Mystery: Start with the Reader

v3 Chapter 39: porter roselle

The "Perfect" card was put here by Lao Huang!

Abner stared at the words that kept appearing and disappearing on the card as if PT was playing automatically. After writing down all the recipes, he turned his attention to the pair of constantly turning gears on the other altar. superior.

"That turned out to be an item condensed by the Sequence 2 knowledge tutor's Beyonder characteristics!

"I see... This ceremony is actually set up to drive the six mechanical lions in the room just now... It's the same as the general 'Understander' pathway high-sequence Beyonders driving their mechanical bodies.

"So, that robot composed of six lions, the upper limit of its strength is probably the angel level...

"Fortunately I didn't fight it!

"Thankfully its previous two attacks were just warnings!"

Thinking of this, Abner couldn't help but feel a little scared. He wasn't worried about himself. After all, he still had the "Blessing of the God of Beauty" on his forehead. Even an angel-level attack might not kill him.

But Edwina must be unfortunate under such an attack!

Fortunately, Lao Huang was not too crazy at the time!

Of course, before I came, I not only made a prediction myself, but also asked Will the snake... If it was really that dangerous, I'm afraid I wouldn't bring Edwina.

While thinking about it, Abner did not destroy the ritual, and took out the characteristics of the card of blasphemy and the "knowledge mentor". After all, he did not dare to rashly do it before he had completely "analyzed" the structure of the ritual, lest the six A mechanical lion provokes him.

What's more, the body of his "God of Luck" is "sleeping" here, and it is estimated that he will not be able to take it away for a while. With an angel-level power guard, he can feel more at ease, right?

Edwina beside him also wrote down the contents of the card of blasphemy at the moment, and was happy that he could recognize such a treasure again, but the pirate general quickly adjusted his mood and recovered. In a calm state, he also did not have the idea of ​​appropriating cards and characteristics for himself.

After looking around for a while, she pointed to the two sides of the stairs, and thoughtfully said:

"It seems to be a bit empty here... Except for those crystals, gems and other accessories, the remains of elves generally have many highly artistic things...

"For example, on both sides of this ladder, I think there should be thick and tall pillars, which should be engraved with a series of symbols that provide the effect of majesty, grandeur, surrender,

Logos, and strange patterns with little meaning but special effects...

"That's more in line with the habit of elves...

"Of course, this is just my personal experience and opinion and is not necessarily accurate."

Abner followed Edwina's finger and found that the stairs were indeed empty, as if something should have been designed there.

He knows his character very well, and he doesn't have any conditions. If he has the conditions, he is actually a person who can enjoy it very much.

If this is really his own palace, he will definitely take care to decorate it to make it look very luxurious and magnificent.

"So...what about the original decoration here? What about the column with the mysterious effect as Edwina said?

"Isn't it all being led by Old Huang Shun?

"But what did he do with these things? Wait... Could it be that he took away the nine mausoleums that decorated him?

"By the way, the gate of the mausoleum he built in the dreamland was stolen! I also said at the time that after the demigods, go to the center of Delaire Forest in the southeastern suburbs of Backlund and check the seal 'Chaos' The status quo of the abandoned castle in Hai' is here... Well, I will go when I have time... After all, I have been busy since the demigod, and my schedule is full.

"Returning to the question just now, if Lao Huang really took all the building materials from my mausoleum to repair his mausoleum, where did he get the confidence to write that down in that dream? Don't think about it from him. Something of value was stolen from the mausoleum'?

"Should I really be a porter' Lao Huang? Not only plagiarized in science and technology, but also in artistic creation... even 'building materials...'"

"It's shameless!"

Abner complained a few words in his heart, but he didn't really care. After all, what Lao Huang left here was more valuable, and he didn't lose at all.

He just silently prayed that Lao Huang would not do things too seriously, and also demolished the so-called passage leading to the vicinity of the "Royal Court of Giants".

"Maybe the 'God of Luck' advocates thrift..." Although he was quite critical of Lao Huang's actions, Abner still helped him maintain his image in front of Edwina.

"I went to Lenburg's great library to look up some materials before I came to explore here... One of them is a notebook of Hermes that states that the 'God of Luck' likes luxury, and the beauty of creatures, objects, and even buildings', asking for They are all very high." Edwina shook her head and said thoughtfully, "I guess it is very likely that Emperor Roselle destroyed the decorations here for some unknown purpose!

"In addition, the previous rooms were also very empty, and the decorations there were probably also destroyed by Emperor Roselle."

Reasonable and well-founded...Old Huang, I tried my best, but there is a "reader" who is good at "reasoning".

While slandering, Abner nodded, agreeing with Edwina's speculation, and then half-holding her up the steps, slowly and cautiously walking up, and finally came to the "God of Luck" high-back chair .

During this process, although Edwina felt a little uncomfortable, she did not resist. After all, the ruins were dangerous, and Abner wanted to better protect her.

After approaching the "God of Luck" with the concave "Contemplative" shape, Abner, who has always opened "Pure White Eyes", could easily perceive that his physical state was almost the same as that of "Luck of the Night". Like Alvin Abraham", they are all in a kind of bear that has died, but is not completely dead, and still has a little spiritual residue.

And that residual spirit is quite harmonious with his current spirit, like a person.

Abner even had a feeling in his heart that as long as he used the secret technique that controlled "Owen" before and consumed a "miracle" again, he would be able to turn the "God of Luck" in front of him into his own clone, and there was no need for mental synchronization at all. .

But Abner still resisted the temptation. After all, the secret technique that has been perfected by many himself has not been completed, and there are still many flaws. He sacrificed the "Bone Dragon" before and tested it with "Owen". No problem, but now this is your real body, you have to be careful.

What's more, Abner roughly guessed why Evernight asked him to leave a "miracle" in the first place.

Because this "miracle" is likely to be prepared for "Alvin".

Once my secret technique is completely perfected and all existing problems are solved, Alvin can be truly "resurrected" and promoted to "Master of Miracles" across the sequence in one fell swoop.

At that time, "miracles" will no longer be rare, and more "me" will be able to become my clones... No, that's not a clone, that's me!

Once they recover, I will definitely be able to use this to obtain the corresponding memory, which is a trick to "avoid" the pollution of the "unknown land"...

Maybe this is my plan for generations? But why on earth would they do this?

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