Mystery: Start with the Reader

v3 Chapter 82: Audrey's question

It is not surprising that the "God of Knowledge and Wisdom" has arranged this in Anderson.

As early as a year ago, when Anderson sent him the invitation letter from Luca, Abner guessed that "Two or Five Dragons" might be different from the fact that he actually knew the "Iron Knight" potion formula. There is a plan, so the reward is given in advance.

It's just that Abner thought that "Two Five Dragons" was calculating Adam and planning the Sealed Artifact "0-08"... But now it seems that it is not necessarily...

After all, Klein had already told him that Anderson had offended a demigod on the island of Toscat as in the original book, and promised the other party to do something.

If the plot here does not change much, Anderson will soon be implanted by Adam with the characteristics that can attract the Angel of the "Hunter" pathway.

And although the arrangement of the "two or five dragons" in his body is exquisite, he can't even hide it from himself, how can he hide it from Adam?

Therefore, either the number of "layers" of "two or five dragons" is deeper than Adam's, and he is selling flaws; or he is not calculating Adam, and may even maintain a certain tacit understanding with the other party.

As for the object of their calculations... Abner glanced at the ritual that was "stealing" the "bad luck" of Ourorius in Anderson's body, nodded thoughtfully, and also confirmed that he was doing this time A preliminary plan for the other party to hold a "transfer" ceremony.

——There is no need for "transportation", as long as the "stealing" speed of that ritual is accelerated.

"Why do I feel like this is an exam question given to me by 'Two Five Dragons'? Has the characteristics of the Church of Knowledge finally come to me?"

When Abner complained, Anderson on the side actively asked:

"How should I cooperate with you?"

When asked, Abner did not answer him immediately. Instead, he continued to observe, took out various materials, and began to arrange a ceremony in the room. Finally, Klein used the "wrong" card and the "Worm of Time" left by Amon. "The "stealing luck" charm that was made was placed on the temporary altar.

After some operations, the spell was successfully turned into an illusory amulet, and it was integrated into Anderson's body at a very fast speed.

"The 'wrong card' is the 'reward' given to Klein by the 'God of Knowledge' after the event on the first floor of the 'Dream Labyrinth Tower'... At that time, I got the 'Worm of Time' and asked Mr. Fool for a reward. A 'stealing luck' charm is a matter of course...

"I didn't think there was anything at the time, but now this spell is just used here... It doesn't seem like a coincidence...

"In addition, was the clone of Amon at that time also deliberately 'arranged' by Adam?

"If it is...'God of Knowledge' and Adam use such a tortuous way to cover up some things, to ensure that every step will not arouse suspicion... It is self-evident who wants to cheat!"

While thinking in his heart, Abner nodded to Anderson, and immediately smiled:

"Well, your bad luck has been lifted."

"Ah?" Anderson touched the position of his chest blankly. Although he saw a spell enter it with his own eyes just now, he still felt it was too fast.

Klein naturally chose to believe Abner. After all, Liu Bo truly lives up to the name of "knowledgeable"...

Of course, he is not bad at "exploitation", which is a homonym of "knowledgeable".

Klein whispered quietly.

Abner packed up the ceremony and said with a smile:

"It's easier than me when you get bad luck... If you don't believe it, try your luck at the ship's casino."

"Makes sense!" Anderson clapped his palms, greeted Klein, and went straight to the entertainment area of ​​the liner.

After he left, Klein shook his head with a smile and said, "The 'conspirator' has great insight in subtleties. He saw that we still have something to say, so he took the initiative to leave room for us."

This sounds weird... Abner mumbled something, and then brought back his divergent thoughts and talked about what happened at Miss Justice's house yesterday... Of course, about changing the taste of "Crate of the Fallen" The matter, he brought it in a word.

As for and Yaloran and Kaohina