Mystery: Start with the Reader

v2 Chapter 892: active abner

Abner and Lydia had already sneaked in here when the hooded man had just released the ceremony of restraining Tran, but they both tacitly kept silent, wanting to see what the man was trying to do.

Moreover, due to the very crude disguise of "Lieutenant General of the Deep Sea", Abner could easily recognize his identity even if he didn't extract his breath.

"Maybe he did this on purpose... to make it easier for Tran's elders or Lydia's parents and brothers to find out the identity of the person who helped Tran?

"This 'Deep Sea Vice Admiral' also seems to have careful thoughts..."

While thinking about it, Abner heard Tran's surprised voice saying, "Lydia, you're fine!"

After he finished speaking, he stepped forward and threw himself into Lydia's arms, choked a little: "I thought I would never see you again..."

Lydia touched his head and said softly, "Don't be afraid, I'll be fine when I come!"

Listening to their conversation, Abner glanced back and forth between the two in confusion, always feeling that the roles they "played" didn't seem this the opposite?

Seemingly aware of Abner's gaze, Tran realized that there were other people present, so he scratched his head a little embarrassedly, and after Lydia briefly talked about her experience in his ear, he was sincere. Tunnel: "Mr. Brian, thank you very much for saving Lydia, and for saving me..."

If you're really grateful, you should lift your face from Lydia's chest first. Stuffing dog food like this is not the attitude of "thank you". Abner complained in his heart, waved his hand, and changed the subject:

"Now is not the time to talk, you first rescue the rest of the crew on the 'Black Throne', and when I go to the military flagship to find Gwen, take advantage of the pirates' unpreparedness and immediately sail away.

"Well, before Lydia and I came to you, the guards on the 'Black Throne' had already been dealt with, but you still have to be careful when saving people, so as not to make a big noise."

In that case, even if there is the inner ghost of "Deep Sea Vice Admiral", he will not be able to release water.

"But... but the mysterious man said just now that the crew members were all deterred by the "Dragon Might" used by the demigods who came with the military, and they couldn't recover in a short time..." Tran said worriedly.

"He can't do anything, but it doesn't mean I can't do it! Don't worry, I treated the people on this ship just before I came here, and they are all right." Abner said confidently.

He was naturally very confident. After all, he was the one who "shocked" those crew members, and the heat was just right. At this time, the "influence" was almost completely dissipated.

Hearing this, and remembering Mr. Brian's past miracles, Tran also felt relieved and said gratefully, "I'm really bothering you..."

As he said that, he remembered the story that the mysterious man just mentioned that the captain was occupied by the demigod and arranged a means on him.

Abner knew what he wanted to say, so he waved his hand and said with a smile: "I will take care not to touch the means left by the demigods in Gwen's place... And, don't worry, I will 'hint' her Forget some unpleasant things, and you remember not to mention them in front of her in the future."

When he helped Gwen treat mental problems before, the other party was in a coma the whole time, and naturally he would not have any unpleasant memories.

"Mr. Brian, you are really a gentle person." Lydia and Tran said at the same time.

The three decided to make a decision, and then acted independently. Tran and Lydia did not mention it. Abner relied on the "Secret Barrier of Evans" to board the military flagship unimpeded and found Owen's cabin.

Although there are ritual guards around the cabin, how could Abner's arrangement stop him?

After entering the cabin silently, Abner found Gwen, who was on the bed, and released the "virtual personality" from her control.

Gwen quickly woke up. She was a little confused at first. After seeing who was in front of her, she subconsciously asked, "Abner, why are you here?"

Abner replied with a smile, "Lydia asked me to save you."

"Save me..." Gwen then recalled what happened before, and his face suddenly turned pale. He carefully checked his body and found that there was nothing wrong, and then he was quietly relieved.

"The demigod may come back at any time, let's get out of here first." Abner said, and from another table, he picked up a belt inlaid with ornaments and handed it to Gwen.

"Okay!" Gwen, who was a very decisive and actionable woman, responded immediately, and when she saw the "belt" handed over by Abner, she was even more surprised, "Golden Snake Sword! Wasn't taken away by that demigod!"

With the "Golden Snake Sword" in hand, she can "transform" and possess the combat power of a pirate general.

Speaking of which, Abner had studied the ability of this sword before while healing Gwen's spirit, and in general gave him a lot of inspiration.

You know, since the power of a ship equivalent to Sequence 3 can borrow its power after transformation, why can't the "Pure White Eye"?

That is, there are too many "transformations", and it may be polluted by the "Pure White Eye", and then be dominated... It is similar to the side effects of Gwen's transformation... But if the time is controlled every time, the problem is not too big. ...

And I'm actually a little familiar with the principles here... Well, the body that Duke Rhine left to Lilith actually works just as well... Did Roselle get the inspiration from here? Of course, it could also be a special drama.

While making wild guesses, Abner held Miss Gwen's hand, carefully dodged many patrolling soldiers, and returned to the "Black Throne".

At this time, Gwen's crew were also rescued by Lydia and Tran. They were very happy when they saw the captain's return, and almost cheered.

Lydia came to Gwen and hugged her, as if she wanted to comfort him, but then she moved her nose, and there was a hint of surprise and confusion in her eyes, when she saw Abu standing beside Gwen smiling When he was satisfied, he showed a sudden color, and he couldn't help but feel the care of the other party.

Gu Ying

Abner was inexplicably seen by Lydia's eyes, and after observing the simulated "mind reading" ability for a while, he shook his head in disbelief.

It turned out that this girl thought that she had helped her to remove some breath in order to cover up Gwen's "violation"...

Ignoring their careful thoughts, Abner reminded everyone that they were not out of danger, and told them to leave here quickly.


After returning to the captain's room of the Dominator, "Lieutenant Admiral Deep Sea" Hal Constantine waited for his subordinates to report the news of Tran's escape...

But who would have thought that there was no movement for a long time, and just when he was about to go to check again in doubt, he suddenly heard a sharp whistle, and then there were shouts from all directions: "The 'Black Throne' lifts its anchor. escaped!"

"Black Throne" ran away? It seems that I still underestimate the descendant of the "Moss Ascetic Order" angel! After "Lieutenant General Deep Sea" sighed with emotion, he felt that this was actually acceptable, so he was happy, his face sank, and he directed his men to start chasing.

But the anchor was late, and the speed was not as fast as that of the "Black Throne". The fleet of "Lieutenant General Deep Sea" only chased after a dozen nautical miles before losing track of the other party and had to return.

Since they were responsible for guarding the prisoners last night, and now that such a big thing has happened, "Lieutenant General Deep Sea" was naturally severely reprimanded by His Highness Owen.

It was only then that he realized that even "Ms. Longwei" was rescued last night.

"Only the demigods can destroy the arrangement of the demigods... That is to say, the elders or friends of those three people actually came last night?

"Looking at the time, the other side of my conversation with Tran may have also heard it...

"And I didn't deliberately pretend, that demigod can definitely guess my identity... Now it's up to them to see if they have any plans for revenge...

"If you want revenge, it is very possible to follow our fleet and discover the existence of the 'Deep Sea Ritual'!

"Looks like it's going to be a gamble...

"Hey, if according to my original plan, Gwen or the others on the Black Throne are still in captivity, they will definitely follow...

"Unfortunately... Owen Delion is a piece of trash!"

"Lieutenant General of the Deep Sea" Hal Constantine listened to Owen's reprimand and calculated his future plans. He was not afraid that the other party could monitor his thoughts. After all, he was the family of the sea monster, and the other party wanted to invade his thoughts. , First of all, you have to break through the will of the sea monster.

It wasn't until Owen waved him away in great disgust that he gave a blank salute and backed out, returning to his boat.

The sailors under "Lieutenant Admiral Black Sea" saw their captain returning with a pale face, and they all said indignantly: "It was obviously because those **** in the Navy went to the town to have fun, which caused the guards to be weak and let the enemy run away... In the end, all the mistakes were pushed aside. On us! What a bunch of shit!"

When Hal saw his subordinates, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and then he returned to his original state.

The pirates were speechless when they heard these words, and finally put their resentment in their hearts and dissipated them.

In the captain's room, "Deep Sea Admiral" observed the state of the crew through the window, and silently said to himself: "The deeper the backlog of resentment, the easier it will be to use it...

"Because 'there are demigods', they have to endure.

"But what if there isn't any?"

Suddenly, he suddenly woke up and realized that something was wrong, because such thoughts would never arise in him except on the full moon night before the "Deep Sea Festival".

Even if he planned, he would divide it into pieces to think It would never be strung together like this, because under the circumstances of being dominated, it would be impossible for him to complete it!

What's the situation now? He just thought of this, but he was suddenly stunned, because a strange man appeared in front of his eyes.

It was the other party's aura that blocked the sea monster's **** over him.

"If you want to get rid of control, learn the secret technique on this!" The man pushed up his glasses while speaking, and put a note and a spell full of strange patterns on the table.

After that, he disappeared.

"Lieutenant General Deep Sea" waited vigilantly for a while, then slowly picked up the note, put it down after a while, and said silently:

"Unknown land? What is that?"


At the same time, Abner, who returned to his cabin, changed back to the appearance of "Owen", pinched his chin and thought:

"When Hal gets rid of his control with this secret technique, my 'secret technique master' potion will be completely digested, right?"