner was thinking about it, Klein canceled the screen and asked instead, "Do you have any speculation after reading that diary? What exactly is going on with that experiment?"

Seeing the question, Abner was silent for a few seconds before replying with consideration: "They have all been polluted at a high level... The reason why they survived is due to good luck, and secondly, I am afraid that they have acquired some great existence afterwards. s concern."

"For example, joining the 'Rose School'. Abby who believes in the 'Mother Tree of Desire', and the 'Admiral Pale' who was originally from the 'Spiritual Religion'?" Klein said thoughtfully.

According to the information detected by Krosfia, Bianca received the attention of the "Hidden Sage" after the experiment.

As for Luo Feiya and another person whose name is not yet known, there should be no exception.

"Who or what pollution does high-level pollution refer to?" Klein asked again at this time.

Abner shook his head and said: "This is not what you should know now... Well, if you have to understand, you can also pray to Mr. Fool. If he needs you to know, he will definitely tell you."

"..." Klein was speechless for a while, and said in his heart: Am I telling myself to be "lonely"?

After thinking about it, he changed the question again: "Do you know the 'Shadow World'?"

"...This is something you shouldn't understand..." Abner was also a little puzzled when he answered, not knowing where Klein saw this term.

Well, the biggest possibility is Roselle's diary... Is that the page that Forsi handed in? Abner thought of this, glanced at Klein, saw that he did not mean to read the diary to himself, and guessed what he was thinking: After all, the diary belongs to Mr. Fool, how can it be given to others at no cost every time Look.

Of course, Klein may also think that I can see it from Fors... Well, when I help Fors hunt the "Three-Eyed Thunderbird" tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, I will take a look at what was written on that page of the diary.

While his thoughts were turning, Abner told Klein that the five survivors might be involved in the tasks assigned by the gods, and asked him to help capture Abby, and by the way to inquire about Lophia and another unknown survivor. .

Klein agreed and said that he had entrusted "Admiral Pale" to search for Abby.

"Admiral Pale seems to treat you differently?" Abner said with a strange expression.

Klein knew what he was thinking, but he also had some doubts about it, and only replied: "She said that 'pale justice' expressed her goodwill and kindness to me..."

"Pale Justice"? I don't know what material this sword is made of... But what is certain is that it is alive and recognizes the aura of "Origin Castle"... Could it be a "dog licking" similar to Arrodes "Bar?

After slandering a few words, Abner exchanged some information before saying goodbye to Klein.

But at this time, Klein seemed to remember something, stopped him again, and entrusted him to transfer the main material of the "Generalist" potion he had collected to Melissa...


Backlund in a cafe near King's Road.

Melissa took the ceramic spoon and gently stirred the black tea with lemon. From time to time, she glanced sideways at the window covered with pale mist.

Her black gauze hat was on the seat next to her, and there was a plate of the cheapest toast in front of her, but she didn't take a bite.

On the opposite side of her is Miss Hazel, who is wearing long gloves, and she is accompanying her occult "student" waiting for Benson who is taking the exam nearby.

Time passed by, and the mist on the glass window became thicker and thicker. Melissa couldn't help but stretch out her right hand and use her fingers to clear a relatively clear space.

At this moment, Hazel's spirituality seemed to be touched, she couldn't help but turn on "spirit vision", and then she saw an eight-legged ghost wolf rubbing against her calf with a box in its mouth.

"What's wrong?" Melissa asked in confusion when she saw her mysticism teacher bent down.

Hazel opened the box and glanced at it, and then smiled: "It's your potion's main ingredient."