Mystery: Start with the Reader

v2 Chapter 858: Mausoleum

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What Abner was reading was not Roselle's diary. After all, it was in front of Fors. He still had to pretend that he didn't understand "Rosselwen", so he was asking Fors to get that page of the diary. After that, he put it away, ready to wait to go back and watch it in private.

What he is currently holding in his hand is actually the description of the scene that Forsi had dreamed about in his dreams these days, the real "Miss Wall's Diary".

Hearing Forsi's complaint at this moment, Abner put down the paper in his hand and responded with a smile: "Would you like me to give you some 'hypnosis' and 'hint', which can help you fall asleep quickly."

"Hypnosis? Suggestion?" Fors knew that the other party was joking, but he still looked at Abner with a pretense of vigilance, held the quilt to his chest, and pretended to be alert, "This... this sounds very evil. it possible that you have some bad idea?"

Of course, she was just responding to a joke, not really afraid of what the other party would do. After all, if Abner wanted to do something, she would not be able to resist... Well, even the will to resist is not too strong...

In fact, she had a dream of a similar "hypnotized" scene in Backlund. In that dream, she had done a lot of shameful things under Abner's "hint", and even Hugh was involved. ...After waking up from a dream, I had to take a shower overnight...

This is also the reason why she subconsciously hugged the quilt when she heard the other party say this.

On the other hand, Abner guessed what Fors was thinking without "reading his mind". He couldn't help but feel a little speechless. He felt that Fors was worthy of being a writer, and there were really many "plays" in his mind... Although she There were more or less "magic mirrors" for having such a dream at the beginning, but the "magic mirror" did not design the content of the dream...

Even if I really hypnotized you, I wouldn't do such a thing... Is this taking me as a lecher? Abner secretly spit out a few words, shook his head, brought up the topic, and turned to say: "Actually, whether you are asleep or not, when the time comes, the dream about the ruins will take the initiative to pull you into it."

"Have you figured out the nature of the ruins?" Forsi was refreshed when he heard the words, "What exactly is it? Why did it appear in a dream and find me?"

"There are indeed some discoveries." Abner picked up a page in "Fors' Diary" and pointed to the content on it, "After your several explorations, you found that it was originally a city-state, but it has been around for more than 100 years. Losing their gods before, and then the end of the world, the survivors can only survive in cold and starvation?"

"Yes, I couldn't touch anything when I first went in, but I was also not hindered by the environment there, so I took the opportunity to explore a lot of the history of that city-state...

"But as the dream became more and more real after entering the next few times, I was more restricted. Last night, I even had five senses, and I could touch the things in the city-state ruins... So I intuitively felt that It's cold, hungry, and desperate." Fors recalled and recounted, and his mood couldn't help but seem a little depressed.

She slowed down, then continued to ask, "Is there any problem?"

"The time of the fall of the gods recorded by the 'survivors of the city-state' was shortly after the fall of the Gustav Dynasty..." As he spoke, Abner took another note-it was Forsi's recent history in the past few days. The information compiled from the old people in the city continued,

"In some old people's memories, the last place where the three-eyed ptarmigan appeared twenty years ago was the giant rock at the western foot of Mount Caral...

"According to the information provided by another old man, the name of the giant wood rock is because there was indeed a huge tree planted there more than a hundred years ago!"

"But after the fall of the Gustav Dynasty, the tree was burned down by a sudden fire from the sky, leaving only the dead roots, which continued to rot under the erosion of time..."

Forsi frowned and asked inexplicably, "But what does this have to do with the dream ruins?"

"This involves a story..." Abner said here, suddenly narrowed his eyes, as if he had noticed something, then took out a lens and placed it in front of his right eye, while continuing to say to Forsi, "In A long time ago, a gentleman who liked to drink fell asleep under the big tree in his yard...

"...In the dream, he came to a city-state and married the princess of the city-state to help the lord govern the country..."

Forsi felt that the plot was a bit old-fashioned at first, but gradually he became fascinated and immersed in the story of "Nanke Yimeng" which was westernized by Abner.

When the story came to an end, when she was still unable to return to her senses, she was surprised to find that she was once again in the ruins of the city-state.

And this time, she really felt "reality", and the surrounding environment no longer had the "unreal" feeling she had when she came in several times before.

"Abner!" Fors grabbed a spell and shouted to the surroundings in a little panic.

Because compared to before, she seems to have lost her previous "night vision" ability, and now it is dark in front of her, and she can't see anything clearly. Such an environment will inevitably make people feel fearful.

"I'm here." At the same time as Abner's voice sounded, a crimson fireball also appeared in his hand, illuminating a range of several meters.

Forsi breathed a sigh of relief, came to Abner's side, calmed down, and asked: "What did you mean by the story just now... This ruin is actually the big tree outside the small town? It was destroyed by the skyfire. So this is what happened here?"

Abner first nodded, then shook his head and said: "The 'Secret Peeker' pathway will acquire an ability in the high sequence, called 'Mysterious Reappearance'.

"This ability can draw power from the knowledge of mysticism mastered to create magic or sorcery, and the less people know about the corresponding knowledge of mysticism and the less it is spread, the more powerful this spell will be.

"Ordinary demigods can only use this ability to create a single-effect skill with the help of story prototypes.

"But Roselle used to be the 'Knowledge Emperor' of Sequence One, he should have used the power of 'knowledge' to really create a city-state at the boundary between dream and reality!

"And claiming to be a god, let the 'people' in the city-state build a palace for him...

"This may be some kind of backhand of Roselle, but unfortunately it was discovered by the people of the Church of the Eternal Blazing Sun, who burned the 'real' part of the kingdom, that is, the big tree, and the other part of his dream was hit together. , although it has not completely collapsed, it has also entered the 'doomsday', and its destruction is only a matter of time..."

Abner selected a part of the reasoning results he obtained after "analyzing" and "deciphering" to tell Fors, concealing Roselle's purpose of establishing such a "nation" - building the tomb of the "Dark Emperor"!

Yes, Abner guessed that this dream relic was originally one of Roselle's hidden tombs. He borrowed the "mysterious reappearance" at the level of angels to turn trees into a country, and ants and insects into intelligent dream "people" as subjects. This method is indeed very clever...

"It's a pity, after Roselle's death, this kingdom was discovered by the church... Although it hasn't been completely destroyed, it has also lost the function of a mausoleum and cannot carry Roselle's However, it is also It may be that Roselle deliberately exposed it to cover up the location of other mausoleums, or to cover up his other purpose..."

When Abner was thinking about it, Forsi finally digested what he just said. In addition to being surprised, he still had a lot of doubts in his heart:

"Emperor Roselle's mausoleum... Why do you keep seeing me attracted here?"

Abner considered for a moment and then replied, "There are three possibilities...

"First, Emperor Roselle and Mr. Door are acquaintances... and you are contaminated by the power of Mr. Door, and you are an apprentice of the Abraham family. You can hear his ravings when the moon is full... Maybe there is something in this relic. Items related to Mr. 'Door' or leftovers... That's why I chose you.

"Second, this is Benjamin's arrangement... Since he knew about you a hundred years ago, it is not surprising to arrange some means in his own fief.

"Thirdly, Roselle or Benjamin, or this ruin, the real purpose is actually the existence behind you, the existence who protects you from being disturbed by the ravings of the 'door'!"

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